Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hi everyone,

A "PDR" is due on Jan. 5, once we're back from break, for your December Performance Assignment. Here's a little more about what a PDR is.

P - D - R stands for "Plan - Do - Review". You create the document (typed is preferred, but handwritten is acceptable if need be. You put your name and the date at the top.

For Plan you state the "what" of your assignment: I plan(ned) on playing for the guests before Thanksgiving dinner. I have 10 minutes of holiday carols and a Bach Bouree ready to play.

For Do (or Did) you state the "when" and "how" of your assignment: The date you do/did your assignment, where, who will be in attendance, any other pertinent info.

For Review you state how it went: what happened, what were the results, what would you do differently next time, etc...

The PDR is a helpful organizing tool - hope you appreciate the benefits...
~Ms. S