Thursday, January 29, 2009

Newsletter #16

Quick newsletter for 1/29/2009

Contained within:

1) Period 7 tomorrow morning...
2) Advanced Symphony 'final' at 11:15am Friday
3) Next week starts Advanced Symphony sectionals at 6:50am
4) Save the dates... upcoming events
5) Stay tuned for Boston Trip rehearsal schedule

1) Period 7 is requested to come get their instruments at 7:25am - we've been hired to play Happy Birthday at 7:30 (5 minutes before period 7 final)... please come early if you can

2) All members of Advanced Symphony must attend rehearsal at 11:15am tomorrow (Friday) - this is the final. Missing this rehearsal will result in a lowering of the grade

3) Next week, for 4 weeks, the following sections of Advanced Symphony must participate in these sectionals:

Tuesdays 6:50 - 7:25 - Violin I
Wednesday 6:50 - 7:25 - Violin II
Thursday 6:50 - 7:25 - Viola
Friday 6:50 - 7:25 - Cellos
Basses will probably meet Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:35... TBD

All students must clear 4 weeks at this time. Please look into carpooling with a neighbor or friend in order to make it to school. If you absolutely cannot make sectionals, you may be excused on a case-by-case basis - you will have to pre-audition with me, I will need a note/phone call from a parent, and you will need to tape record your parts weekly to turn in to me the day after the sectional so I can assess progress. This is the way we can be 'note perfect' by the end of February with our symphony music.

4) Here are some upcoming dates:

Feb 6 - opening night of the musical - YAY!!
February 28 - All City concert... come hear the best of the Salem-Keizer School District band, choir, and orchestra programs.
April 18 - all day, we host the Salem-Keizer Invitational District festival... all students will be required to help and attend concerts.

5) Boston trip folks... we will have a rehearsal in the next week to start determining exactly which music we will be touring with to Boston. Then I will announce a rehearsal schedule particularly for Boston orchestra - we'll try to have fewer rehearsals, but get a lot done!!! It's only 7+ weeks away that we perform (here on March 17th, in Boston on March 21st)!

Happy end 'o first semester...
Ms. S

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Olga found this concert online...

You have to download some software to see this, but it's a 45 minute concert at this website:

Thanks Olga!
~Ms. S

Kaylee's Singing Doggy

This is Kaylee's Singing Doggy video... maybe we can have it solo with our period 6 orchestra??

What to do if you didn't see a live concert yet this semester...


There are many who have come to me saying that they haven't had time this semester to see a live concert. If you are one of those people, here are a few options (option 1 and 2 are online reviews):

1) Review one of the digital concert hall concerts from the Berlin Philharmonic. Here's what I posted about this online opportunity in a message on the blog a few weeks ago:

The Berlin Philharmonic, arguably the best orchestra in the world, has launched an incredible new project where you can watch a digital performance online. The viewings cost - under $10 each concert - but if you have a great internet connection and are interested in watching the future of classical music, check out this website. You must register in order to find out more about the concerts, ticket prices, etc... but it's interesting information and you just might find yourself wanting a season pass for the family:

2) PODCAST! Got an iPod or iTunes on your computer? I google searched "symphony orchestra podcast" and found a ton of symphonies that podcast their concerts. Review one of these podcasts - just make sure that in your review you give me a good link so I can go check your resource.

3) Last resort - review 2 CD's or DVD's (I still have some to loan out as the ones I loaned out a week ago are coming back) and write me an impassioned plea saying that you'll do 2 live reviews 2nd semester (not tough - since the Salem-Keizer Invitational orchestra festival is happening at West on April 18, you'll have plenty of opportunity to watch groups). But I'm going to hold you to that promise or you won't receive full credit next semester.
Reviews are due end of the school day Tuesday - turned in after that will result in 2 points less per day they're late (10 points total per review if turned in by Tuesday). At this point, In Touch Online is updated (except Brody Hilke - I got your reviews after I worked on my grading), so check there to see if I've received your review.

Have a great weekend!~Daryl S.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Newsletter 15

Newsletter for January 22, 2009

Contained within:

1) Links to the right for recorded music from Winter concert
2) Finals - projects and grades
3) Reviews are DUE Tuesday Jan. 27
4) Advanced Symphony "FINAL" reminder
5) Boston payments - due tomorrow - Friday Jan. 23
6) Fruit pickup Friday Jan. 23
7) Exciting news
8) Waltz Night wrap up
9) No Advanced Symphony rehearsal Tuesday Jan. 27
10) Congrats to All City students

1) To the right you'll find links to most of the substantial music we were to perform in December. The recording quality is not perfection, and I did not edit the recordings - a few of the pieces really should have been recorded a few more times to get the 'best' take, but I feel that these recordings are representative of where we were the first week of January after a 3 week break. Advanced Symphony pieces will be up soon - check back. I will most likely take these links off after I'm sure that everyone's heard them.

2) Finals are approaching. Here's a quick run down of what the 'final project' grade entails:

Period 1/2: We've been doing a big 'sight reading' unit. Students will be asked to reflect both on the pieces we played and on their experience sight reading. The grade will be assessed by a combination of participation, effort, and attitude, and completing the reflection assignment in class on Wed Jan. 28. On Thursday Jan. 29 we have a guest coming in to lecture on music history.

Period 6: We've been working individually or in small groups for the past 2 weeks. Students will perform for each other on the final period and will assess each other's playing. Grade is a combination of self assessment, participation, performance, attitude, and effort.

Period 7: We've doing working in 8-15 member ensembles. Each ensemble will perform for the class on during the final period. Grade is a combination of self assessment, group assessment, participation, performance, attitude, and effort.

3) Reviews are due Tuesday January 27 by the end of the day. One review must be live (unless other arrangements have been made) and the other may be of a DVD or CD recording. This is a large percentage of the final grade, so please contact me if there are any issues.

4) Advanced Symphony has an official final - it's at 11:30am on Friday the 30th. Attendance is manditory (Pippin pit students will be excused early). It will be a 90 minute 'final' (actually, we're rehearsing... )

5) Those going on the Boston trip - payment is due tomorrow, Jan. 23 (this date was published back in September). By this time, all students should have checked in with me to confirm balance and room arrangement. HUGE thanks to Missy Page and crew for all the tallying of the fundraisers - you are amazing!! Yay!!!

6) Fruit needs to be picked up on Friday - Mrs. Wittman has sent many emails about pickup - she needs parent volunteers to staff pick up times. Thanks to her and Glenys Loewen-Thomas for all their hard work! This was a VERY successful fundraiser.

7) The A wing and auditorium manager asked Education Foundation for, and received, a grant to permanently install microphones from the ceiling in the auditorium and to spiff up our recording equipment. Also, the speakers in the auditorium will be re-hung and fixed. We'll also receive an MP3 recorder for classroom recording purposes. This is big news and will greatly help us with our recording equipment in the A wing! Thanks to Marianne Stipe and the Education Foundation for making this happen!!!

8) Waltz Night was a blast! Great work by all the performers and guest performers. Fantastic organization and work effort by our dedicated parents - special thanks to Kelly Culver! We made over $1000 for the Boston students!!

9) No Advanced Symphony rehearsal on next Tuesday afternoon - see you at the 'final'.

10) Congrats to Lauren Culver, Skyler Young, Aida Behmard, and Paul Zukowski for being accepted into All City. Congrats too to those who auditioned but didn't make it this year - you all worked so very hard and I'm so glad that you've represented West so well!

Sorry for the long catch up message.
~Daryl S.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Edgar Meyer Tuesday evening

The Edgar Meyer concert with the OR Symphony is on Tuesday evening, Jan. 20 at Smith Hall at Willamette at 8pm. There is a 'meet and great' at 7pm - come get a CD signed or simply shake hands with one of the worlds premiere bass players. I'll give students the class room info for the meet and greet on Tuesday during class.

If you've reserved a ticket (there are 37 students who have reserved a ticket and 16 adults) please bring cash or a check (made out to Music Boosters) to school on Tuesday, at the concert (to give to Ms. Silberman) or at school on Wednesday if you forget on Tuesday (you may still attend the concert - we're writing one check to the OR symphony for the tickets - you may 'owe' us).

If you reserved a ticket and can't go, please try to find a replacement or else you're responsible for the ticket price.

If you didn't reserve a ticket and want to go, there should still be tickets available at the door - come to the meet and great and then go to the ticket office before 8pm, show your student ID, pay $5 ($10 for parents with their child) and you should be good to go.

If you are in Advanced Symphony, we'll be done by 6:15 - there should be enough time to go home, eat quick, get changed and come to Willamette for the meet and greet.

If you want more info about Edgar Meyer:
See you there!
~Ms. S

Monday, January 12, 2009

Check out this blog as you watch inauguration festivities

A good friend of mine, Jay Heltzer (married to a violist!!) is a trombone player in the US Air Force band in D.C. that's playing at the inauguration. He's started a blog so people can see what all the festivities are like from the musician's perspective... enjoy:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Newsletter #14

Newsletter for Jan. 8, 2009

Contained within this newsletter:

1) WALTZ NIGHT TOMORROW! We still need volunteers...
2) Video/audio performance is coming your way soon
3) Revised due date for Reviews
4) Berlin Philharmonic - new 'online digital concerts' have begun
5) Edgar Meyer Jan. 20
6) Thanks to OSU Federal for a grant

1) Waltz Night - "A Night in Vienna: The Black and White Waltz Night Orchestra Fundraiser" is tomorrow night, Friday Jan. 9, from 7-10pm in the commons. Ticket price includes 1 hour waltz lesson, taught by a professional dance instructor from the Ballroom Company in Portland, 2 hours of live waltz music (8-10pm), refreshments, and an opportunity to bid on artist violins and gift baskets.

WE STILL NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS - 2 hour time slot buys you a free admission ticket: 3-5pm, 5-7pm, 7-9pm, or 9-11pm. PLEASE, contact Kelly Culver at to sign up.

2) Instead of doing a live performance, we've begun recording (audio and video) our substantial works we had ready for the December concert. In the next week or two look for a link to our video blog to view the results of all the hard work the students did these past few months.

3) The revised due date for reviews is January 27. This give everyone plenty of time to go see a live concert, review a live online concert (podcast or video... ) and do a second CD or DVD review. Check any of the big symphonies for live podcasts (I know Chicago Symphony Orchestra does them, and I'm guessing with a little snooping, students can find plenty other concerts online as a podcast - the concert must be at least 45 minutes long).

4) The Berlin Philharmonic, arguably the best orchestra in the world, has launched an incredible new project where you can watch a digital performance online. The viewings cost - under $10 each concert - but if you have a great internet connection and are interested in watching the future of classical music, check out this website. You must register in order to find out more about the concerts, ticket prices, etc... but it's interesting information and you just might find yourself wanting a season pass for the family:

5) Bass player Edgar Meyer - - is coming to Salem (wow!) to Smith Hall at Willamette, January 20 with the Oregon Symphony, 8pm. Reserve your tickets with me now if you're interested in going: $5 for students, $10 for parents - - this will be an awesome concert!

6) OSU Federal gave a grant to the Experience Music class - the class Ms. Silberman teaches for the DLC students - to help us buy more instruments for the students to play. Big thanks to there generosity and for their willingness to support music for our special students!

I look forward to seeing you all at Waltz Night... and a 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3...
~Ms. S

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Info for the first week of '09...

Hi all,

I hope you all had a healthy, happy and musical holiday season. There may be an update after this is posted, but here's some info to get us going for this week:

1) Explanation of what we're doing about the missed concert
2) Schedule for the week of Jan. 5
3) Waltz night info - Boston trip student parents may volunteer in exchange for ticket
4) Boston Heritage Festival registration form reminder
5) December performance assignment - PDR will be done in class Monday or Tuesday
6) Review reminder

1) Well, weather canceled our concert, and seeing as how we have All City auditions and a waltz night fundraiser to put on this Friday, and knowing that a lot of the material was winter holiday-based, we've decided to not perform this concert live. Over the next 2 weeks we will video record all the non-holiday material (Period 1 will perform Winter, Period 6 will perform English Fugue, Periods 1 and 7 will perform Messiah) and the performance video will be posted on the blog for all to see. I know that students will have a lot of make up homework and games, so I figured that one less evening performance would be welcomed.

2) Here's the schedule for Jan. 5
Monday - 2:30 - 3:15pm Waltz rehearsal
Tuesday - 2:30 - 4pm All City students (mandatory), 4:30 - 6:15pm Adv. Symph
Wednesday - 3:30 - 5:15pm Waltz rehearsal **CHANGED TIME**
Thursday - All City auditions (at South)
Friday - 2:30 - 4pm Waltz rehearsal, 6:30pm call for Waltz night

3) "A Night In Vienna" Boston Trip Orchestra Waltz night fundraiser is happening this Friday, January 9 from 7-10pm. Those not playing are welcome to purchase a ticket from those who are playing (all students going to Boston are playing Waltz night). Ticket prices and all the info about the evening is posted on our website:

Parents of those going to Boston - we have 16 slots open for volunteers - volunteer to work Waltz night for 2 hours and you won't have to pay admission for Waltz night. Here are the slots:

3-5pm Decoration and sound preparation
5-7pm Decoration and refreshment preparation
7-9pm Waltz night help (door, prizes, and refreshments)
9-11pm Waltz night help and cleanup

Please email Kelly Culver to sign up for a time slot... thanks!!

4) All those going to Boston (kids and chaperones), please bring the Heritage Festival registration form (given to you on Nov. 11) to school Monday morning. If you need the form again, pick it up on Monday and bring it no later than Tuesday. Thanks!

5) All students must have completed the December performance assignment (if you didn't, get the instrument out tonight and play for the dog...). You will complete the PDR in your composition book at school early this week in order to get credit. For more info on the assignment and a PDR, look back in the December blogs to find the info.

6) 2 reviews are due January 16. One must be of a live concert. If you need the extension over the January 16th weekend because you will be attending a live concert, you may turn in your other review and turn in the live review on the 20th. At this point, if you haven't seen a live concert and can't make a live performance in the next 3 weekends, you can review an online live concert (hard to find, but we'll find them). Your second review may be of a video or CD - the CD must include a bowed stringed instrument for 45 minutes (classical CD, contemporary group with strings, etc...). I have DVD videos to loan. Here are some concerts coming up in the next few weeks:

Vilnius String Quartet with Andrius Zlabys, piano, Tuesday, January 20, 2009 in Covallis - more info:

Edgar Meyer with Oregon Symphony - in Portland or in Salem - Jan. 16, 17, 19 - more info: or

All State Orchestra, Band and Choir concert - Jan. 18, 1pm, Eugene - more info, ask Ms. Silberman

Period 6 students and those not going to Boston may review the Waltz Night concert.

Happy New Year!
~Ms. S -