Yay - both orchestra groups have been selected to perform on May 15, 2009 in Corvallis:
Advanced Orchestra - performance time 10:20am
Advanced Symphony - performance time 7:30pm (last performing group)
Awards at 9pm
Bus will probably leave around 9:45pm to go back to Salem...
This will prompt much planning and discussion about whether students who perform earlier in the day stay in Corvallis or go back to school/home between performances. And, whether or not advanced symphony members come early to hear and support advanced orchestra members. If anyone (student or parent) feels strongly any particular way, please contact me. Otherwise, know that I will probably stay the whole day and will be looking for parents to ride a bus home after advanced orchestra plays and another set of parents to ride an after school bus that will bring symphony members in the late afternoon to watch groups before we perform. The awards ceremony is neat - even if we don't place or win... it's a very celebratory event... please plan on staying!
~Daryl S. silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us