Thursday, October 9, 2008

Newsletter #6

Orchestra Newsletter for Oct. 9, 2008

In this newsletter:
1) CAR WASH THIS SATURDAY - few slots still open for working
2) Concert dress for Thursday Oct. 23 concert -SAVE THE DATE!
3) Essay Contest deadline approaching
4) Lots of good concerts to attend this weekend and early next week
5) Advanced Orchestra students experience Indian music
6) Entertainment books - last week!
7) Schedule the next week

1) CAR WASH THIS SATURDAY, Oct. 11, in support of students fund-raising for the Boston Trip this next March. ALL DIRTY CARS TO LES SCHWAB TIRES in West Salem from 11am - 4pm.

This fund-raiser is being organized by violinist Mikayla Wittman. Any trip-going students wishing to work for an hour or two should contact Mikayla - to sign up for a spot.

Please invite all your friends with dirty cars to come get 'em all clean - it's predicted to be a sunny day on Saturday!

2) The dress for the concert on Thursday evening, Oct. 23, at 7:30 (for all students in the Titan Orchestra program) is as follows:

Women - wear all black (long skirt below the knees or pants ok). Sleeves part-way down the arm. No ankles or toes showing - you music wear hose/knee-his/socks and closed toe shoes. No high heels - low heel ok.

Men - tux ok (you may use your school issued tux - freshman can check one out this next week) - or black pants, shoes, socks *and* black shirt (no jacket if wearing black shirt).. You must have performance black shoes - no tennis shoes.

Men and Women *may* of course wear the school issued dress/tux if you wish. All hair must be back and off the eyes. No extravagant jewelry.

Please contact Ms. Silberman if there are any questions about the dress code - it's detailed in the handbook (green) - remember that if students are not in compliance with the dress code, they will NOT be allowed to perform and will not receive credit for performing.

3) The Oregon Symphony essay contest deadline is looming - entries must be to Ms. Silberman by Oct. 22. The essay contest must be no less than one page and no more the two on the topic of "what music means to me." Variations on the topic are acceptable, such as; "what my general music, choir, band or orchestra experience means to me", or "why I plan to be a music teacher/performer." Selected essay winners will receive 2 tickets to an evening Oregon Symphony concert in Salem and recognition in the program for that concert.

4) Great weekend to start in on your live review:

Thurs. and Sat. Oct. 10 and 12 - Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Shostakovich cello concerto, Beethoven symphony #7, Elliot Carter Elegy for Strings - more info:

Monday Oct. 11 - Oregon Symphony Pops in Salem at Smith Hall at Willamette - 8pm concert - for more info: - student ticket prices are available

There will be a group from our Advanced Orchestra performing in the hall from 7:15 - 7:50pm before the concert. Come show your support, and get a review out of the way!!

Tuesday Oct. 14 - Pianafiddle at the Elsinore, 7pm - more info:
Tuesday Oct. 14 - Vivaldi Four Seasons - Portland Baroque in Corvallis, 7:30pm - more info:

5) Students in periods 1 and 2 experience high quality Indian Music with sitar and tabla master Sandip Burman this past Monday. Students in advanced orchestra and wind ensemble sat on the floor and were exposed to both the sitar and the tabla. Students were treated to a lot of information about the theory and practices of Indian Ragas. Thanks to Dr. Nail, Mr.. Griffiths and the music boosters for organizing and sposoring this event..

6) This is the last week for Entertainment books. Q's can be directed to Linda Beardsley - or call 503-399-6443. Thanks to Linda for all the great organization of this fund-raiser!

7) Here is the schedule for the week of Oct. 13:

Tuesday - Sectional for all violins in period 6 2:30 - 3:00pm.
Sectional for violas in advanced symphony - 4pm.
Advanced Symphony 4:30 - 6:15pm

Friday - U of O Graduate String Quartet performance Per. 2.
Advanced Symphony 2:40 - 4:25pm

Have a great weekend - see you at the car wash!!!
~Ms. S

Don't forget to check the blog regularly!