In this newsletter:
1) PARENT BOOSTER MEETING 6:15pm this Tuesday, May 5 at 6:15pm
2) June 1 - awards night for all orchestra members and volunteer parents
3) Sectional schedule for advanced symphony this next week
REMINDER - BOOT CAMP IS MONDAY - THURSDAY AUGUST 24, 2009 - it's mandatory for all Titan Orchestra members ($40 fee).
1) Parent Booster Meeting at 6:15 in the choir room this Tuesday, May 5. We will be discussing Boot Camp (week of August 24... required of all Titan Orchestra members), booster business (we need volunteers for a few key positions this next year), trip info for next year and much more. Thank you for your time!!!
2) June 1 - 6pm awards night in the auditorium for all Titan Orchestra members and volunteer parents. All students are invited to attend this fun celebration of the year's events - video and slide show presentations will be made, awards will be handed out, and congratulations (and thank you's) will go to parent volunteers who helped make this year so successful. Following this awards ceremony, the advanced orchestra with members of wind ensemble will be presenting a concerto concert featuring select graduating seniors from the music department.
3) Advanced Symphony mandatory sectionals this week (the last week of sectionals for symphony!!):
Monday 4:30pm 1st violins
Tuesday 6:45am 2nd violins
Tuesday 2:30pm cellos and basses
Tuesday 3:30 violas
Thank you parents and students for making this last effort to disrupt your very busy schedules to come do these sectionals. Symphony is sounding amazing and these sectionals help us to make sure we know are notes and are playing well together!!
Thanks to one and all who performed or attended last night's concert! What a musical treat! Thanks too to everyone who donated items or nibbles.
~Musically yours,
Ms. S