Hi all - sorry for the second email but there are 2 important bulletins not included in the last newsletter:
1) Entertainment books
2) Eugene Symphony FREE tonight!!!
1) From Linda Beardsley:
Entertainment book sales continue through October 13th.
Sell entertainment books to your friends, neighbors and relatives to earn money for the upcoming orchestra trip. For every book you sell, between $8 and $10 (depending on how many we sell as a group) will be credited to your Orchestra account. These really are worth the $20 price with coupons for food, entertainment, movies, groceries,and other products.
To get books to sell, please call or e-mail Linda Beardsley at 503-399-6443 or beardsley_linda@salkeiz.k12.or.us. Make sure you include your first and last name and a phone number so you can be contacted about book drop off.
Each book has a payment envelope in the back cover. Write your name on the envelope and drop the $20 payment into the drop box in the orchestra room.
We have lots of books to sell this year so call for as many books as you need!! They make great gifts.
2) Eugene Symphony concert is free again tonight!!! It's totally worth the drive!! Please check their website for more info:
Thanks!~Ms. S