Newsletter for May 7, 2009
In this newsletter:
1) Times and info for State competition next week
2) Auditions for next year's orchestras Wednesday - Friday of next week
3) Thank you parent boosters
4) Silverton Wine and Jazz festival this Saturday (come hear UnBande)
5) Last chance for $5 student tickets for Joshua Bell May 19 (adult tickets $48)
6) Claudia's Nursery Mother's Day Sale this Saturday - come support orchestra music boosters
1) State Competitions for Orchestra and Symphony are Friday May 15. I welcome West parents and friends in the audience.This page has all the info about performance order and time:
This page has all the spectator/audience information:
The bus for advanced orchestra leaves at 8:40am. There are some advanced symphony members who will be allowed to come to Corvallis on the orchestra bus with parent and other teacher/adminstration approval. The bus for advanced symphony LEAVES at 4:30.
MEN - for orchestra you are wearing white suit shirt and long tie. For Symphony you are wearing tux shirt and bow tie (sorry).
The bus home will return to Salem around 10:30pm - my cell is 818-317-8218 if you need to find out where the bus is.
2) Auditions for next year's orchestra (for all students wishing or expecting to move up in the orchestras) will be on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week both during classes and after school. Sign up sheet will be available in the orchestra room. Audition requirements are listed on the board in the orchestra room. Good luck! It looks like it's going to be another fantastic year!!!!
3) Thank you to Kelly Culver and all the parents who came to the orchestra boosters meeting this past Tuesday. We need more parent volunteers to be chairperson for a few specific projects: Entertainment books - August through November, Wreaths and Poinsettias - November and December, Waltz Night - September and October, Boot Camp - July and August - please contact me or Kelly Culver ( for more information and/or if you have interest and time to volunteer - the success of our program depends on parent help!!!!
4) Silverton Wine and Jazz festival is this Saturday, May 9 - my husband Danny Seidenberg and I, with Noah Seitz on cello and Chris Woitach on guitar, will be playing at the festival from 6:30 - 8pm Saturday evening - the group is called UnBande. There will be music at many venues all day long, with fantastic local wineries featured at each venue. Tickets are only available for those 21 and over. For more info:
5) Joshua Bell May 19 - student tickets are available for $5 for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see one of the world's most adored violinists... and, come celebrate Dr. Ike Nail's award (music educator of the year). Adult tickets are only available at the rather expensive $48 price. Orders need to be in to me by Friday morning - payment by Friday May 15. Please have students reserve tickets in class and/or email me.
6) Claudia's Nursery Mother's Day Sale is this Saturday. Claudia will be making a donation to Music Boosters in exchange for hosting a trio from Symphony Strings (Jamie, CJ, and Linda). The Country Pantry and Nursery sale is all day Saturday 9 - 4 on Orchard Heights, just past (or before depending on where you're coming from) West: 3187 Orchard Heights Rd NW.
Hope to see you there!!
Have a great weekend!~Daryl S.