Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Quickie Newsletter 12.18.07

Happy Holidays to the Titan Orchestras

1) Concert DVD
2) Concert photos
3) Omission
4) All City
5) Thank you to Ron Kilde
6) January preview

1) Reminder, that if anyone would like a DVD data file copy of the concert (it plays on Quicktime) please let Ms. Silberman know.

2) Go to www.encorephotography.com starting December 18th to preview the photos Fred Molesworth took of the groups at the concert. This is the first time in awhile (maybe ever?) that Encore has made West Orchestra photos available for purchase, so please consider supporting his efforts. An order form is attached to this e-mail.

3) And, there was one more omission that was brought to our attention - Natalie Yonkman should have been listed as a cellist in our Advanced Symphony roster.

4) Any All City auditioners who would like a bit of free coaching by Ms. Silberman over the holidays is welcome to contact her:
H: 503-991-5813
C: 818-317-8218

5) All orchestra students were welcome to come this past Friday to Period 6 to hear a wonderful performance by our very own Carsten Kilde's grandfather Ron Kilde. Students were entertained with fantastic stories and beautiful performances of classic tunes including a medley from Fiddler on the Roof, Lara's Theme, Silent Night, Ashokan Farewell, and more. Anyone interested in a CD of Mr. Kilde's trio (jazz violin,trumpet, and guitar) for $15 can contact Ms. Silberman. You can see Mr. Kilde perform each Saturday from 11am - 1pm at the Cascade Bakery in town.

6) Once school resumes in January, Ms. Silberman intends on having all students participate in chamber music - students will have the opportunity to play duos, trios, or quartets with colleagues. The groups will perform for each other at the end of the month - it will be video taped so that copies can be distributed to those interested.Wishing you warmth, music, health, and happiness over the winterbreak.

~Ms. Silberman