Titan Orchestras Newsletter #7, October 16, 2008
In this newsletter:
1) Entertainment Books fund-raiser is done. Wreaths and Pointsettias are on going
2) BOSTON TRIP folks - SAVE THE DATE November 11, 10:30am - 2pm
4) Concert Dress reminder
1) The Entertainment Book fund-raiser is officially over. All money or books need to be returned yesterday. The Wreath and Pointsettia fund-raiser is ongoing. If you need more forms for sending the gift baskets please let Ms. Silberman know and she'll get you in touch with the organizer of the fund-raiser. There will be another fund-raiser starting up in the next month or so, and we'll be selling tickets to the Waltz Night Fundraiser Jan. 9 - so the money raising opportunities continue.
2) STUDENTS GOING ON THE BOSTON TRIP - mandatory rehearsal on our day off in November. Tuesday November 11 we'll have a long waltz rehearsal - 10:30 - 2pm. Bring $3 for pizza for lunch!!! Should be an opportunity to bond and play! The trip organizer will come in and talk to us some more about the trip (itinerary) and fund-raising.
3) Concert for all the orchestras this next Thursday. CALL TIME, DRESSED AND READY TO GO IS 6:30pm!! We will go over the concert order in the hall from 6:30 - 7:15pm. AUDIENCE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE HALL UNTIL 7:15pm.
4) Concert dress is different than past concerts - please see last week's newsletter for the information or check the blog.
Students - happy practicing. Only YOU can make the difference between a good concert and a great concert...Parents - look forward to seeing you on Thursday night - we're off to a great start here in A101 and we're excited to play for an audience!!
~Daryl S.
silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us *****************************************Don't forget to check the blog regularly!www.titanorchestras.blogspot.comwww.titanorchestras.com*****************************************