Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Newsletter #22 (3.20.13)

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Here is your weekly West Salem High School Titan Orchestra Program newsletter! These should arrive weekly around Thursday. Please read all the way through... there's a video link at the bottom for your enjoyment! ~Ms S

Coming up...

Google Calendar click here

Theory Assignment Due

Week of  Apr 1
Mon  No school
Tue   2:35 Sym
         6:15pm Boosters
Wed  4-7 Chamber
Thur  4 Sym
Fri      WOU (Chamber)

Apr 2   Booster Meeting
Apr 5   Sym to WOU (3pm)
Apr 12  Band festival (we run it!)
Apr 13  Orch fest (Sym, Sinf, CO)
Apr 17  6:30am Chamber
Apr 24  Instrument sale and clinic!

July 8-18 Summer strings
Aug 19  Chamber retreat
Aug 20 - 23 Boot Camp!

Current Fundraisers


Titan Orchestra Newsletter #22


Contained within...
1) Concert details - including outfit info
2) Big Trip time! Follow the Blog
3) OR Sym concert Friday night

4) Boot Camp planning...
5) Thank you - and Big Trip 2015 (?!)
7) Check out this video...  (Spiderman the Musical) 

1) Concert details- including outfit info
Concert this Wednesday is a little different than in years past. Here is the schedule:
Students come after school at 2:30!
2:30 - En Masse rehearsal (please bring home instruments if you can!!) - all students required to attend.
3:30 Big Trip rehearsal.
4:15pm Big Trip dismissed.
Concert Call Time: 6:15pm
Concert time: 6:30.
Concert conclusion 7:45 (or earlier if it flows well)

The concert outfit for this concert is simple - dress nicely. No jeans. No tennis shoes. No sleeveless shirts. No short skirts (skirts below the knee!). No high heel shoes. Dress like you were going to visit your grandmother. The reason for the change in this concert outfit is that the Big Trip folks need to have black clothes and Titan Orchestra shirts packed in their bag.

2) Big Trip time! Follow the Blog
Big Trip students and Chaperons are off at 4am tomorrow morning. You are welcome to follow the Blog of the trip - hopefully, there'll be an update each evening. Students will perform 3 times, see 4 performances including a Broadway musical (Spiderman!), see the Stradivarius instrument collection in DC, tour Juilliard, and more! 

3) OR Sym concert Friday night
For those not on the Big Trip, there's a great concert here in town Friday night - the Oregon Symphony in Salem, at Smith Hall at Willamette University. Concert is at 8pm and $5 student tickets should be available at the door. The concert features the Rachmaninoff Piano Concert #1 and a Dvorak Symphony. For more info on the concert, click here:

4) Boot Camp planning...
Amazingly, it's already time to gently start thinking about next year. Boot Camp is a "mandatory" part of our program. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! Orchestra Boot Camp occurs 2 weeks before the start of school. There is a fee for Boot Camp - $40 - payable in August, that goes towards snacks and guest artists. This is our opportunity to come together as a program - from entering 9th graders through veteran seniors - to play both for and with each other. Additionally, students will be treated to wonderful guest performers - from all over Oregon!  All students enrolled in orchestra for the 2013-14 school year are required to attend Boot Camp (Students who absolutely cannot attend because of family vacation or sports are of course excused). Chamber Orchestra members will be required to come Monday August 19 for the day 10am - 6pm (evening sleepover is optional). Sinfonietta and String Orchestra members come Tuesday - Friday August 20-23 from 9:30am - 12:30pm, Chamber stays over an additional hour, until 1:30pm. On Friday the 23rd, the camp ends with a final performance at Noon and everyone is dismissed afterwards. Parents are welcome to come to that performance.

5) Thank you - and Big Trip 2015 (?!)
Thank you to all the parents who have fundraised like crazy to get students off to DC and NY. Huge thanks to Geoff Winkler (and wife Carrie, our booster president) for countless hours of work. And just so you know, planning will begin next Fall for the Big Trip 2015 trip. A committee will be put together to research options - domestic and international. Montreal? Boston? Ireland? SF?  

6) Check out this video... (Spiderman!

Those on the Big Trip will be seeing Spiderman The Musical in NY this Saturday. Here's a preview:

Thanks for reading the newsletter all the way to the end - now you're informed and up-to-date!!! Please don't forget to check the website for more information. 
~Ms S (Daryl Silberman)

Ms. Silberman:
Orchestra Booster President: Carrie Winkler
Student Accounts: Todd