Friday, August 24, 2012

Boot Camp Thursday and Friday

Aha - I apparently do have some blog followers - my apologies for not blogging Thursday! Thanks for noticing...

Thursday we had a lovely performance by Lyrical Strings from Portland - you heard a Czardas by Monti, a Tango by Piazzolla, and 5 Rumanian Dances by Bela Bartok. Here's a link to their website:

And, to purchase their CD online:

Today, Friday, we wrapped up our Boot Camp by completing 2 annual traditions - Yoga and the Water Balloon toss. Thanks to all who worked on yoga today - here's my "Warrior Sequence":

Mountain Pose
Swan dive to forward fold
Down Dog
3 legged dog right
Right leg forward - Crescent
Warrior II
Reverse Warrior
Extended Side Angle
Center Triangle and fold
Switch to Left side
Triangle (now with left leg forward)
Extended Side Angle
Reverse Warrior
Warrior II
3 legged dog left
Down Dog
Jump to forward fold
Arms up to Mountain pose

Congratulations to Chamber for a lovely performance of Vivaldi's String Concerto in D Major, RV 121. And String Orchestra and Sinfonietta, you did a great job performing Richard Meyers "Adventures of Stringman".

I look forward to seeing you all soon!
~Ms S