Titan Orchestra Newsletter #4 September 25, 2008
1) Boston trip commitment form due **Tuesday** ALL STUDENTS in PER 1, 2 and 7!!!
2) Advanced Symphony early dismissal tomorrow (Friday)
3) Portland Opera La Traviata opening this weekend
4) Only a few more weeks for Entertainment Books
1) All students in periods 1/2 and 7 (Advanced Orchestra and Symphony Strings) need to complete the bright yellow Boston Trip Commitment form by this next Tuesday - EVEN IF YOU ARE A 'NO' FOR THE TRIP. Forms need to be signed by a parent. The $75 deposit for the "YES" and "MAYBE" people need to be in by Tuesday September 30. That amount can come out of student accounts, if you have it in there. Check with Ms. Silberman for account balances.
If you need another copy of the form, go to the website - www.titanorchestras.com - and click on the Trip Information page - the form will be posted by this evening (Thursday evening).
2) Advanced Symphony is only until 3:30pm this Friday, Sept. 26.
3) The Portland Opera opens it's '08/'09 season with Verdi's La Traviata. For more info about the opera:
For more info on tickets:
4) There are only a few weeks left for the Entertainment book sales - each book is $20 of which $10 goes to the student's account. Email Linda Beasley for more info: beasley_linda@salkeiz.k12.or.us or call 503-399-6443.
The schedule for October that includes before and after school sectionals will be posted in another few days on our website - copies will be given out to students. REMEMBER THAT SECTIONALS ARE CONSIDERED MANDATORY - Grades will be negatively effected if students routinely don't make sectionals (unless otherwise excused). Our first concert is October 23 at 7:30 - SAVE THE DATE!
Thanks to all who attended the parent meeting - we have an exciting group of students this year and I thank all the parents who've offered volunteer help. Special thanks to Jessica, Kayla, Taylor, Zevon, and Jacklyn for playing Mozart at the beginning of the meeting!!!
~Ms. S