Thursday, November 15, 2012

Newsletter #10 (11.15.12)

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Titan Orchestra Newsletter #10 (11.15.12)

Contained within...
1) Adopt a Soldier
2) Pie Pickup (Friday 5-6pm)
3) All State, All NW acceptance!
 Auction - this Saturday
5) Go see a concert!
6) Conferences
7) Need a few more sweatshirt orders
8) Check out this video... (Stravinsky Concerto in D

1) Adopt a Soldier
Orchestra has "adopted" a soldier in Mr. Miller's 115 MPAD, serving in Afghanistan. Students know about this project. Any student wishing to bring something to be included in the package should do so tomorrow or Monday. Thanks.

2) Pie Pickup (Friday 5-6pm)
If you ordered pie or fruit, please plan on picking up your order between 5 and 6pm tomorrow, Friday, in the A wing (either band or orchestra room). If you cannot pick up your order, you must contact the parent organizer to let her know: Melissa Canfield -

3) All State, All NW acceptance!
Congrats to the following students for being accepted into All State Orchestra: Hayley, Cassidy, Seohyun, Hendrik, and Anny! Congrats to Sinensis for being accepted into All Northwest Orchestra - on viola!!

4) Auction - this Saturday
Titan Auction is this Saturday. Huge thank you to all the families who are planning on attending and to those who contributed! Still want to attend or donate? Please contact Geoff at

5) Go see a concert!
This is a great time to see a concert. Here are some local concerts you can see:
Salem Chamber Orchestra on Saturday morning (you were sent vouchers to see the dress rehearsal for free) or on Sunday afternoon.
Salem Philharmonia - - concert Saturday night.
Grease, at West, has an upright bass player playing (Whitney) - that counts as a live review!
Dec 8 is Salem Pops (that concert should be really fun!). And, there's much more coming these next few weeks!

6) All State, All NW acceptance!
Parents - I'll be available at conferences. If anyone would like up-to-date info on the musical progress of their student, I would love to chat with you. Also, if you haven't seen the website or have any questions, this is a great time to touch base. But, I realize, too, that you may have academic teachers you need to talk with. If you miss me and would still like a phone call or in person conference, I would be more than happy to connect with you. This year is going really well for the orchestras - students, on the whole, are being productive and playing really well.

7) Need a few more sweatshirt orders
Unfortunately, we don't yet have enough sweatshirt orders for the company to do a run... we just need 5 more orders in order to make the run. Interested in a Titan Orchestra Sweatshirt? Please email me your size and send $ in ASAP. They are $24 each - sizing from Youth Large through Adult 2XL.

8) Check out this video... (Stravinsky Concerto in D) 
The Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing this piece on Saturday and Sunday - it's very difficult... a lot of fun to play! Give it a listen and see if you like it...

Thanks for reading the newsletter all the way to the end - now you're informed and up-to-date!!! Please don't forget to check the website for more information.
~Ms S (Daryl Silberman)