Sunday, September 13, 2009

Music Day Thank Yous... and more

(emailed 9/13/09)
MUSIC DAY Thank yous:

Students who walked
- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for trudging through 90 degree heat, wearing black no less, and interacting with everything from the strange to the sublime in our community... I loved the stories I heard from you - of people driving around to find you to donate, to funny people not understanding what you were there for. Keep the stories coming - especially the funny ones! I left West mid-day and saw the Music Day folks for South and Sprague canvassing their communities too - we're so fortunate to live in a city where music is strongly supported! IF YOU DIDN'T REGISTER YOUR DRESS OR TUX AND YOU TOOK IT HOME, MAKE SURE YOU BRING THE INFORMATION ABOUT WHICH ONE YOU HAVE TO SCHOOL WITH YOU ON MONDAY - thanks.

Students who worked the room - yay! The room will work so much better now! Thank you for doing the inventory and organizing the music/composition book area... and, thanks too for helping me figure out how to set standards for practice today.

Parents who drove and helped (Lowen, Culver, Svadlenak, Hanson, Nokes, Tatman, Chong, McCauley, Wells) - Amazing! We couldn't have done this without you!! Thank you for hours of your work and for protecting our orchestra members - and for keeping our kids air conditioned when they weren't walking!!

Chamber Orchestra Students - What fun! The mini-retreat was not only yummy, but really enjoyable! Thanks for being so neat!!!

Kiara and Wendy Bruton - your place is amazing! Thank you for hosting our retreat!!

To students who weren't able to join us - we look forward to your hours of volunteer service... you missed some great times and funny stories... try to touch base with your friends to find out how it all went.

ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS (Portland or Greater OR) ARE AVAILABLE - students may check them out during class. Books are $20. Students will receive $7 to $9 per book into their student account - that money can be used for going on trips (big trip planned for 2011).

Monday Sept. 21 - 7pm - "Mandatory" PARENT INFORMATION MEETING followed by College Information Night
Friday - Sunday Oct. 23 - 25 - Chamber Orchestra student retreat (we need parent chaperones...interestes? More info at Parent Night)
Tuesday Oct. 27 - 7pm - Fall Concert