Friday, September 26, 2008

Minutes from the parent meeting Sept. 22

(Thanks Denise Lowen!!!)

Here are the minutes for the parent meeting on 9/22/08.

Meeting opened with a short performance by the Advanced Orchestra quintet!

Welcome to parents, students and especially Freshman parents!

Ms. Silberman stated that she wants to communicate with parents and she is available by email, cell phone, or conference. She stated that she is available for any additional meetings parents feel they need to help their student. Please check the website for all up-to-date
information. You can also check the Titan blog or Ms. Silbermans' personal blog. She sends out a weekly email to students and parent on Thursdays.

Plan on checking in with Ms. Silberman at conferences in October to see howyour student is doing!

Please check the student handbook for the grading system, concert dress etc. that is used by Ms. Silberman. She stated that it is easy to get an A in Orchestra if you participate!

Please sign and return the orange sheet students brought home last week. There are two parts to this form. It is a trip permission slip and a medical release form. This is required BEFORE your student will be allowed to attend any outing.

PLEASE NOTE: Two performances have been added to the calender.
January 9-Waltz night;
March 19-Boston trip for periods 1,2, and 7.

January 9th is Waltz night at WSHS. Parents, students and the community will be invited.

On Dec. 12 students in period 6 will be going to Portland, ZOOLIGHTS and possibly Lloyd Center for ice skating! There will be a small amount of space for students in others periods that are not going to Boston. Cost will be around $40.00. This money can be earned by fundraising.
The website for Orchestra is up and working. Don't forget to check it at

Also, remember the blog has information available too. You can reach the blog by going to

You may go to Integradepro to check for grades.
To ensure a grade of an A or B you must have good
and Assignments turned in.
The playing tests in period 6 are worth a small amount. Other periods will
have random playing tests.
Remember that at least one review must be a live concert.

Students are required to practice.
Period 6 should be practicing a minimum of 1 hour each week.
Period 7 should be practicing a minimum of 100 minutes each week.
Please consider having your instrument checked to see whether it needs new
strings, the bow rehaired or other upgrades. If you have any questions
check with Ms. Silberman.

Remember there are often sales during the holiday season for these types of things.

We are hoping to set up a scholarship program to help students make upgrades to their instruments, buy better instruments or need financial help with lessons.

Kelly Culver, Orchestra Booster President, asked for volunteers to help build the orchestra program and the booster group. She said that there are all sorts of areas that parents can volunteer. She had sign up sheets for: Waltz night, concert help, chaperones for
Boston, and fund raising.

SEEKING: A volunteer or volunteers to coordinate and organize all fundraising activities for the orchestra boosters. This person would oversee and delegate the supervision of each activity to multiple fundraising chairs. This position could be shared with a friend.

Upcoming activities: Titan Auction, Nov. 22. Please plan on attending. For each full table sold the orchestra will receive 100% of the proceeds for one item. Help your orchestra student by purchasing a ticket for yourself and your friends to attend the Auction.

Upcoming fundraisers: Wreath sales, poinsettia sales, violins painted and sold, car washes holiday party quartets, and the ongoing water bottle sales, entertainment books.

Other volunteers needed: Grant Writer-contact Ms. Silberman if interested.

Kelly Culver handed out student account information. Seniors can roll back any monies left in their account to their younger siblings.

Mark and Denise Lowen are the Boston trip organizers. If you need to contact them for any reason their number is 503-399-1912. Mark Lowen presented information regarding the orchestra trip.

The students will be going to the Heritage Music Festival, March 19-22. We will need 1 chaperone per 10-12 students. If you are interested in being a chaperone you must complete a Salem-Keizer Volunteer form. You must be approved before you will be able to go on the

All chaperones are bound to school rules and its important to remember that you are there to help protect the student. That includes no alcohol anytime during the trip.

Cost for chaperones is the same as students: $1075.00 That includes airfare, bus transportation, entrance to the festival etc.
Students and chaperones must have their $75.00 deposit in by Sept. 30.
Dec. 19 is the final attendance count and then
Jan. 28 final payment is due!

In addition to the $1075.00 cost students and chaperones will need to payfor their meals while traveling to and from Boston. Mark handed out a brochure regarding The Heritage Festival. He indicated that the schedule for the trip is still in flux! If you would like a
brochure contact Ms. Silberman. This festival will be educational. The orchestra will be adjudicated, they will hopefully be able to have a clinic and will be visiting some historic sites, possibly attending the Boston Symphony. For more details contact either Ms. Silberman or Mark and Denise Lowen (503-399-1912).

Cellos and bases will be rented in Boston.

You may use your student account money for the $75.00 deposit. Send an email to Ms. Silberman if you would like to do this. MONEY FROM THE CURRENT E BOOK FUNDRAISER IS NOT YET AVAILABLE AS THE FUNDRAISER, TO DATE, IS NOT OVER.

The possibility of students traveling home separately from the group will be handled on a case by case basis and you will need to book air travel separately through the Heritage travel agent and will be responsible for any additional travel expenses. Students will be accompanied to the airport by a chaperone.