Thursday, November 17, 2011

Newsletter #11 (11/18/11)

Newsletter #11 (11/18/11)
Contained within...
1) Go see a concert...
2) Symphony trip recap
3) Email conference requests
4) $$ due
5) Winter at West is coming... Just Believe
6) Check out this video... (the musical turkey baster)

1) Many great concerts coming up locally
There are great concerts this weekend - please see last week's newsletter for more info. I am playing Salem Chamber Orchestra - there are vouchers (free) available for parents and students who want to attend Saturday morning's rehearsal from 10am - 12:30pm. Email me (Ms S) for more info.

2) Symphony trip recap
Thursday Nov. 16 our symphony orchestra - 71 members - went to Eugene and had a great time being coached by Univ. of Oregon professors from the School of Music and Dance. And, students had the honor of watching the Eugene Symphony dress rehearsal. It was an inspirational trip that is sure to help this year's group get off to a great start. Thank you to all who make changes in schedules and took care of homework in advance to make sure this trip was a success!

3) Email conference request
At this time of year, conference season, I spend a lot of time thinking about students' playing - watching positions and postures. We have had 10 weeks together and feel that I know how each student is progressing. If anyone would like a personalized assessment of how they are doing - technique, position, posture, musicality, etc... - I would be happy to chat with you at conferences or via email. I don't have documents pre-made, but would be happy to provide parents and students with assessments of what's working well and where improvements could be made (on posture, tone, practicing habits, etc...) - and it just for the asking. Feel free to email me at to request an email update. Any student currently not receiving an "A" in orchestra is likely missing assignments or missed a sectional rehearsal. In Touch Online is up-to date - if there are any questions about grades, feel free to see me at conferences or send me an email.

4) $$ due
Titan Orchestra goes to Portland on December 1 - students are required to pay the $25 fee by Tuesday Nov. 29. Scholarship forms are available in the classroom or via email request.

Christmas Tree money is due!

Sinfonietta's $25 fee for the December 9 trip will be due by Dec. 7.

5) Winter at West is coming... Just Believe
This year's Winter at West theme is Just Believe... inspired by our finale number, The Polar Express Suite. Chamber Orchestra will be performing 3 movements of Vivaldi's Gloria, Borodin's Nocturne, and the full symphony will play the Polar Express Suite as a finale. Tickets will be $10 presale - starting Wednesday Nov. 30. More info to come next week and when students come back after the Turkey Day break.

6) Check out this video!!
Here's something fun for you as you're prepping your Thanksgiving Day Turkey... :)

Wishing you a music-filled holiday weekend! May you hear hours (or at least minutes) of practicing from the Titan Orchestra students over the break (your practice log assignment)...


Thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom of the newsletter. This newsletter, along with all others, will be posted on our blog at - accessible off the website at too.

Musically yours,
~Ms S