Thursday, March 14, 2013

Circle of 5ths help

Here's some advice on figuring out the circle of 5ths:

The last sharp listed on the staff is the 7th note of the scale - so the key is a half step higher than that sharp.
2 sharps - last sharp listed is C# so the key is D Major
3 sharps - last sharp listed is G# so the key is A Major

You just have to remember that 1 flat IS F Major
Then, after that, the 2nd to last flat listed on the staff IS the key signature
2 flats - 2nd to last flat is Bb so the key is Bb Major
4 flats - 2nd to last flat is Ab so the key is Ab Major

Relative minors
The 6th note of any Major key starts the relative minor key.
Example - in C Major, A is the 6th note so a minor is the relative to C Major

Another way to work that through, the relative minor key is a minor 3rd down from the Major key (same as going up a 6th).

Here are some websites that can test your key signature knowledge:

Key Signature background and info: