High school students in awe of violinist visiting Salem
30 string players meet with world-renowned musician
May 24, 2009
Before Joshua Bell, the internationally renowned violinist, appeared with the Oregon Symphony in Salem on Tuesday evening, he met with 30 string students.
The session was closed to the press, but these students shared their reactions by e-mail:
Last night I saw Joshua Bell in concert and had the pleasure of meeting him. Mr. Bell talked to a few violin students, including myself, and gave us advice on nerves when playing and how to choose schools if we wanted to pursue a career with violins. I will take from this opportunity the advice he did give us and that music is worth all of the practice and hard work if you just try.
— Jessica Willcoxen, freshman, West Salem High School
When I first started playing the violin, my private teacher gave me a Joshua Bell CD that I listened to each night as I fell asleep. Meeting this world-renowned violinist is an experience that I will never forget. He was quite personable and had a very humble attitude about his music, making the environment much more comfortable. The passion that he showed for his music has truly inspired me.
— Megan Chong, sophomore, West Salem High School
The interview with Joshua Bell was awe inspiring to say the least. I shall take his advice that practice does make perfect and that playing faster is not always better. His lifestyle is as much of an inspiration as his amazing playing styles. Joshua Bell travels all over this world and gets to meet every type of person and communicate with them through the international language of music.
— Max Harmon, junior, West Salem High School
I owe the privilege of meeting with Joshua Bell to the Salem Youth Symphony. It gave me a larger perspective on what it means to be a professional musician, and what it means to be a "good" performer and what it means to be "exceptional." Mr. Bell said that, for him, temperament creates the exception; music is meant to express emotion, and if you lack the temperament to emote what you play, you cannot make art.
— Molly Hartshorn, sophomore, South Salem High School
I took the whole experience of meeting Joshua Bell as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It was a ton of fun for the selected few that got to meet him face to face. Josh told us about how he got started and answered our personal and musical questions, gave us tips for the future and just let us have an amazing experience. I really thank everyone that helped give us the chance to meet such a great violinist.
— Lauren Zeigler, sophomore, West Salem High School