Thursday, September 13, 2012

Newsletter #2 (9.13.12)

Sorry for the different newsletter format - the Mailchimp format will be back next week, hopefully.

Coming up this next week:
Week of Sept. 17
(Sunday Sept. 16 - Salem Youth Symphony jump start 1:30 at Chemeketa)
Monday - Chamber rehearsal VIVALDI 10 only 2:30 - 4
Tuesday - First Symphony rehearsal 2:30 - 4
Tuesday - Honors and Titan String Quartet 4-5pm
Wednesday - Deadline for deposit for Big Trip
Wednesday - Chamber Orchestra extra rehearsal 4:30 - 6:30pm
Thursday - Symphony rehearsal 4 - 6pm

Sept. 22 (Saturday) - Salem Chamber Orchestra free dress rehearsal 10am - 12:30pm
Sept. 23 - Concert and Carwash (Big Trip students) - Les Schwab 12-4pm
Sept. 28 and 29 - Chamber retreat (finished at 10pm Saturday the 29th)

Newsletter #2
Contained within:
1) Did you miss the parent meeting?
2) Titan Auction
3) Entertainment book update
4) More website updates... including the library
5) Salem Youth Symphony Jump Start this weekend
6) September 19 is the deadline for Big Trip deposit
7) Check out this video... Beethoven's 5th Symphony

1) Did you miss the parent meeting?
Please take the time to review the Parent Meeting Powerpoint that you can download off the parent page of our website - - thanks (if you did miss the email, expect an email you'll need to RSVP to from Ms. S just to confirm you received the info)! Huge thanks to all who did come. We deeply appreciate the parent support of this program!

2) Titan Auction isn't until November 17, but the website is already up. Please go to our website and find the Titan Auction link under the Fundraising tab!

3) Entertainment Book sales are still ongoing. Students can check out books during lunch on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and after school Wednesdays - Fridays. If you go to our website, under the Fundraising tab you'll see some new Entertainment Book info - including seller instructions for registering online so you can sell to friends and family out of town/out of state!

4) There are even more updates to the website - - Check out the Library tab - there are music/video links to all the music each group is playing in class!!!!

5) The Salem Youth Symphony has their Jump Start this weekend - even if you're not sure whether or not you'd like to play in the group, come check out Philharmonia or Youth Symphony by coming to Chemeketa College this Sunday at 1:30pm. Here's a link for more info:

6) September 19 is the deadline for 2013 Big Trip (DC and NY) deposit - please deposit $100 into the grey box for each student and parent chaperon interested in going! First big payment deadline is October 11. More info is available on the website. It's going to be a great trip! Stay tuned for a Waltz Night rehearsal schedule update!

7) Check out this video... Beethoven's 5th Symphony
The Salem Chamber Orchestra has their free dress rehearsal Sat. Sept. 22 (concert is on Sunday the 23rd). We will be playing Beethoven's famous 5th symphony - most well known opening 4 notes. Check out the first movement here:

Thanks for reading all the way to the end of the newsletter! Back to the other newsletter form next week. 
~Ms S