Monday, December 22, 2008
YouTube symphony...
Then, check out to view and download the parts...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Zoo Lights Trip Video
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Want to hear some holiday music because you missed hearing holiday music at our concert?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happy Bday Beethoven! Dec. 16
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Ludwig,
Happy Birthday to you... and many more (he's 238 today)..."
Monday, December 15, 2008
Concert Tuesday canceled
Well, no school Tuesday - no concert. We'll look at having a concert the second week of January or sometime before finals week.
Hey, if you're bored, why not look up some classical and/or fun orchestra string stuff on youtube. Here are a few leads:
Sir Colin Davis discusses Handel's Messiah:
A crazy, funky friend of mine playing some cool violin: Lili Haydn:
David Garrett - this very cool guy playing the world's fastest version of the Flight of the BumbleBee:
Yo Yo Ma and the Honkers and Big Bird from Sesame Street:
And, Telly and Itzhak Perlman:
Alasdair Fraiser (Irish fiddle) and Natalie Haas (cello) playing a lovely reel:
Me playing with my bandmates in LA at a neat little club (the name of our band is Naked to the World):
Happy snow days!
~Daryl S.
No Advanced Symphony on band concert... CANCELED
Hope you're having a good sled/snow day! At this point, the band concert that Advanced Symphony was to play on (Monday night) has been canceled. If there's school tomorrow, and if we have our orchestra concert, we might have Symphony play on that concert... but stay tuned to email for an official announcement!
If you're cold and/or bored, remember that practicing is a wonderful way of doing something useful that's not academic homework... :)If you want/need some music, look around for some free music - try or where you download a scorch music reader to find free music.
More later...~Ms. S
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Boston Tour update
Hi all,
We have great news!We have been working very hard to be conscientious and frugal with the tripcosts for our upcoming trip to Boston.The hard work is paying off. With a few changes we are now able to quotethe trip cost at $900.00 YES WE SAID NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS! A savings of$175.00. Due to some changes in the size of the group and other cost cuttingmeasures we have been able to maximize our trip and reduce costs.These are the changes:
- Attendance for the trip MUST be no lower than 43, including both students and chaperones. Presently there are 53 signed up. The price reduction is based on 43 attending and WILL increase if the total attending is less than 43.
- Trip participants will now be responsible for all their meals on Friday, and Sunday Breakfast and lunch. This gives the traveler more flexibility in controlling meal costs (ie: fast food, sandwiches etc.).The remaining itinerary and other arrangements have not changed.I hope you find this news as encouraging as we do.
So with that in mind we have two deadlines to remember.
DEADLINE #1 IS NEXT FRIDAY - DECEMBER 19TH. THIS IS FINAL ATTENDANCECOMMITMENT DAY. If you are undecided its now time to make that decision.On Nov. 11 each student received a Heritage Festival ParticipationApplication form. This form must be completed, signed by the student andparent and then returned to Ms Silberman by the end of the school day on the19th.
DEADLINE #2 IS FINAL PAYMENT DAY. ALL FUNDS MUST BE IN THE METAL LOCK BOXIN THE ORCHESTRA ROOM BY THE END OF THE SCHOOL DAY ON JANUARY 23, 2009.Once we have our final attendance list put together we will have additionalinformation and paperwork to complete.
If you have any questions feel freeto contact Mark or Denise Lowen at
or 503-399-1912.
Have a great Christmas and Holiday Season!
Mark and Denise Lowen,Co-Chairmen
The Boston Trip Committee:
Kelly Culver
Cindy Culpovich
Sue Love
Pam Wittman
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Newsletter #13
1) Waltz Night Fundraiser info (Jan 9, 2009)
2) Winter Concert (Dec. 16) raffle items wanted
3) BABYSITTING IS AVAILABLE for the concert - reserve now!
4) Orchestra Wish List
5) Poinsettia and Wreath Pick Up schedule - this Fri/Sat!!!
6) Electric String Quartet and December Performance Assignment on Blog
7) Dec. 12 Zoo Lights trip - deadline in Monday!!!
8) Concerts coming up to review
9) The schedule this week and next
1) "A NIGHT IN VIENNA" - The Black and White Orchestra Waltz Night Fundraiser is January 9, 2009, 7 - 10pm in the Commons at West. Tickets will be available this next week from Ms. Silberman or from any member of the Waltz Orchestra (those going on the Boston tour in March, 2009). Ticket prices are as follows: Students - $8 for 1, $15 for 2 and Adults/Seniors - $12 for 1, $20 for 2. Ticket price includes a 45 minute waltz lesson at 7pm and 2 hours of live waltz music, refreshments, and an opportunity to bid on silent auction items (including beautifully decorated art violins). All proceeds go to benefit the students going on the Boston trip.
2) At our Winter Concert - Tuesday evening, 7pm, December 16 - we will be having a $1 ticket raffle. Thanks to a generous donation from the Gates and Culpovich families, beautiful gift baskets and an organizing gift certificate have been donated. Anyone wishing to donate items can bring them to Ms. Silberman all the way up to an hour before the concert. Starting at 6:30pm on the evening of the concert, raffle tickets will be available for $1 each. More tickets = More chances to win!!
3) At our Winter Concert - Tuesday evening, 7pm, December 16 - babysitting is made available to us in the Commons thanks to West teacher Tara Vaughn and her Titan Tots high school students. BABYSITTING IS FREE and available to those under the age of 6. It is available from 6:45 - concert end. Children can stay in babysitting for the whole concert or only when they are to wriggly to stay in the auditorium. PLEASE EMAIL MS. SILBERMAN IF YOU WISH TO RESERVE A SPOT FOR YOUR CHILD/REN - !!!
4) Dear Santa - this year, the orchestra has been very very good. We wish for pencils (from Dollar Tree or Walmart would be perfectly acceptable - sharpened or not), reams of paper, and any donations (we are a non-profit after all) of any amount. Thank you for your consideration... Sincerely, the 87 students + 1 teach + the parents in the Orchestra Music Boosters organization.
5) They're here (well, almost anyway)!!!! Wreaths and Poinsettias can be picked up this Friday and Saturday (THANK YOU to the Parents of Band, Choir and Orchestra who are helping organize this fundraiser!!!). Here's the schedule:
Wreath & Poinsettia Pick Up this Friday and Saturday! Come Friday from 8-9pm or Saturday 9-11am to pick up your order
**WE Need volunteers at the "A" wing entrance to help:
Sort and organize orders - Friday, 5pm to 8pm
Oversee order pick up - Friday, 8pm to 9pm
Oversee order pick up - Saturday, 8:45am to 11:15am
Please contact Kelly Culver at to volunteer your time - thanks!
6) If you scroll down this blog to the last 3 entries in November, you'll see a link to a contest to win us an electric string quartet - would be so cool! All you need to do is get on Shar Music's email list - you can opt to only get monthly emails. Click here to see November's blog entries:
Also, all students in the Titan Orchestra have a December Performance Assignment - info about that assignment is on the November blog entries.
7) THE DEADLINE FOR MONEY AND PERMISSION SLIPS FOR PERIOD 6 ZOO LIGHT TRIP DEC. 12 IS THIS COMING MONDAY!!! You need to have your permission slip in, and your money - or have made arrangements with Ms. Silberman - in order to go. WE STILL NEED AT LEAST ONE ADULT CHAPERONE TO COME WITH US... anyone interested in taking the day off work to come have some fun? Need/want more info? Email Ms. S -
8) Some concerts coming up:
"Music of the Czar"
Yvonne Hsueh, violin soloist with the Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra
Robin Devour, John Dodge, & John Monks, conductors
Music by:
Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Prokofieff, Cui, Kalinnikow, Gliere, Moussorgsky
Friday, December 5, 2008 7pm Yachats Commons, Yachats
Sunday, December 7, 2008 Florence Events Center, Florence
"Yuletide With The Pops" - Salem Pops Orchestra - 3pm Sunday, December 7 - Elsinore:
9) Here's the schedule for the next week - remember that sectionals are considered MANDATORY - not showing up without letting Ms. Silberman know (with a valid excuse) will lower participation grade:
8 Monday - 2:30 All Cellos playing in the Waltz orchestra
9 Tuesday - 2:30 Period 6 Violins and Violas!!!
9 Tuesday - 3:45 Advanced Symphony Violas ... 4:30 Advanced Symphony (Mandatory rehearsal - this will likely be our dress rehearsal!)
10 Wednesday - 2:30 - 3:30 Bass Sectional (all basses!!! - bring $1)
10 Wednesday - 2:30 Orchestra Leadership Meeting
11 Thursday - 2:30 All City Auditioneers!!! 3:15 Walker Honors Group
11 Thursday - 4:30 -
12 Friday - NO SYMPHONY!!!
Happy December!
~Ms. S
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Want to help us win an electric string quartet?

Go to this website:
And, if you don't mind getting an email (I clicked on the once a month email newsletter from then please fill out the fields and submit. Our school address is:
West Salem High School
1776 Titan Dr.
Salem, OR 97304
Shar Music is one of the 2 largest online string music stores - they sell tons of music, accessories (rosin, shoulder rests, rock stops, cases, etc...) instruments, bows, and anything else related to stringed instruments. I think I've been ordering from them for 25 years, at least. Between our local music dealers and Shar, you have your string needs covered!
The promotion ends Dec. 31 - you can only enter once (though, I'm assuming that means only once per email... maybe you have multiple emails???)
~Ms. S
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A "PDR" is due on Jan. 5, once we're back from break, for your December Performance Assignment. Here's a little more about what a PDR is.
P - D - R stands for "Plan - Do - Review". You create the document (typed is preferred, but handwritten is acceptable if need be. You put your name and the date at the top.
For Plan you state the "what" of your assignment: I plan(ned) on playing for the guests before Thanksgiving dinner. I have 10 minutes of holiday carols and a Bach Bouree ready to play.
For Do (or Did) you state the "when" and "how" of your assignment: The date you do/did your assignment, where, who will be in attendance, any other pertinent info.
For Review you state how it went: what happened, what were the results, what would you do differently next time, etc...
The PDR is a helpful organizing tool - hope you appreciate the benefits...
~Ms. S
Sunday, November 23, 2008
December Performance Assignment - everyone!!

You are required to perform music on your instrument in public at least once this next month (the month of December). You need to submit a one page PDR (Plan-Do-Review) to Ms. S (this will be explained in class) once we return from Holiday Break.
Music - you should perform something you like and feel good about playing. Since this is the winter carol season, you could play traditional (or non-traditional) holiday carols. You may also play anything else your heart desires - if you need music, come see Ms. S (I have a bunch of carols from easy to intermediate, and I have lots of appropriate solo classical music and fiddle tunes) or stop by Weathers and pick up some music (classical, contemporary) that moves you.
Public -I consider 'the public' to be at least one other person. For Period 6 orchestra, 'performing' for your parents, neighbors, siblings, friends would be ok. For Periods 7 and 1/2, I consider the public to be at least 2 other people. Here are some 'performing in public' ideas for all:
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Newsletter #12
Thank you for reading this newsletter online!!
In this newsletter:
1) Monday parent meeting
2) Suggested Boston payment schedule
3) Dec 12 Portland Zoo Trip commitment forms and payment due
4) Baked Goods sale tomorrow and Tuesday (11/21 and 11/25)
5) Communication about absences - IMPORTANT!!
6) Oregon Symphony in Salem Tuesday night
7) Next week's schedule
8) Save the date - next concert Dec. 16, 7pm
1) There is an orchestra parent booster club meeting in the orchestra room MONDAY NOVEMBER 24 AT 6:30pm - please come. On the agenda: Scholarship and instrument purchase allocation, Waltz night fundraiser, booster revenue. Anything you'd like to put on the agenda? Please contact orch booster president Kelly Culver at
2) Here's the suggested payment schedule for the Boston trip people (those who qualify for free or reduced lunch should contact the Lowens ASAP to discuss scholarship and adapted payment schedule:
Trip expense - $1075
$75 Deposit - already received
Dec. 1 - $300 payment
Dec. 18 - $200 payment
Jan. 9 - $200 payment
Balance due January 23
Fundraising opportunities (muffins and Waltz Night) will hopefully render at least a $50 reduction off the top of the whole amount for everyone. Individuals will have money in their student accounts as a result of EBooks, Wreaths and Pointsettias, chamber music, and fruit sales. This amount will be revealed just before the Jan. 26 deadline so that you can know your balance.
Those who have decided to now not go on the trip but who have put in a deposit NEED TO HAVE A PARENT CONTACT THE LOWENS ( to have a refund issued. After Dec. 19 you cannot receive the entire amount back.
3) Period 6 Orchestra and ALL THOSE WHO ARE NOT GOING ON THE BOSTON TRIP are eligible to go on the Zoo Lights trip December 12. Ms. Silberman has handed out commitment forms to all in period 6 - STUDENT AND PARENT signatures are needed on this form - return the form ASAP to Ms. Silberman. There are provisions for delayed payment ($60) - see the form. WE NEED CHAPERONES FOR THIS TRIP - interested? Contact Ms. Silberman (or see the commitment form). Those not going on the Boston trip will have the option of letting Ms. Silberman know they're interested in going - they'll receive a commitment form Monday.
4) There's a Baked Goods Sale benefitting those going on the Boston Trip tomorrow (Friday Nov. 21) and Tuesday (No. 25). Those who donate (who are going on the Boston Trip) and those who work will divvy up the proceeds. Those who are not going on the Boston Trip - you're welcome to donate baked items (purchased at a store, NOT HOME BAKED) to help those who are fundraising to go on the trip. Q's? Ask Ms. S (
5) Orchestra is a wonderful and dynamic group to be a part of - this is due in no small part that everyone in the room is valuable and necessary, both because of the team-like nature of being in a section and in an orchestra. When students miss a day of class they miss valuable rehearsal time where they learn how their part works into a section and into the orchestra as a whole, and they miss valuable markings, announcements and often they miss materials that are handed out. It's totally understandable that things come up (sickness, emergency appointments, etc...) but I would deeply appreciate it if students and/or parents got into the habit of touching base with me so I know if students are sick, etc. A simple email will help me know that a students cares enough to want to know what they missed. I would be happy to let them know what they missed - and would even take the time to fill them via email on what they can do to better prepare themselves before returning to class. Please consider communicating with me more so that we start treating orchestra like the team it is. I check email very frequently:
6) Oregon Symphony in Salem is this next Tuesday, Nov. 25. Students can get $5 tickets at the door. Here's more info from the Symphony:
Jean-Marie Zeitouni, conductor *Jennifer Koh, violin
Beethoven: Overture to Egmont Stravinsky: Symphony in C *Brahms: Violin Concerto
in D Major
Musicians from the Salem Youth Symphony will be entertaining the audience with music in the gallery prior to the concert and during intermission. Student tickets are available for $5.00 with valid student ID at the box office on the night of the concert.
7) Next week is a 2 day week (even day Monday, odd day Tuesday). Here's the schedule:
Tuesday - Advanced Symphony 2nd violins 3:45pm
Tuesday - Advanced Symphony 4:30 - 6:15pm (Yes, it is a symphony day!!!)
8) The next concert is Tuesday Dec. 16, 7pm... SAVE THE DATE!!
Happy pre-holiday shopping weekend!!
~Ms. S
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Evelyn Glenny video... this is amazing!
~Daryl S.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Newsletter #11
In this newsletter:
1) Great links for those of you playing Waltzes Jan. 9
3) Looking for that perfect little extra gift for holiday time?? (Water bottles!)
4) Good concerts for review this week
5) Dec 12 - Zoo lights for period 6
6) Schedule next week
1) For those of you playing the Waltz Night Fundraiser (all going on the Boston Trip) and all those interested in learning more about the Waltzes you'll hear and dance on Jan. 9th - please check the blog. I put up a bunch of links to videos, recordings and websites that feature waltzes... enjoy!
2) YAY - A MEETING! Please come Monday evening, Nov. 24, 6:30pm to the orchestra room for an orchestra parent booster organization meeting run by president Kelly Culver. ALL ARE WELCOME. Topics of discussion include allocation of scholarship and instrument purchase funds, fundraisers for the booster group, Waltz night organization, and anything else that comes up. Contact Kelly Culver at for more info or to add an agenda item.
3) Looking for that little extra stocking stuffer or gift to enhance another gift? Consider a $5 Titan Music water bottle - we still have 20 or so left. They'd be great with a pair of gloves and hat rolled up inside... :)
4) This weekend there are a few good concerts to consider:
Salem Chamber Orchestra Connie Fritz Memorial Concerto Competition is this Sunday at 3pm - come support band student Matt Hetwer as he competes to win this concerto competition. There are no strings at this concert, but I'll accept a review anyway - these are your peers/colleagues and it'd be great to support them. More info:
Oregon Symphony in Portland - Rachmaninoff Symphony #3 and Gershwin piano concerto - at the Schnitzer concert hall. More info:
Festival Chorale is playing the Mozart Requim (wonderful piece!!) on Sunday at 3pm. More info:
5) For those in Period 6 Orchestra - we ARE going to Portland on Friday, Dec. 12. You will miss periods 4, 6 and 8 that day, and we will not be making it home until at least 10pm. PARENTS - I CAN TAKE 4 or 5 chaperones with me on tour that day - if you are interested, please email me: More info about the trip, a signature form and itinerary, and payment info will come to you next week. Should be a blast!!
6) Next week:Advanced Symphony Tuesday and Friday - normal time
Advanced Symphony First Violins - 3:45pm Tuesday (before Symphony)
Thursday - String Ensemble
Thursday ALL CITY (all those auditioning for All City) 2:30pm - so that we can start looking at the music!!
Have a great weekend!~Daryl S.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Waltzes... and a 1, 2, 3...
Here are some youtube videos:
Andre Rieu and the Blue Danube Waltz
Andre Rieu and the Merry Widow Waltz
Watch a Vienesse Ball dance rehearsal
Andre Rieu and the Kaiserwaltz (Emperor Waltz)
Wine, Women and Song - just the music
And, some other interesting waltz sites:
Soundjunction - Blue Danube with good waltz info
Blue Danube on
A waltz lesson tutorial (no music)
A website with a LOT of info about Viennese Waltz Balls
And, there's more to come...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Newsletter #10 and an update on tickets for Sat
In this newsletter:
1) Discount tickets for Saturday night's Pops concert - respond by Friday!
2) Information about the auction from Kelly Culver
3) NOV 11 reminder (Boston trip students)
4) Schedule next week
1) More info about the Salem Pops concert: All the free tickets went fast. The Pops box office is offering West students and parents a special discount - if you respond to me by Friday around 2pm I can reserve you student tickets for $5 (apparently, there *isn't* student pricing available at the door after all) and parents are only $7.50 each - kids under 12 are still free. Please respond to this email and let me know how many tickets you want, student/adult, and bring a check made out to Music Boosters to school by Friday (or Monday is ok... as long as you realize that you're responsible for paying). Your tickets will then be waiting for you at Will Call on Saturday night.
2) From Kelly Culver:
The Titan Auction is November 22, and there are 3 tickets still available at one of the Orchestra tables. Please join other Orchestra parents at this fun event. The cost per ticket is $30, which includes a very nice dinner. For a ticket, please contact Mark or Denise Lowen at
There are lots of great silent and oral auction items being donated, with some of our own noted below. We want to thank the Orchestra parents who have donated these terrific items.
- Florida Beach House (1-week stay, 4Bd, 3.5Ba, right on beach, private pool, and more; west Florida near panhandle); donated by Wendy Nielsen
- Titan Quilt (black and dark green, with subtle musical imagery and Titan logos and stitching), donated by Elizebeth and Max Harmon
- Studio Condo near Sunriver (3-night stay, studio w/ kid beds in loft, kitchen, seasonal pool), donated by Cynthia Byrnes and Jack Svadlenak
- Hand-painted Violin decorated by West art teacher Lucy Hewitt, donated by Orchestra Boosters
- 2 Hours of Music (3-4 students) for an event, donated by Advanced Orchestra Students
This is a great opportunity to get some holiday shopping done, support school groups, get a tax deduction, and have a nice evening out with lots of other Titan parents!
3) Reminder that Nov. 11 is the Boston Trip intensive - 10:30 - 3pm. Bring a drink, and $3 for pizza (or you can bring your own lunch if you don't want pizza).
4) Schedule next week...
Monday (Odd Day) - ***All Cellos in all orchestras 3:00 - 4:00***
No School Tuesday (Bostron Trip folks 10:30am - 3pm)
Wednesday (Even Day) - nothing after school
Thursday (Odd Day) - string ensemble
Friday (Even Day) - Advanced Symphony
Hope to see you Saturday...
~Daryl S.
Concerts this Saturday...

1) I am performing with Yvonne Hsueh (violin instructor at WOU), Ron Kilde (jazz violinist) and our very own Gwen Gates (senior at West) with the Salem Pops this Saturday at the Elsinore Theatre - 7:30. Tickets are $15 for adults, $5 for students, and free for under 12. The first half of the concert will feature the pops orchestra playing movie favorites, the second half is called "Violins Through the Centuries" where we soloists will perform baroque, classical, romantic, jazz, and rock violin solos with the orchestra - I'll be playing Bach and will bring out my electric violin for a the rock tune. For more info:
2) PYP - Portland Youth Philharmonic is performing this Saturday night at 7:30pm at the Arnold Shnitzer Concert Hall in Portland. Our very own Robin Kim (senior at West) is performing in this group. For more info about what they will be playing, concert location and ticket price:
Hope you're able to take this opportunity to hear some great music this weekend!
~Daryl S.
Monday, November 3, 2008
If you need to turn in wreath and pointsettia forms...
You can arrange to drop them by her house...
Great Online Review - Chicago Symphony broadcasts,1
~Ms. S
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Newsletter #9
In this newsletter:
1) Salem Chamber Orchestra - free tix possible this weekend
2) Wreaths and Pointsettias due Monday - final day!
3) Boston folks - save the day... NOV 11 10:30 - 3pm km
4) The fundraising letter (for Boston folks or others who are interested in fundraising)
5) Schedule for next week
1) The Salem Chamber Orchestra ( is performing this weekend - a great concert for review, by the way!!! Only the string section from the orchestra will be performing under a guest conductor's baton. There is a solo piccolo player, Molly Barth, who will be performing the Vivaldi Piccolo concerto. One of the great pieces on the program is the Simple Symphony by Benjamin Britten - a wonderful piece for string orchestra!I can secure free tickets for a few who would like to go - Saturday evening 7:30 and Sunday afternoon 3pm at Hundson Hall at Willamette University (a beautiful place to see a concert!). Please email me by Friday morning how many tickets you would like and I'll get back to you by Friday afternoon with a confirmation.
2) The Wreath and Poinsettia fundraiser VERY LAST DAY is Monday. Don't forget to hit up local businesses!! Anything turned in after Monday may have to be returned, so please do your very best to get the info into the grey box in the orchestra room by 3pm Monday.
3) ALL STUDENTS GOING ON THE TRIP ARE TO SAVE NOV. 11 - 10:30 to 3pm. We'll work on waltz music and start planning the waltz night fundraiser, have some pizza, start getting into the details of the itinerary of the trip, and hand out a packet of fundraising and payment schedule information.
4) Attached to this email is a fundraising letter that students may adapt at will (it's a Word doc). Those who aren't going on the trip who wish to fundraise money for their student account may simply change the wording at the top of the document. If you have money you wish to deposit into your student account, simply put it (cash or check made out to Music Boosters) into a sealed envelope with your name on it and slip it into the grey box in the orchestra room.
5) This next week: Tuesday 2:30 - 3:15 - all violas in the program - time for some VIOLA POWER in the group.
Advanced Symphony 4:30 with the winds and brass
Thursday String Ensemble
Friday Advanced Symphony
See you at conferences and/or have a wonderful weekend!~Daryl S.
Don't forget to check the blog regularly!
Neat article from Wall Street Journal
OCTOBER 3, 2008
The Unsung Success of Live Classical Music
Ticket sales are up, orchestra revenues are growing and there are more concerts than ever. As the fall season gets under way, classical music is secretly thriving.
Click here:
Friday, October 24, 2008
Newsletter #8
In this newsletter:
1) Thanks to all who attended, volunteered, and played in the concert!!!
2) The last few days for Wreaths and Pointsettias...
3) See you at conferences?
4) All City forms due in just over a week
6) Remember - 2 reviews due per semester
7) Titan Auction's coming up... please contact Kelly Culver if you have an item...
8) Advanced Symphony continues...
1) Thanks to one and all who attended, volunteered and played in the concert on Thursday night. Thank you for allowing me to try some different things out - the recorded Devil, the lights out Macabre, and reading the program notes (which I understand many of you felt was too long... I'll try something different next time... promise). I'm very proud of all groups - I think all groups played at the top of their game - we have many very talented and hard working musicians in this program. Congrats again to soloists Gwen Gates, Robin Kim, Jessica Tyree (cello) and Taylor Baldwin (bass) for a beautiful job on Fall. I'm excited about the next concert - remember please that Advanced Symphony students will be playing ON THE BAND CONCERT, THE DAY BEFORE THE ORCHESTRA CONCERT.
2) The Wreath and Poinsettia fundraiser is over next week - the deadline says Oct. 31, but of course we don't have school on the 30th or 31st - I'm waiting to hear whether we can extend to Monday Nov. 3 or not... but, why not plan on getting the forms back to school by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week just to be safe.
3) Hope to see you at conferences next week - if you have anything to discuss of a personal nature and would prefer to set up a phone call or in-person conference at a different time, please email me directly
4) All City audition forms AND A $7 CHECK MADE OUT TO SALEM-KEIZER SCHOOL DISTRICT must be to me by Nov. 9. Music and forms have been issued to students - auditions are January 8th. For a full schedule of mandatory rehearsals and performance, see the form or email me.
5) CALLING ALL BOSTON TRIP PEOPLE - mandatory rehearsal and hang out for all students attending the trip - NOV. 11 - 10:30 - 2pm. Bring $3 for pizza lunch!!! We'll rehearse waltz music and start planning our Waltz Night Fundraiser.
6) Please remember that all students must turn in 2 reviews per semester - at least one needs to be from a live orchestra concert (or at least a concert where stringed instruments perform). The other review may be from a recording or video. I think that on Nov. 20 the local PBS TV channel is broadcasting a concert - check your local listings. I'm performing with Yvonne Hsueh, Ron Kilde and Gwen Gates at the Salem Pops Concert on Nov. 8 - come see that and review it. To date I've only received one review from a student...
7) Nov. 22 is the Titan Auction - did you see that gorgeous quilt beautifully hand made by Max and Beth Harmon?? Wow and wow! If you have an item to donate and/or haven't bought your ticket to attend the auction, and/or if you need any other info about the auction, please contact Orchestra Booster President Kelly Culver:
8) I welcome those in Advanced Symphony who have been out doing a team sport - rehearsals continue for Advanced Symphony Tuesdays from 4:30 - 6:15 and Fridays from 2:40 - 4:25. PARENTS - PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ADVANCED SYMPHONY IS A FOR-CREDIT CLASS - please try to avoid these times for doctors appointments and other events that take kids away from rehearsal - we're trying to work at a fast pace in Symphony and I need all students in attendance in order for rehearsals to be meaningful - I don't want to waste students' time and hope that they don't wish to waste my time. :)
Thanks all - Parents, I look forward to seeing you at conferences and/or Nov. 8 and/or at the December concert, if not before then.~Daryl S.
Don't forget to check the blog regularly!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Amended call time for Thursday's concert
6:30 dressed call time for Advanced Symphony members with instruments in the auditorium.
6:45 for all others, dressed, with instruments in the auditorium.
See ya then!
~Ms. S
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Newsletter #7
In this newsletter:
1) Entertainment Books fund-raiser is done. Wreaths and Pointsettias are on going
2) BOSTON TRIP folks - SAVE THE DATE November 11, 10:30am - 2pm
4) Concert Dress reminder
1) The Entertainment Book fund-raiser is officially over. All money or books need to be returned yesterday. The Wreath and Pointsettia fund-raiser is ongoing. If you need more forms for sending the gift baskets please let Ms. Silberman know and she'll get you in touch with the organizer of the fund-raiser. There will be another fund-raiser starting up in the next month or so, and we'll be selling tickets to the Waltz Night Fundraiser Jan. 9 - so the money raising opportunities continue.
2) STUDENTS GOING ON THE BOSTON TRIP - mandatory rehearsal on our day off in November. Tuesday November 11 we'll have a long waltz rehearsal - 10:30 - 2pm. Bring $3 for pizza for lunch!!! Should be an opportunity to bond and play! The trip organizer will come in and talk to us some more about the trip (itinerary) and fund-raising.
3) Concert for all the orchestras this next Thursday. CALL TIME, DRESSED AND READY TO GO IS 6:30pm!! We will go over the concert order in the hall from 6:30 - 7:15pm. AUDIENCE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE HALL UNTIL 7:15pm.
4) Concert dress is different than past concerts - please see last week's newsletter for the information or check the blog.
Students - happy practicing. Only YOU can make the difference between a good concert and a great concert...Parents - look forward to seeing you on Thursday night - we're off to a great start here in A101 and we're excited to play for an audience!!
~Daryl S. *****************************************Don't forget to check the blog regularly!*****************************************
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Something to do when you're bored...
~Ms. S
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Newsletter #6
In this newsletter:
1) CAR WASH THIS SATURDAY - few slots still open for working
2) Concert dress for Thursday Oct. 23 concert -SAVE THE DATE!
3) Essay Contest deadline approaching
4) Lots of good concerts to attend this weekend and early next week
5) Advanced Orchestra students experience Indian music
6) Entertainment books - last week!
7) Schedule the next week
1) CAR WASH THIS SATURDAY, Oct. 11, in support of students fund-raising for the Boston Trip this next March. ALL DIRTY CARS TO LES SCHWAB TIRES in West Salem from 11am - 4pm.
This fund-raiser is being organized by violinist Mikayla Wittman. Any trip-going students wishing to work for an hour or two should contact Mikayla - to sign up for a spot.
Please invite all your friends with dirty cars to come get 'em all clean - it's predicted to be a sunny day on Saturday!
2) The dress for the concert on Thursday evening, Oct. 23, at 7:30 (for all students in the Titan Orchestra program) is as follows:
Women - wear all black (long skirt below the knees or pants ok). Sleeves part-way down the arm. No ankles or toes showing - you music wear hose/knee-his/socks and closed toe shoes. No high heels - low heel ok.
Men - tux ok (you may use your school issued tux - freshman can check one out this next week) - or black pants, shoes, socks *and* black shirt (no jacket if wearing black shirt).. You must have performance black shoes - no tennis shoes.
Men and Women *may* of course wear the school issued dress/tux if you wish. All hair must be back and off the eyes. No extravagant jewelry.
Please contact Ms. Silberman if there are any questions about the dress code - it's detailed in the handbook (green) - remember that if students are not in compliance with the dress code, they will NOT be allowed to perform and will not receive credit for performing.
3) The Oregon Symphony essay contest deadline is looming - entries must be to Ms. Silberman by Oct. 22. The essay contest must be no less than one page and no more the two on the topic of "what music means to me." Variations on the topic are acceptable, such as; "what my general music, choir, band or orchestra experience means to me", or "why I plan to be a music teacher/performer." Selected essay winners will receive 2 tickets to an evening Oregon Symphony concert in Salem and recognition in the program for that concert.
4) Great weekend to start in on your live review:
Thurs. and Sat. Oct. 10 and 12 - Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Shostakovich cello concerto, Beethoven symphony #7, Elliot Carter Elegy for Strings - more info:
Monday Oct. 11 - Oregon Symphony Pops in Salem at Smith Hall at Willamette - 8pm concert - for more info: - student ticket prices are available
There will be a group from our Advanced Orchestra performing in the hall from 7:15 - 7:50pm before the concert. Come show your support, and get a review out of the way!!
Tuesday Oct. 14 - Pianafiddle at the Elsinore, 7pm - more info:
Tuesday Oct. 14 - Vivaldi Four Seasons - Portland Baroque in Corvallis, 7:30pm - more info:
5) Students in periods 1 and 2 experience high quality Indian Music with sitar and tabla master Sandip Burman this past Monday. Students in advanced orchestra and wind ensemble sat on the floor and were exposed to both the sitar and the tabla. Students were treated to a lot of information about the theory and practices of Indian Ragas. Thanks to Dr. Nail, Mr.. Griffiths and the music boosters for organizing and sposoring this event..
6) This is the last week for Entertainment books. Q's can be directed to Linda Beardsley - or call 503-399-6443. Thanks to Linda for all the great organization of this fund-raiser!
7) Here is the schedule for the week of Oct. 13:
Tuesday - Sectional for all violins in period 6 2:30 - 3:00pm.
Sectional for violas in advanced symphony - 4pm.
Advanced Symphony 4:30 - 6:15pm
Friday - U of O Graduate String Quartet performance Per. 2.
Advanced Symphony 2:40 - 4:25pm
Have a great weekend - see you at the car wash!!!
~Ms. S
Don't forget to check the blog regularly!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Dallas Brass coming to Salem - Oct. 16!!!
The North Salem Band Program is excited to announce that the Dallas Brass will be in concert in Salem on the evening of October 16, 2008 at 7:00 PM in the North Salem High School Auditorium.
Tickets are $10.00 and are on sale now from any North Salem Area Band Student or Director. For every 5 tickets sold, there is an offer of 1 free ticket. Please contact Ms. Silberman if you are interested in tickets!!!
If you have heard the Dallas Brass in Concert recently than you know from personal experience what a tremendous opportunity this is for your students. If you have not heard them, then know that a concert with the Dallas Brass is hugely entertaining, filled with virtuosity and musicianship, and very inspirational to all music students.
Check out their web site
and the section for parents
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Newsletter #5
In this newsletter:
1) Wreath and Poinsettia fund-raiser has begun
2) College Fairs in Portland TONIGHT and this weekend!!!
3) Evensong concert this Sunday (Brandenburg 5 and more)
4) Schedule of rehearsals and sectionals next week (3 day week)
5) Special artist - Sandip Burman - coming to West
1) The Wreath and Poinsettia fund raiser has begun. Students may pick up a packet in class - ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW IS IN THAT PACKET - orders are due Oct. 31 (but there's no class that day, so plan accordingly)
2) The Performing and Visual Arts College Fair is...
tonight, Thursday Oct. 2, at Portland State University.
The Portland National College Fair is...
Friday Oct. 3 9am - 12pm and
Saturday Oct. 4 1 - 5pm
For more info on both fairs:
3) The Evensong concert at St. Paul's Episcopal church downtown this Sunday at 4pm features local St. Cecilia Trio - Karen Vincent, violin, Roxanne and Susan Miller on harpsichord. Ms. Silberman is playing viola too, along with others in the 'orchestra'. The first half of the concert is vocal music and the second half features the orchestra and Trio - including a performance of Brandenburg 5. To hear a version of this work click here and find the Brandenburg 5 selection on the player:
4) This next week is a short week, as you know. No rehearsals or sectionals when school is out. One sectional:
Advanced Symphony 1st and 2nd violins - 4pm on Tuesday
5) There is a special guest artist coming to perform at West - tabla player Sandip Burman. He and his band are in town for a performance and are willing to come to West to perform for 1st period. Indian music of this kind is meant to be played in an intimate environment - students will be asked to sit on the floor and focus attentively on the performers. If anyone in periods 6 or 7 is particularly interested in being excused from their 1st period class to attend this incredible event, please email or talk directly with me and I'll see what can be done.Here's Sandip Burman's website:
Thanks to Dr. Nail and the Music Boosters for making this event possible.
Have a great weekend! Hope to see you Sunday at St. Paul's.
~Ms. S
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Devil Went Down To Georgia video
~Ms. S
Friday, September 26, 2008
Minutes from the parent meeting Sept. 22
Here are the minutes for the parent meeting on 9/22/08.
Meeting opened with a short performance by the Advanced Orchestra quintet!
Welcome to parents, students and especially Freshman parents!
Ms. Silberman stated that she wants to communicate with parents and she is available by email, cell phone, or conference. She stated that she is available for any additional meetings parents feel they need to help their student. Please check the website for all up-to-date
information. You can also check the Titan blog or Ms. Silbermans' personal blog. She sends out a weekly email to students and parent on Thursdays.
Plan on checking in with Ms. Silberman at conferences in October to see howyour student is doing!
Please check the student handbook for the grading system, concert dress etc. that is used by Ms. Silberman. She stated that it is easy to get an A in Orchestra if you participate!
Please sign and return the orange sheet students brought home last week. There are two parts to this form. It is a trip permission slip and a medical release form. This is required BEFORE your student will be allowed to attend any outing.
PLEASE NOTE: Two performances have been added to the calender.
January 9-Waltz night;
March 19-Boston trip for periods 1,2, and 7.
January 9th is Waltz night at WSHS. Parents, students and the community will be invited.
On Dec. 12 students in period 6 will be going to Portland, ZOOLIGHTS and possibly Lloyd Center for ice skating! There will be a small amount of space for students in others periods that are not going to Boston. Cost will be around $40.00. This money can be earned by fundraising.
The website for Orchestra is up and working. Don't forget to check it at
Also, remember the blog has information available too. You can reach the blog by going to
You may go to Integradepro to check for grades.
To ensure a grade of an A or B you must have good
and Assignments turned in.
The playing tests in period 6 are worth a small amount. Other periods will
have random playing tests.
Remember that at least one review must be a live concert.
Students are required to practice.
Period 6 should be practicing a minimum of 1 hour each week.
Period 7 should be practicing a minimum of 100 minutes each week.
Please consider having your instrument checked to see whether it needs new
strings, the bow rehaired or other upgrades. If you have any questions
check with Ms. Silberman.
Remember there are often sales during the holiday season for these types of things.
We are hoping to set up a scholarship program to help students make upgrades to their instruments, buy better instruments or need financial help with lessons.
Kelly Culver, Orchestra Booster President, asked for volunteers to help build the orchestra program and the booster group. She said that there are all sorts of areas that parents can volunteer. She had sign up sheets for: Waltz night, concert help, chaperones for
Boston, and fund raising.
SEEKING: A volunteer or volunteers to coordinate and organize all fundraising activities for the orchestra boosters. This person would oversee and delegate the supervision of each activity to multiple fundraising chairs. This position could be shared with a friend.
Upcoming activities: Titan Auction, Nov. 22. Please plan on attending. For each full table sold the orchestra will receive 100% of the proceeds for one item. Help your orchestra student by purchasing a ticket for yourself and your friends to attend the Auction.
Upcoming fundraisers: Wreath sales, poinsettia sales, violins painted and sold, car washes holiday party quartets, and the ongoing water bottle sales, entertainment books.
Other volunteers needed: Grant Writer-contact Ms. Silberman if interested.
Kelly Culver handed out student account information. Seniors can roll back any monies left in their account to their younger siblings.
Mark and Denise Lowen are the Boston trip organizers. If you need to contact them for any reason their number is 503-399-1912. Mark Lowen presented information regarding the orchestra trip.
The students will be going to the Heritage Music Festival, March 19-22. We will need 1 chaperone per 10-12 students. If you are interested in being a chaperone you must complete a Salem-Keizer Volunteer form. You must be approved before you will be able to go on the
All chaperones are bound to school rules and its important to remember that you are there to help protect the student. That includes no alcohol anytime during the trip.
Cost for chaperones is the same as students: $1075.00 That includes airfare, bus transportation, entrance to the festival etc.
Students and chaperones must have their $75.00 deposit in by Sept. 30.
Dec. 19 is the final attendance count and then
Jan. 28 final payment is due!
In addition to the $1075.00 cost students and chaperones will need to payfor their meals while traveling to and from Boston. Mark handed out a brochure regarding The Heritage Festival. He indicated that the schedule for the trip is still in flux! If you would like a
brochure contact Ms. Silberman. This festival will be educational. The orchestra will be adjudicated, they will hopefully be able to have a clinic and will be visiting some historic sites, possibly attending the Boston Symphony. For more details contact either Ms. Silberman or Mark and Denise Lowen (503-399-1912).
Cellos and bases will be rented in Boston.
You may use your student account money for the $75.00 deposit. Send an email to Ms. Silberman if you would like to do this. MONEY FROM THE CURRENT E BOOK FUNDRAISER IS NOT YET AVAILABLE AS THE FUNDRAISER, TO DATE, IS NOT OVER.
The possibility of students traveling home separately from the group will be handled on a case by case basis and you will need to book air travel separately through the Heritage travel agent and will be responsible for any additional travel expenses. Students will be accompanied to the airport by a chaperone.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mozart Symphony #29
Click here...
~Ms S.
Newsletter #4
Titan Orchestra Newsletter #4 September 25, 2008
1) Boston trip commitment form due **Tuesday** ALL STUDENTS in PER 1, 2 and 7!!!
2) Advanced Symphony early dismissal tomorrow (Friday)
3) Portland Opera La Traviata opening this weekend
4) Only a few more weeks for Entertainment Books
1) All students in periods 1/2 and 7 (Advanced Orchestra and Symphony Strings) need to complete the bright yellow Boston Trip Commitment form by this next Tuesday - EVEN IF YOU ARE A 'NO' FOR THE TRIP. Forms need to be signed by a parent. The $75 deposit for the "YES" and "MAYBE" people need to be in by Tuesday September 30. That amount can come out of student accounts, if you have it in there. Check with Ms. Silberman for account balances.
If you need another copy of the form, go to the website - - and click on the Trip Information page - the form will be posted by this evening (Thursday evening).
2) Advanced Symphony is only until 3:30pm this Friday, Sept. 26.
3) The Portland Opera opens it's '08/'09 season with Verdi's La Traviata. For more info about the opera:
For more info on tickets:
4) There are only a few weeks left for the Entertainment book sales - each book is $20 of which $10 goes to the student's account. Email Linda Beasley for more info: or call 503-399-6443.
The schedule for October that includes before and after school sectionals will be posted in another few days on our website - copies will be given out to students. REMEMBER THAT SECTIONALS ARE CONSIDERED MANDATORY - Grades will be negatively effected if students routinely don't make sectionals (unless otherwise excused). Our first concert is October 23 at 7:30 - SAVE THE DATE!
Thanks to all who attended the parent meeting - we have an exciting group of students this year and I thank all the parents who've offered volunteer help. Special thanks to Jessica, Kayla, Taylor, Zevon, and Jacklyn for playing Mozart at the beginning of the meeting!!!
~Ms. S
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Trip and fund-raising info
Thanks to all who came to the parent meeting last night. If you weren't there, we'll be compiling information for you - here's a starter: the trip info for Boston and fund-raising info is on the website:
~Ms. S
Friday, September 19, 2008
Newsletter #3
1) Parent Meeting (as mandatory as it can be) Monday Sept. 22, 6:30pm
2) THE ORANGE SHEET IS DUE MONDAY (from the parent/student handbook)
3) Fundraising info coming
4) Salem Chamber Orchestra this weekend!
5) Entertainment book update
1) The (I wish it could be) Mandatory Parent Meeting is this next Monday - September 22, at 6:30pm in the West Auditorium. The agenda is as follows:
6:30pm - quick entertainment and general meeting (overview of objectives and concerts)
Kelly Culver, orch booster president, will go over volunteer opportunities
7:15pm - trip organization for Period 6 trip (in December) and other small trips (Monmouth competition)
7:30pm - trip meeting, run by Mark and Denise Lowen, for all those who might be going on the Boston trip (students in Periods 7 and 1/2)
If you are unable to attend, you should let Ms. Silberman know - the agenda and meeting minutes will be posted on the blog. Anyone who needs trip information (because, for the Boston trip, there will be a deposit payment deadline next week!!!) can let Ms. Silberman know and she'll get the info to the student on Tuesday.
2) All students (except those who were absent Wednesday or Thursday) should have received the green student/parent orchestra handbook. In it is all the information pertaining to the Titan Orchestra program, including performance dates, expectations, grade and attendance policy, concert dress guidelines, and more. Please read through the book with your orchestra student and fill out/sign the orange removeable sheet (front and back) - this assignment is due on Monday!!!
3) There is a fundraising information sheet coming soon - I know that, with the economy being what it is these days, fundraising for a trip seems a daunting task. But, there are many success stories in years past with entrepreneurial students raising all of the money needed to go on their trip. Not only will this trip be a singular and unique experience, both educationally and musically, but teaching students about money acquisition and management is a wonderful side benefit. There are 'need based' financial scholarship guidelines that will be discussed on Monday night, but know that even for need based financial situations, much of the funds need to be raised by the student before any aide kicks in. Please take the opportunity to participate in the fundraisers we run through the school, and scour the article that will be given out on Monday night (and posted to the website Tuesday) on fundraising ideas.
4) The Salem Chamber Orchestra ( performs this Saturday, Sept. 20, 7:30pm, at the Elsinore Theatre downtown - featuring maestro Hekun Wu (from Willamette University) and pipa master Xiao-Fen Min ( Students can get $5 tickets at the Elsinore. Tickets for those in the educational field (bring ID) can get tickets for $10. General admission tickets are $15-25. The concert features Mozart (Symphony #35, the Haffner), a Suite by Dvorak, and a pipa concerto by Tan Dun (composer of the music for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). See the attached pdf for more concert information.. Hope to see you there. I will be conducting an interview with Ms. Min after the concert.
5) Entertainment books are cookin'. We've had quite a number of students sell many books. This fundraiser makes $10 per book per student. Please contact Linda Beardsley to arrange to pick up books (or to have books brought to you): or call 503-399-6443
Don't forget to check the blog - I may post interesting tidbits (like the free baroque music player I posted earlier this week) during the middle of the week:
I look forward to seeing you, or emailing with you, on Monday night. This year is shaping up to be very exciting, musical year! Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments as the weeks progress.
Musically yours,
~Daryl Silberman
Monday, September 15, 2008
Listen to baroque music 24/7
How amazing!!! (Check out the Beethoven 9th!!)
~Ms. S
Friday, September 12, 2008
Orchestra Extra... 9/12/08
1) Entertainment books
2) Eugene Symphony FREE tonight!!!
1) From Linda Beardsley:
Entertainment book sales continue through October 13th.
Sell entertainment books to your friends, neighbors and relatives to earn money for the upcoming orchestra trip. For every book you sell, between $8 and $10 (depending on how many we sell as a group) will be credited to your Orchestra account. These really are worth the $20 price with coupons for food, entertainment, movies, groceries,and other products.
To get books to sell, please call or e-mail Linda Beardsley at 503-399-6443 or Make sure you include your first and last name and a phone number so you can be contacted about book drop off.
Each book has a payment envelope in the back cover. Write your name on the envelope and drop the $20 payment into the drop box in the orchestra room.
We have lots of books to sell this year so call for as many books as you need!! They make great gifts.
2) Eugene Symphony concert is free again tonight!!! It's totally worth the drive!! Please check their website for more info:
Thanks!~Ms. S
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Newsletter #2
In this email:
1) Tomato party (orchestra music booster fundraiser) in West Salem
2) Salem Chamber Orchestra concert Saturday Sept. 20, 7:30 at the Elsinore
3) Practice logs for periods 6 and 7 start next week
4) Thank you to the "Walker Quintet" for recruiting!!!
5) Titan Auction donations
6) Schedule next week
1) West Salem resident Claudia Hunsinger of Country Pantry and Nursery is hosting a Tomato Party open to the public Saturday Sept. 13 from 10am - 5pm at 3187 Orchard Heights Drive. Titan Orchestras has a string trio performing from 11am - 2pm at the party and donations will be accepted at this party for the Orchestra Music Boosters. The event features fresh fruits and veggies for sale, arts and crafts (many related to the theme - tomatoes), and a Traeger BBQ display. Please invite friends and neighbors!!
2) The Salem Chamber Orchestra - - opening weekend is in a week... mark your calendars. Saturday, Sept. 20, 7:30pm at the Elsinore Theatre downtown. Sunday at 3pm at Linn-Benton Community College. The concert features Xiao-Fen Min on the chinese pipa (a flute-like instrument: - and Mozart Symphony #35, the Haffner. Students can get discounted tickets and Ms. Silberman may be able to get a limited number of free tickets - please inquire directly to her: This is a great opportunity for students to get their first review done!
3) Practice log records need to be kept starting this next week for students in periods 6 (Orchestra) and 7 (Symphony Strings). A minimum of 60 minutes (per 6) and 100 minutes (per 7) per student is expected. In Advanced Orchestra (per 1 and 2) no practice logs are required, but music is to be practiced and thoroughly learned as we are in a chamber music unit and *EVERY* person is responsible for knowing their part.
4) Thank you to Gwen Gates, Jacklyn Steig, Bronte Loewen-Thomas, Jessica Tyree and Tyler King for playing for the West are 4th grade prospective string students and parents. Reports are that the group played well and really helped motivate the crowd!!
5) Titan Auction is November 22 - please contact orch. parent booster president Kelly Culver for donation forms or if you're interested in buying seats at a table ($30 per person):
6) Schedule for the week of Sept. 15
Tuesday Period 6 VIOLAS in PERIOD 6 (orchestra) 2:30 - 3:15pm sectional
Tuesday Advanced Symphony 4:30 - 6:15pm and Friday 2:40 - 4:25pm
Thursday - extra sectional TBA
Handbooks come next week... yay!
SAVE THE DATE - PARENT MEETING SEPT. 22 at 6:30 at West in the Auditorium
~Ms. Silberman
Monday, September 8, 2008
News from Strobel Violins
* Our instruments are CORRECTLY ADJUSTED and MAINTAINED - right here!
& buy-back or trade up, click on
CALL 503 749-1742 for questions, appointment, and directions to our
peaceful country place.
For things to know about violins and our shop, click
To explore our educational/publisher's web site, click
To see or print "Young Person's Guide to String Instrument Care," click
Thanks, Henry, Susan, and Henry Jr
PS: Yes, we also have some professional instruments and bows (including a few original Strobels).
Friday, September 5, 2008
Newsletter #1
Newsletter for Titan Orchestras September 5, 2008
2) Eugene Symphony - free (!) tonight
3) Student/handbook coming next week
4) Entertainment Books
6) Stroebel, Weathers, and David Kerr - local music shops
7) Concession sales opportunity Oct. 2 - 4:30 - 9pm
8) Sectionals and Advanced Symphony this next week
9) SAVE the date - SEPT. 22!!
1) Music Day is this Saturday - no freshman involvement this year. At this point, all students know whether they are participating in Music Day (thank you!!!), working in the room (thanks!), or doing an assignment for me due on Monday. Thanks to the parent driver volunteers!! Here's some informatino:
The students and drivers need to be at the school by 8am. Students will need to get dressed in concert dress, and be SEATED in the auditorium by 8:30am!!!
Drivers will need to fill out their insurance forms, if they haven't already, and proceed to the auditorium. At 8:30 the drivers and students will be matched up and then leave the school at 9am. MUSIC DAY participants must stay until 1pm - no leaving early!! WORK DAY students will be done roughly by 11am.
2) Ms. Silberman is playing with the Eugene Symphony tonight - it's a free concert at 8pm at the Hult Center. The concert is fantastic - it's part of the conductor search series. This conductor is very dynamic and has had a very positive effect on the orchestra. Music of Mozart, Prokofiev (Piano concerto!!), Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky (Romeo and Juliet overture) - a nicely paced concert - very pro! For more info:
3) Student/Parent handbooks are coming by the end of next week (hopefully). All dates, program information and instrument info will be contained within. There will be a signature page that needs to be signed and returned by all students.
4) This is a "TRIP" year - all students will be fundraising to go on a trip (big trip for periods 1/2 and 7, local trip for period 6). Entertainment Books are a great fundraiser - they are $20 each, $10 goes to student accounts. Please email Linda Beardsley for more information: or call 503-399-6443. Students who have money to turn can do so in the grey box in the room.
5) Website!!! is active! Please bookmark it. It will have static information like calendars, student lists, schedules, and links. This newsletter will refer to it often.
6) Local music stores have contacted Ms. Silberman - Weathers, Stroebel (in Aumsville), and David Kerr (in Portland) all have instruments, bows, cases, rosin, strings, etc.... available for purchase/rent. See the website ( for links to these String Shops.
7) Another great way for students to fundraise is to work concession stands at games. The next orchestra day is Oct. 2, from 4:30 - 9pm. A signup list will go up in the next week in the Orchestra room.
8) Advanced Symphony starts at 4:30pm this Tuesday. Next meeting is Friday at 2:40pm. Attendance is mandatory unless excused for sports (talk with Ms. Silberman) or other sanctioned event.
Tues Sept. 9 - All Violins from Orchestra Period 6 have mandatory sectional 2:30 - 3:30
Thur Sept. 11 - "STRING ENSEMBLE" (select students) from 2:30 - 3pm
9) SAVE the date - September 22 at 6:30pm is the Parent Meeting. ALL TRIP PLANS WILL BE ANNOUNCED at this meeting - students are welcome. See you then!!
~Daryl Silberman
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Music Day and SAVE THE DATE email
Welcome to the new '08/09 email list for West Salem High School's Titan Orchestras program. Please check the blog often:
Also, please respond to this email if you have additions or deletions to make to your email information.
There are 2 important issues in the email:
1) Music Day, Saturday Sept. 6
2) Parent Meeting (students welcome) Monday Sept. 22 in the evening at West
1) Music Day is our annual fundraising event with Band and Choir. Students in multiple groups may decide which group they wish to be 'working' for. MUSIC DAY IS ONLY FOR SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, and SENIORS THIS YEAR. Here's the info:
For those who wish to work Music Day, please respond to this message or sign up outside the orchestra room door no later than Wednesday. Students will report at 8am and NEED TO STAY WORK UNTIL 1pm - no early releases this year!!! We only need 32 students to participate. Another 10 students may work in the room at West with Ms. Silberman (from 8am to 11am). ANY STUDENT WHO IS NOT PARTICIPATING IN MUSIC DAY or ROOM WORK DAY WILL BE ASSIGNED A MUSIC HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT DUE Monday the 8th. So, again, here are the options for all Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors:
a) Sign up to help with Music Day (students wear their black performance clothes and walk/drive around West in pairs to solicit funds for the West music department)
b) Sign up to help around the room with Ms. Silberman
c) Do an assignment due Monday the 8th.
**WE NEED PARENT DRIVERS** We need 8 parent drivers, fully licensed and insured, with room for 4 seatbelted students. Please respond to this email ASAP if you are willing and able to drive. Please indicate if your child (and friends??) will be wanting to go in your vehicle. As soon as you return this email, your name will be turned over to the Music Day coordinator who will then give you more information and a route. More q's? Please respond to this email or email Ms. Silberman (
2) SAVE THE DATE - on September 22 is the annual Parent Meeting. This year students are welcome as we will be revealing all the information about the trips planned this year - very exciting! The meeting will most likely be tiered (freshman parents come first, all parents come second, and only some parents stay for the long distance trip information) - those exact times and details will be announced in the next few weeks. Please save roughly 6:30 - 8:30 in your calendar.
Thanks!~Ms. Silberman
Don't forget to check the blog regularly!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Entertainment books
Linda has the books and is coordinating this fundraiser - here's how you can connect with Linda Beardsley: or call her at 503-399-6443
She can deliver books or you can go pick up books from her. Feel free to take orders now (get checks from them - $20 each) and tell people you can bring the books to them in the next few days. Don't loose a sale just because you don't have books.
For more info on what's in the books, here's the website: (they are $25 on the website - we sell them at a discount!!)
Another way to make money is by helping with concession sales - more info about that soon.
Happy selling!
~Ms. S
Friday, August 22, 2008
Boot Camp recap
*The group learned Big Pig Jig (on a recording by Freeway Philharmonic), Rockin' Robin, and New Country (by Jean-Luc Ponty) by ear.
*Harpischordist Owen Daly came to West and brought a beautiful harpsichord to play for us. Danny Seidenberg and I, along with students, played baroque violins with Owen.
*There was plenty of technique work done - students worked on scales, shifting intonation, and finger flexibility.
*We read some fun chamber orchestra pieces - it was great to hear the whole group, from less experienced players up to our most advanced players, working together.
*Dr. Nail conducted a John Williams medley with the full Boot Camp group and students from Band Camp.
*Students made instruments out of recycled materials - the winning group won a bag of crazy stuff.
*Yoga instructor Tracy Dalke Powell came and lead us through 30 fantastic minutes of yoga.
*The Hot Pink M&M ladies wore funky outfits on the last day!!
*Linda Beardsley came to hand out ebooks - if you need to get in touch with her, email:
Thanks to all who came this year! The $25 fee will be given to the orchestra booster fund and will go towards special guest artists and other items that keep our program going so strong.
I look forward to seeing you all the first week of school. Keep checking the blog for other announcements (about ebooks and Music Day) and for some pictures of Boot Camp.
~Ms. S
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Pictures from the harpsichord day...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Boot camp - mid week...
Thanks for a great two days so far - the harpsichord presentation today was a real success!
Just a quicky reminder to bring boxes, 2 liter (clean) bottles, TP rolls, old combs, spoons, and anything else you can think of for the 'big' make-a-musical-instrument competition on Thursday.
And, remember that anyone who would like to get symphony and/or orchestra placement auditions out of the way can play for me tomorrow or Thursday from 12 - 1. I also will see people in the afternoons Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week - email me if you'd like to come in. Otherwise, you will need to audition for me some time after class the first week of school.
Those of you interested in auditioning for All State and All Northwest should get a copy of the requirements and start bugging me (and/or your private teacher) for scales and etudes so that you feel prepared enough to make a CD in the first few weeks of school. Deadline for submission comes quickly in September.
Thanks for coming to Boot Camp and for all your hard work!
~Ms. S
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
All State and All Northwest audition materials - here you will find links to the info below and you should be able to navigate to more info about dates and whereabouts for All State and All Northwest.
(Deadline for All State comes up a few weeks after school starts... this is for students in Advanced Orchestra and Symphony Strings who are interested in auditioning - only highly qualified students are accepted - last year we had 4 students attend All State)
~Ms. S
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Boot Camp info!!!
I hope you've had a great summer so far. It's BOOT CAMP time! And, there's been a change/addition - originally it was announced that Boot Camp for freshmen started Monday August 18th and for everyone else Tuesday August 19th - but, now everyone else is welcome to come on the 18th, just an hour after the freshmen (see the schedule below). We have some special guest artists coming on Tuesday and Wednesday, we'll be passing out tuxes/dresses, and we'll be starting symphony auditions. You may RSVP and/or simply come. If you know any incoming freshman orchestra members, please make sure they know to come. Here are the details:
Fee: $25 per student. Cash or check to "WSHS Music Boosters"
Monday, August 18th
12:00 noon - dismissal, except those who wish to audition for symphony (sign up at check in)
Tuesday August 19th
Wednesday, August 20th
Thursday, August 21st,
No camp Friday - see you the first week of school
Any q's? Please call or email Ms. Silberman!
~Daryl Silberman
C: 818-317-8218
H" 503-991-5813
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Youtube link
Friday, July 18, 2008
Midsummer fun - and Boot Camp reminder
Here's a fun website - you can here clips of the famous Leroy Anderson orchestrations like Fiddle Faddle and Bugler's Holiday... classic old stuff:
(If the link doesn't work, cut and paste - it's worth it!)
Don't forget about Boot Camp, week of Aug 18 - more info coming in the next week or two. Happy Mid Summer...
~Ms. S
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Early summer info, and a question for you
Question for you - do you want to continue next year's blog on this blog or should I get a new name like ''? Please email me your response at (if the link's not working, just cut and paste...)
Sue Love (Ian's mom) has some great links for those of you interested in some web surfing:
For the cellists (who can get on, check out Matt Haimovitz' site (I think of him as "Matty" - he was in my youth orchestra and we used to carpool!):
Or you can visit his webpage at
And here's some info about a really neat contemporary group, Quartet San Francisco (these folks are actually good friends of Danny's and mine from our time living in the Bay Area):
And any of you interested in getting tickets to an amazing concert THIS WEEKEND (JULY 5) check out the link to Mark O'Connor and friends - they're performing at Reed College. These folks will blow your socks off (even in you're not wearing any!!):
Thanks Sue for all the good leads.
Happy July to you all!
~Ms. S
Monday, June 9, 2008
Awards for '07/08 year
Varsity letters
Matthew Wiley
Lacey White
Rebecca Barnick
Taylor Baldwin
Jacklyn Steig
Jessica Tyree
Gwen Gates
Jessica Plummer
Spirit Awards
Advanced Orchestra Zevon Smith
Symphony Strings Molly Page
Orchestra Michelle McClellan
String Ensemble Keyana Tahmseb
Advanced Symphony Spirit (Attendance) Jacklyn Steig
Advanced Orchestra
Male Musician of the year Taylor Baldwin
Female Musician of the year Gwen Gates
Best Sportsman Phillip Beardsley-Schoonmaker
Best Busy Person Matt Wiley
Most Improved Katelyn Horvath and Michaela Vos
Symphony Strings
Male Musician of the year Skyler Young
Female Musician of the year Lauren Culver
Best Sportsman Jacqueline Tran
Best Busy Person Megan Chong
Most Improved Sarah Larson
Male Musician of the year Carsten Kilde
Female Musician of the year Mikayla Wittman
Best Sportsman Erika Oliva
Best Busy Person Paige Zagar
Most Improved Rachel Culpovich
String Ensemble
Musician of the year Olga Yashina
Best Sportsman Erika Oliva
Best Busy Person Krysti Beach
Most Improved Mattie Weiner
Melina Platt: Story teller, Best laugh, #1 runner up for Musician, Spirit, and busy person
Eddie Osonrio: Average Joe, Indian Call Master, “The guy who left and came back”
Sean Baker: Normal, Class clown, “The Kid”, Funniest
Miranda Reed: Calmest, Dedicated, Sweetest, Nicest, Most Improved Also
Taylor Baldwin
Jessica Plummer
Carsten Kilde
Miranda Reed
Krysti Beach
Graduating Seniors
Courtney Klosterman
Maren Westby
Rebecca Barnick
Matthew Wiley
Carsten Kilde
Extra Credit points person of the year
Ian Love
Congrats to all! ~Ms. S