You are required to perform music on your instrument in public at least once this next month (the month of December). You need to submit a one page PDR (Plan-Do-Review) to Ms. S (this will be explained in class) once we return from Holiday Break.
Let me define a few terms:
Music - you should perform something you like and feel good about playing. Since this is the winter carol season, you could play traditional (or non-traditional) holiday carols. You may also play anything else your heart desires - if you need music, come see Ms. S (I have a bunch of carols from easy to intermediate, and I have lots of appropriate solo classical music and fiddle tunes) or stop by Weathers and pick up some music (classical, contemporary) that moves you.
Perform - you should prepare some music, dress nicely, announce your music or write up a little program, and play with confidence.
Instrument - though many of you are pianists, I do expect this assignment to be completed on your stringed instrument (if you need to borrow an instrument over the winter break - arrange that with Ms. S).
Public -I consider 'the public' to be at least one other person. For Period 6 orchestra, 'performing' for your parents, neighbors, siblings, friends would be ok. For Periods 7 and 1/2, I consider the public to be at least 2 other people. Here are some 'performing in public' ideas for all:
-Perform at church (talk to your music coordinator about playing before or during a service
-Perform in the commons at school during lunch
-Perform for the secretaries and adminstration in the front office (you arrange it, Ms. Silberman will help with authorizing you the time to do it)
-Perform before Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas or New Years dinner
-Perform at your parent's holiday work party or dinner party
-Go to Roth's or Safeway (or any retail business) and ask if you and some friends can 'carol' with your instruments during the holiday break
-Invite the neighbor kids under age 8 over and impress them with your amazing playing - make it a game - have them guess the tune you're playing (pick ones they know like Jingle Bells and Deck the Halls)
This assignment isn't meant to be a burden - it's meant to help you connect the hard work we do in class to the greater reason to play your instrument... to share music with others! This assignment, along with the 2 reviews due at the end of the semester comprise the bulk of your Test/Assignment grade which currently accounts for 50% of your grade.
Good luck! And, if you need any ideas, have any questions, or need an extension on the due date because of extenuating circumstances, please feel to contact Ms. Silberman.
Now, go Deck the Halls with sounds of music... fa la la la la, la la la la