Thursday, October 21, 2010

Newsletter #6 - emailed 10/21/10

***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is ongoing - deadline 10/28
New Christmas Tree fundraise is ongoing - deadline 10/28
Fri 10/22 Chicago 1st payment and scholarship app deadline

Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm concert
Wed 11/3 - PYP preview concert in Portland, 7:30pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Sat/Sun 11/20, 21 - Salem Chamber Orchestra - great review concert

Contained within:

1) Concert this next Tuesday!!!! Details...
2) Huge thank you for the St Olaf's potluck and concert!
3) Portland Youth Philharmonic free preview concert
4) Holiday Sale at Sharmusic - great deals...
5) Chicago ... deadlines...
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule - Nov 2 change

1) Concert this next Tuesday!!!! Details...
Tuesday is our Fall Concert! Concert is at 7pm, doors open to the audience at 6:45pm. This concert features 3 of our seniors (Bronte, Lauren, and Holly) playing concertos with Chamber Orchestra, special guest artists Danny Seidenberg, Noah Seitz, and yours truly also playing concertos with Chamber. All members of the Titan Orchestras will play on this concert. Yes, you may video or audio tape, just be mindful of where you record so that you're not disturbing anyone around you. Please leave the littlest family members (infants/toddlers under 3?) at home - our goal is to present this concert to a welcoming, listening audience. If you need assistance with a referral for a babysitter, please let me know - our Titan Tots class at West has trained babysitters who are available at reduced rates.

Concert Dress - remember that all students will be wearing school outfits - please make sure that pants and dresses are hemmed! BLACK socks (or pantyhose) are required. Black dress shoes - no or very little heel. Closed toe shoes, ladies. Hair out of the eyes! (We have bobby pins to help those who don't comply with this reg).

Concert Call:
Chamber - 5:45 on stage
Sinfonietta - 6:15 on stage
Titan Strings - 6:30 on stage
6:45 - doors open to the audience.

Titan Strings need to help clean up at the end - shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. Thank you!

2) Huge thank you for the St Olaf's potluck and concert!
Thank you parents and students in Titan Strings and Sinfonietta for all your help with the St. Olaf's event. The potluck was a fundraiser for Orchestra Boosters - we made enough money to fund 12 hours of coaching across the orchestras. Melissa Canfield, Debbie Benavidez, Karen Tatman, Veronica Aguilar, and Anne Kirkpatrick organized an amazing potluck for the 100+ Minnesotans who visited us this past Monday. The concert they put on was amazing! Our very own seniors Lauren C., Aida B., and CJ T. played the first movement of Mahler's 1st symphony with them - it was beautiful!

3) Portland Youth Philharmonic free preview concert... senior Holly K. plays with this group:

Portland Youth Philharmonic Presents Free Concert
with Guest Soloist Jun Iwasaki
On November 3, 2010 the Portland Youth Philharmonic, led by Conductor and Music Director David Hattner, will present a free concert at 7:30 p.m. in George Fox University’s Bauman Auditorium inNewberg, OR.
The program for the concert includes: Ives’ Variations on America; Bernstein’s Serenade with,Jun Iwasaki, violin; Hanson’s Fanfare followed by Hanson’s Third Symphony. Mr. Iwasaki is the concertmaster with the Oregon Symphony. He has coached PYP for a number of years and the orchestra is thrilled to have the opportunity to perform with him for the public.
The event is free and open to the public. No tickets required. For more information, call 503-223-5939. It is a free preview of PYP’s Fall Concert to be held in the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall onNovember 6, 2010 at 7:30 pm.

4) Holiday Sale at Sharmusic - great deals...
Shar Music - online music vendor - is a great resource - they have excellent prices and all the accessories, music, and instruments you would want or need. They have just emailed me their Holiday Sale announcement. If you need an idea of the perfect gift for a string student, let me know. Colored bow, better bow, new case, great rosin, fun music, metronome or tuner, or even a new instrument are just a few ideas. Take a look online:

Shar Music Holiday Announcement

And, here's a link to the actual flyer to be viewed online:

Shar Music Holiday Flyer

If you have any questions about what you see at Shar, please ask me. Also, to be fair, I want to mention that a lot of what you can purchase at Shar you can also purchase for a similar price at Weathers, if you wish to 'stay local'. I'm hoping to get the Weathers Holiday Flyer out to you in November.

5) Chicago ... deadlines...
Friday October 22 is the deadline for both the 1st full payment and the scholarship application. You have received emails with detailed information - if you need the info again, please look through emails or contact Ms. S. If we have not received either your full payment to date and/or scholarship application, please be expecting a phone call or email within the next few days. We have already made payments to the Heritage Festival. The deadline for withdrawing from the trip with full reimbursement is Oct. 31.

Also, just a reminder that the fabulous Christmas Tree, Wreath, and Poinsettia fundraiser (open to all students - Chicago or not) comes to a close Oct. 28. Money and order forms must be turned in by or on the 28th - if students bring money later than the 28th, they'll be asked to return the money.

6) Waltz rehearsal schedule:
Thursday Oct 21 - All Waltzers 5 - 6:30pm
Thursday Oct 28 - All Waltzers/Chicagoers 4 - 6:30pm (we will work Chicago rep from 4 - 5, Waltz from 5 - 6:30)
Tuesday Nov 2 - All Watlzers dress rehearsal 2:40 - 4 or 4:30 *THIS IS A CHANGE!!!!*
Waltz Night Nov 6 - Call time is 4pm

Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.