Wednesday, September 16, 2009


From an email 9/15/09:

Hi all,

Quickly, just wanted remind you that all Sinfonietta students need to bring a 1" to keep at school - if you're the type that like page protectors for you music (preferred) please bring a bunch of those too. You need to have 2 separators in the binder (for music and practice logs). If you need assistance obtaining these materials (free/reduced lunch or other need) please contact me at school and I'll see what I can work out.

Also, there are about 22 of you for whom I'm picking up copies of Essential Elements Intermediate (the green book) at Weathers - the cost is $5.50 each - checks can be made out to WHSH... cash needs to be exact or $6 (I have quarters). Those books will be in Thursday afternoon - if you'd like to have your book (you know who you are if you ordered one) over the weekend (a great idea for practicing) come by the orchestra room on Friday.

*Sinfonietta sectional rehearsal WEDNESDAY afternoon 2:40 - 3:30 - (C Scale, Syncopated Clock, Serenade CakeWalk)

REMINDER - Monday parent meeting 7pm - West auditorium... see you then!
~Ms. S