All State Orchestra
Play a 3-octave A Major scale using sixteenth notes, slurring eight notes to a bowstroke. Metronome marking: quarter note=108.
Play a 3-octave A Melodic Minor scale, using sixteenth notes and a detaché bow stroke. Metronome marking: quarter note=92.
Play the first 25 bars of Mazas Number 23, Opus 36, Book 1, Published by Schirmer. Metronome marking: eighth note=96.
Play a short excerpt from your current solo literature lasting no more than one minute. Announce the title, composer and movement of the selection before playing the excerpt.
Play a 3-octave D Major scale using sixteenth notes, slurring eight notes to a bow stroke. Metronome marking: quarter note=108.
Play a 3-octave D Melodic Minor scale using sixteenth notes and a detaché bow stroke. Metronome marking: quarter note=92.
Play the first 25 bars of Mazas Number 23, Opus 36, Book 1, Published by Schirmer. Metronome marking: eighth note=96.
Play a short excerpt from your current solo literature lasting no more than one minute. Announce the title, composer and movement of the selection before playing the excerpt.
Play a 3-octave D Major scale using sixteenth notes, slurring eight notes to a bow stroke. Metronome marking: quarter note=88.
Play a 3-octave D Melodic Minor scale using sixteenth notes and a detaché bow stroke. Metronome marking: quarter note=72.
Play the top staff of Kummer Violoncello Method, Number 79, Andante, published by Schirmer. Play the entire selection. Metronome marking: eighth note=100.
Play a short excerpt from your current solo literature lasting no more than one minute. Announce the title, composer and movement of the selection before playing the excerpt.
Play a 2-octave F Major scale using sixteenth notes, slurring four notes to a bow stroke. Metronome marking: quarter note=88.
Play a 2-octave E Melodic Minor scale using sixteenth notes and a detaché bow stroke. Metronome marking: quarter note=72
Play the first 16 bars of the Rigoletto excerpt, page 122 in Simandl, Book 1, published by Fischer. Metronome marking; quarter note=82.
Play a short excerpt from your current solo literature lasting no more than one minute. Announce the title, composer and movement of the selection before playing the excerpt.
75 Melodious and Progressive Studies, Opus 36, Book 1
(Mazas, published Schirmer)
Track 1 Three-octave A major scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, slur eight notes per bow. (Quarter note = 108)
Track 2 Three-octave A melodic minor scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, detaché. (Quarter note = 92)
Track 3 Exercise 8: Start at pick-up to E major section, play 16 measures and end on E. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 4 Exercise 23: Play the first 25 measures. Follow indicated markings and suggestions. (Eighth note = 96)
Track 5 Identify and play a one-minute excerpt from your solo literature.
Quality of tone and intonation will be major factors.
New Method for Double Bass, Book 1
(Simandl, pub. C. Fischer)
Track 1 Two-octave F major scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, slur four notes per bow. (Quarter note = 88)
Track 2 Two-octave E melodic minor scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, detaché. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 3 Page 75, exercise 9. (Quarter note = 88)
Track 4 Page 122, first sixteen measures. (Quarter note = 82)
Track 5 Identify and play a one-minute excerpt from your solo literature.
Violoncello Method
(Kummer, published Schirmer)
Track 1 Three-octave D major scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, slur eight notes per bow. (Quarter note = 88)
Track 2 Three-octave E melodic minor scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, detaché. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 3 Page 78, exercise 70: Top part. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 4 Page 86, exercise 79: Top part. (Eighth note = 100)
Track 5 Identify and play a one-minute excerpt from your solo literature.
Etudes Speciales, Opus 36, Book 1
(Mazas, published Schirmer)
Track 1 Three-octave D major scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, slur eight notes per bow. (Quarter note = 108)
Track 2 Three-octave D melodic minor scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, detaché. (Quarter note = 92)
Track 3 Exercise 8: Start at pick-up to A major section, play 16 measures and end on A. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 4 Exercise 23: Play the first 25 measures. Follow indicated markings and suggestions. (Eighth note = 96)
Track 5 Identify and play a one-minute excerpt from your solo literature.
75 Melodious and Progressive Studies, Opus 36, Book 1
(Mazas, published Schirmer)
Track 1 Three-octave A major scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, slur eight notes per bow. (Quarter note = 108)
Track 2 Three-octave A melodic minor scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, detaché. (Quarter note = 92)
Track 3 Exercise 8: Start at pick-up to E major section, play 16 measures and end on E. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 4 Exercise 23: Play the first 25 measures. Follow indicated markings and suggestions. (Eighth note = 96)
Track 5 Identify and play a one-minute excerpt from your solo literature.
Quality of tone and intonation will be major factors.
New Method for Double Bass, Book 1
(Simandl, pub. C. Fischer)
Track 1 Two-octave F major scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, slur four notes per bow. (Quarter note = 88)
Track 2 Two-octave E melodic minor scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, detaché. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 3 Page 75, exercise 9. (Quarter note = 88)
Track 4 Page 122, first sixteen measures. (Quarter note = 82)
Track 5 Identify and play a one-minute excerpt from your solo literature.
Violoncello Method
(Kummer, published Schirmer)
Track 1 Three-octave D major scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, slur eight notes per bow. (Quarter note = 88)
Track 2 Three-octave E melodic minor scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, detaché. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 3 Page 78, exercise 70: Top part. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 4 Page 86, exercise 79: Top part. (Eighth note = 100)
Track 5 Identify and play a one-minute excerpt from your solo literature.
Etudes Speciales, Opus 36, Book 1
(Mazas, published Schirmer)
Track 1 Three-octave D major scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, slur eight notes per bow. (Quarter note = 108)
Track 2 Three-octave D melodic minor scale: Sixteenth notes ascending and descending, detaché. (Quarter note = 92)
Track 3 Exercise 8: Start at pick-up to A major section, play 16 measures and end on A. (Quarter note = 72)
Track 4 Exercise 23: Play the first 25 measures. Follow indicated markings and suggestions. (Eighth note = 96)
Track 5 Identify and play a one-minute excerpt from your solo literature.