Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Newsletter #10 and an update on tickets for Sat

Orchestra Newsletter for 11/05/08

In this newsletter:

1) Discount tickets for Saturday night's Pops concert - respond by Friday!
2) Information about the auction from Kelly Culver
3) NOV 11 reminder (Boston trip students)
4) Schedule next week

1) More info about the Salem Pops concert: All the free tickets went fast. The Pops box office is offering West students and parents a special discount - if you respond to me by Friday around 2pm I can reserve you student tickets for $5 (apparently, there *isn't* student pricing available at the door after all) and parents are only $7.50 each - kids under 12 are still free. Please respond to this email and let me know how many tickets you want, student/adult, and bring a check made out to Music Boosters to school by Friday (or Monday is ok... as long as you realize that you're responsible for paying). Your tickets will then be waiting for you at Will Call on Saturday night.

2) From Kelly Culver:

The Titan Auction is November 22, and there are 3 tickets still available at one of the Orchestra tables. Please join other Orchestra parents at this fun event. The cost per ticket is $30, which includes a very nice dinner. For a ticket, please contact Mark or Denise Lowen at

There are lots of great silent and oral auction items being donated, with some of our own noted below. We want to thank the Orchestra parents who have donated these terrific items.

- Florida Beach House (1-week stay, 4Bd, 3.5Ba, right on beach, private pool, and more; west Florida near panhandle); donated by Wendy Nielsen
- Titan Quilt (black and dark green, with subtle musical imagery and Titan logos and stitching), donated by Elizebeth and Max Harmon
- Studio Condo near Sunriver (3-night stay, studio w/ kid beds in loft, kitchen, seasonal pool), donated by Cynthia Byrnes and Jack Svadlenak
- Hand-painted Violin decorated by West art teacher Lucy Hewitt, donated by Orchestra Boosters
- 2 Hours of Music (3-4 students) for an event, donated by Advanced Orchestra Students

This is a great opportunity to get some holiday shopping done, support school groups, get a tax deduction, and have a nice evening out with lots of other Titan parents!

3) Reminder that Nov. 11 is the Boston Trip intensive - 10:30 - 3pm. Bring a drink, and $3 for pizza (or you can bring your own lunch if you don't want pizza).

4) Schedule next week...
Monday (Odd Day) - ***All Cellos in all orchestras 3:00 - 4:00***
No School Tuesday (Bostron Trip folks 10:30am - 3pm)
Wednesday (Even Day) - nothing after school
Thursday (Odd Day) - string ensemble
Friday (Even Day) - Advanced Symphony

Hope to see you Saturday...
~Daryl S.