Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dallas Brass coming to Salem - Oct. 16!!!

From Larry Garrett, the director at South:

The North Salem Band Program is excited to announce that the Dallas Brass will be in concert in Salem on the evening of October 16, 2008 at 7:00 PM in the North Salem High School Auditorium.

Tickets are $10.00 and are on sale now from any North Salem Area Band Student or Director. For every 5 tickets sold, there is an offer of 1 free ticket. Please contact Ms. Silberman if you are interested in tickets!!!

If you have heard the Dallas Brass in Concert recently than you know from personal experience what a tremendous opportunity this is for your students. If you have not heard them, then know that a concert with the Dallas Brass is hugely entertaining, filled with virtuosity and musicianship, and very inspirational to all music students.

Check out their web site

and the section for parents