(see original email for live links)
***Save the Date*** (click here for our calendar)
No Sectionals the month of January - all students have after school rehearsals with Chamber groups
Jan 15 - Chamber Orchestra performs at OMEA convention
Jan 13 - Mandatory Trip meeting for Chicago students and parents
Jan 20 - All City auditions
Feb 1 - Advanced Chamber Music Concert - Loucks (CO)
Feb 4 - Portland Cello Project at downtown library
Contained within:
1) December Performance Assignment reminder
2) History and music for Auld Lang Syne
3) A busy month for Chamber Orchestra members
4) Explanation of Chamber Music unit for January
5) No Sectionals for the month of January
6) Live Performance Review reminder
1) December Performance Assignment reminder
All students have received paperwork and/or been reminded about the December Performance Assignment - PDR (Plan-Do-Review). Students need to perform 'in public' some time during the month of December (or first few days of January). "In public" just means that it's for other people - family and/or friends is fine. One suggestion is to play Auld Lang Syne on New Years Day - see the info below. All students should have Suzuki books and Green and/or Beige books that have music that can be performed. On January 3 or 4 students will write down how their 'performance' went in the composition books at school - once reviewed, points will be given for the assignment. There is no 'make up' points available for this assignment after January 4.
2) History and music for Auld Lang Syne
At the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve, everyone sings a familiar melody - Auld Lang Syne. If you don't think you know, it you probably do. The words are different and I've never fully understood the meaning of them. You could fulfill your December Performance Assignment by playing this for your New Years Eve crowd or on New Years Day... Here's the Wikipedia info on the tune:
Auld Lang Syne Wikipedia
Here's a link to see the music in treble clef (F major):
Auld Lang Syne
And, another resource
Sheet Music and listening link
Or, just google search for Auld Lang Syne Sheet Music and then click on images for results - tons of versions available online.
3) A busy month for Chamber Orchestra members
The month of January is going to be a busy one for Chamber Orchestra members. Here's a list of what we're working on:
Chamber Music Project - students are required to meet weekly with their chamber music group. Concert is February 1 (and during Finals).
OMEA performance - on Saturday Jan 15 students will be performing a 20 minute performance at the Oregon Music Educators Assoc. conference in Eugene. We're playing Giannini, Britten, and maybe Tango.
All State - 7 of our members are playing with the All State orchestra at the OMEA convention the weekend of January 14. They will leave the All State rehearsal to come perform with us when we play as Chamber Orchestra at OMEA on Saturday Jan 15.
All City auditions - all but one of the Chamber students are doing a live audition for All City. I'm hopeful that many will make it into the All City orchestra. We will work on this material some during class, and some after school.
Please be focused during rehearsals and practicing efficiently at home. Keep up your vitamins and minerals too - it's a bad month to get sick.
4) Explanation of Chamber Music unit for January
In the month of January, all students will participate in a Chamber Music unit. The first few days will be dedicated to selecting and sight reading music. The 2nd and 3rd weeks of January students will rehearse on their own and be coached by guest musicians. There are no sectionals the month of January - students will need to practice weekly with their chamber music partners after or before school. This rehearsal can happen at school, but, can also be at student homes. Once the rehearsal is registered with me weekly, students will receive full participation points for the week.
Finals at West happen January 26, 27, and 28. For our final, students will perform their chamber music group in front of the class - this in-class performance will be video taped and put up on our YouTube site. Each student will also assess the performance of their peers. There will also be a short written final in each class - content of this test will be discussed and reviewed over the weeks before the final.
Students in Chamber Orchestra will perform their chamber music at a performance on February 1 at the downtown public library, Loucks Auditorium. There might be a group or two from Sinfonietta and/or Titan Strings invited to perform on this chamber music concert too.
5) No Sectionals for the month of January
The month of January there are no sectionals for Sinfonietta or Titan Violins. All students will be required to find time to work with their chamber music partners once per week. If students need assistance with this after school rehearsal, I am available to work with them.
6) Live Performance Review reminder
Reminder that all students must attend one live concert - collegiate or professional - each semester. This assignment is due January 25. Students who saw concerts in September, October, November or December just need to complete a review for credit. Review information (survey or essay) is up on the website - www.titanorchestras.com - click on Student members and then on Review Information.
If you haven't seen a concert yet, there are a few concerts these next few weeks - check the Art Smart Salem website for January:
There is a Camerata Music performance and 2 Oregon Symphony performances that students can see - through Art Smart, there are student discounts available for most performances. Students who run the risk of not completing this assignment (because they cannot attend a live concert in the next 4 weeks) can come talk to Ms. S for alternative arrangements. I feel very strongly that musicians not only learn to be good audience members, but that students are supportive of local, live music! Students receive inspiration and motivation from seeing professionals play.
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Congratulations Lauren C!
Senior violist Lauren C. has made the finals of the Connie Fritz Memorial Concerto Competition for the Salem Chamber Orchestra. On Jan. 9 in the afternoon Lauren will perform her concerto movement live with accompanist in front of the judges. Good luck Lauren!
Friday, December 10, 2010
David Klinkenberg's coming to Salem this weekend
Contemporary violinist David Klinkenberg is coming to Salem's People's Church this weekend - some of these shows are sold out. He is a wonderfully inspirational nationally-touring violinist who plays at many churches during the holiday season. Very exciting that he's here in Salem again this year.
Here's a link to his tour website with ticket info:
Here's a link to his tour website with ticket info:
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Newsletter #11 (emailed 12/8/10)
***Save the Date*** (click here for our calendar)
Wed Dec 8 - Winter Concert (Titan Strings and Sinfonietta)
Thu Dec 9 - Capital Manor (Chamber group) 4-6pm
Mon Dec 13 - Winter at West Dress Rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30 (Chamber)
Wed Dec 15 - Winter at West (Chamber)
Thu Dec 16 - Winter at West (Chamber)
Fri Dec 17 - Capital Manor (select students) 5pm
Sat Dec 18 - Prelude at OR Symphony Portland (Chamber group)
Contained within:
1) Chicago Trip deposit #2 is due Friday
2) Titan Strings videos up on the blog
3) Concert Tonight (Dec. 8) for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta
4) Winter at West details for audience and members
5) Stocking stuffer ideas for young musicians...
6) Thank you to parents!!!
1) Chicago Trip deposit #2 is due Friday Dec. 10
Just a reminder that an important deadline comes Friday - all students wanting to attend the Chicago tour must have their next payment turned into the grey box by 2:30 Friday. Please see emails that have been sent to you regarding amounts and contact info if there are any questions. Save the date - Thursday January 13 at 6:30 - for a special Chicago Trip meeting (pizza will be provided). At this meeting we will go over the itinerary, paperwork needed, packing guidelines, rehearsal schedule for January and February, and more. At least one parent per student family are asked to attend this meeting. Students going on the trip will be required to attend this meeting.
2) Titan Strings videos up on the blog
Titan Strings went to Portland Children's Museum on Thursday Dec. 2, 2010 - click on the link below to see the videos embedded into our blog:
Titan Strings PCM video Blog Entry
Of, you can go to www.youtube.com/titanorchestras to see the videos directly on YouTube
3) Concert Dec. 8 for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta
Wednesday December 8 is our Winter Concert for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta. The concert will be at 7pm in the auditorium. Sprague's intermediate orchestra, called "Symphony Strings", is our special guest.
Here's the schedule
5:30 - Titan Strings and Sinfonietta on stage to practice Jingle Bell Hoedown (please arrive 10 minutes earlier than stated)
6:15 dinner break - pre-order pizza, capri sun, ice cream for $5 (or, bring a dinner)
7pm performance
8:30ish - concert conclusion
A few select students Sinfonietta cellists and a bass player have been asked to bring home instruments to this concert. Violinists may want to bring their home instrument to assure they have an instrument for the Hoedown.
4) Winter at West details for audience and members
Winter at West is going to bigger and better than ever. This show is a celebration of the season - Promise of Peace - and information about the show will be written up in the Statesman Journal. Only Chamber Orchestra performs in this show (from the orchestra program) but I certainly hope that students and parents from the rest of the orchestra program will buy advance tickets and come - it's one of the finest productions we put on at West.
Tickets are on sale through the bookkeeper's office at West. Babysitting will be provided this year by Titan Tots.
Here's info for musicians:
Monday Dec. 13 - Mandatory dress rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30pm
Wed. and Thur. Dec. 15 and 16 - 6:30 call time in the orchestra room.
5) Stocking stuffer ideas for young musicians...
Here's a list of great ideas for stocking stuffers for young musicians - I'll provide a link on the items below at Shar Music (see original email for links), but you can ask the following dealers in town for the same items:Weathers Music, Uptown, Henry Strobels, David Kerr Violins
Jade Rosin (for cello/violin/viola)
A metronome
A tuner
A metronome tuner
Manhasset stand (available in many colors)
Violin gift plaque
Musical gifts like pins, earrings, instrument wrapping paper
A new case (not so much a stocking stuffer as a main present)
Gift membership to www.virtualsheetmusic.com - so students can print off all the music they'd like
6) Thank you to parents and students!!!
Huge thanks goes to the parents and students who helped our very successful Wreath, Poinsettia and Christmas Tree fundraiser this year. Tracy Riley and Steve Tatman took hours of their time to go up to the tree farm to fresh cut our beautiful trees. The following students helped with Wreath and Poinsettia set up and pick up:
Itati Guillen
Katerina Krazovskiy - and a friend who had nothing better to do!
Amanda Childers
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
Riley Brostrom
Ana Ramirez
Stella Kim
Steve Tatman
Mark Lowen
Karen Tatman
Jacque Dodds - two shifts
Makayla McCauley
Kathy McCauley
Kim Dietz
Lori Dietz - two shifts
The following parents helped with tree pick up:
Tracy Brostrom
Gordy Harder
Gail Harder
Kim Dietz
Lori Dietz
And, as always, I thank the parent booster organization for providing such amazing fundraisers for the students!
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Wed Dec 8 - Winter Concert (Titan Strings and Sinfonietta)
Thu Dec 9 - Capital Manor (Chamber group) 4-6pm
Mon Dec 13 - Winter at West Dress Rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30 (Chamber)
Wed Dec 15 - Winter at West (Chamber)
Thu Dec 16 - Winter at West (Chamber)
Fri Dec 17 - Capital Manor (select students) 5pm
Sat Dec 18 - Prelude at OR Symphony Portland (Chamber group)
Contained within:
1) Chicago Trip deposit #2 is due Friday
2) Titan Strings videos up on the blog
3) Concert Tonight (Dec. 8) for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta
4) Winter at West details for audience and members
5) Stocking stuffer ideas for young musicians...
6) Thank you to parents!!!
1) Chicago Trip deposit #2 is due Friday Dec. 10
Just a reminder that an important deadline comes Friday - all students wanting to attend the Chicago tour must have their next payment turned into the grey box by 2:30 Friday. Please see emails that have been sent to you regarding amounts and contact info if there are any questions. Save the date - Thursday January 13 at 6:30 - for a special Chicago Trip meeting (pizza will be provided). At this meeting we will go over the itinerary, paperwork needed, packing guidelines, rehearsal schedule for January and February, and more. At least one parent per student family are asked to attend this meeting. Students going on the trip will be required to attend this meeting.
2) Titan Strings videos up on the blog
Titan Strings went to Portland Children's Museum on Thursday Dec. 2, 2010 - click on the link below to see the videos embedded into our blog:
Titan Strings PCM video Blog Entry
Of, you can go to www.youtube.com/titanorchestras to see the videos directly on YouTube
3) Concert Dec. 8 for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta
Wednesday December 8 is our Winter Concert for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta. The concert will be at 7pm in the auditorium. Sprague's intermediate orchestra, called "Symphony Strings", is our special guest.
Here's the schedule
5:30 - Titan Strings and Sinfonietta on stage to practice Jingle Bell Hoedown (please arrive 10 minutes earlier than stated)
6:15 dinner break - pre-order pizza, capri sun, ice cream for $5 (or, bring a dinner)
7pm performance
8:30ish - concert conclusion
A few select students Sinfonietta cellists and a bass player have been asked to bring home instruments to this concert. Violinists may want to bring their home instrument to assure they have an instrument for the Hoedown.
4) Winter at West details for audience and members
Winter at West is going to bigger and better than ever. This show is a celebration of the season - Promise of Peace - and information about the show will be written up in the Statesman Journal. Only Chamber Orchestra performs in this show (from the orchestra program) but I certainly hope that students and parents from the rest of the orchestra program will buy advance tickets and come - it's one of the finest productions we put on at West.
Tickets are on sale through the bookkeeper's office at West. Babysitting will be provided this year by Titan Tots.
Here's info for musicians:
Monday Dec. 13 - Mandatory dress rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30pm
Wed. and Thur. Dec. 15 and 16 - 6:30 call time in the orchestra room.
5) Stocking stuffer ideas for young musicians...
Here's a list of great ideas for stocking stuffers for young musicians - I'll provide a link on the items below at Shar Music (see original email for links), but you can ask the following dealers in town for the same items:Weathers Music, Uptown, Henry Strobels, David Kerr Violins
Jade Rosin (for cello/violin/viola)
A metronome
A tuner
A metronome tuner
Manhasset stand (available in many colors)
Violin gift plaque
Musical gifts like pins, earrings, instrument wrapping paper
A new case (not so much a stocking stuffer as a main present)
Gift membership to www.virtualsheetmusic.com - so students can print off all the music they'd like
6) Thank you to parents and students!!!
Huge thanks goes to the parents and students who helped our very successful Wreath, Poinsettia and Christmas Tree fundraiser this year. Tracy Riley and Steve Tatman took hours of their time to go up to the tree farm to fresh cut our beautiful trees. The following students helped with Wreath and Poinsettia set up and pick up:
Itati Guillen
Katerina Krazovskiy - and a friend who had nothing better to do!
Amanda Childers
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
Riley Brostrom
Ana Ramirez
Stella Kim
Steve Tatman
Mark Lowen
Karen Tatman
Jacque Dodds - two shifts
Makayla McCauley
Kathy McCauley
Kim Dietz
Lori Dietz - two shifts
The following parents helped with tree pick up:
Tracy Brostrom
Gordy Harder
Gail Harder
Kim Dietz
Lori Dietz
And, as always, I thank the parent booster organization for providing such amazing fundraisers for the students!
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Titan Strings trip to Portland Children's Museum - Videos!
Titan Strings Introduction and Bourree:
Jingle Bells:
Up on the Housetop and Dreidyl
Deck the Angels
Show n tell
Jingle Bells:
Up on the Housetop and Dreidyl
Deck the Angels
Show n tell
Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Newsletter #10 (emailed 12/1/10)
***Save the Date*** (click on "calendar" to the right for more info)
Christmas Tree, Wreath and Poinsettia pickup is this weekend!!! See below
Thur Dec 2 - Titan Strings Performance Trip - all day
Wed Dec 8 - Winter Concert (Titan Strings and Sinfonietta)
Mon Dec 13 - Winter at West Dress Rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30 (Chamber)
Wed Dec 15 - Winter at West (Chamber)
Thu Dec 16 - Winter at West (Chamber)
December Capital Manor Fridays
Contained within:
1) Xmas tree, Wreath and Poinsettia pickup...
2) Capitol Manor performance opportunity!!!!
3) Concert Dec. 8 for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta
4) Winter at West details for audience and members
5) We'll be 'caroling' in the halls...
6) Stocking stuffer ideas for young musicians...
1) Xmas tree, Wreath and Poinsettia pickup...
If you placed an order for either our Xmas tree or Wreath/Poinsettia fundraiser *YOU* need to pick up your plants (unless you are having the Xmas tree delivered). Here's the schedule:
Friday evening Dec. 3 8-9pm
Saturday Dec. 4 9-11am
Sunday is Xmas tree only!!!!
If you don't pick up your pre-paid items, they will slowly shrivel up and die (or I might rescue them) in the hallways of West.
2) Capitol Manor performance opportunity!!!!
Students - would you like to fulfill your December Performance assignment while having some fun playing carols? Friday Dec. 10 and 17 Capitol Manor is looking for 6-8 students to carol in the Sun Room. Ms. S will be there to help coordinate music and performance. This is a wonderfully inviting group of folks who come to hear us play - and it's a great way to share music this holiday season. Email Ms. S or come see me in class if you'd like to carol!
3) Concert Dec. 8 for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta
Wednesday December 8 is our Winter Concert for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta. The concert will be at 7pm in the auditorium. Sprague's intermediate orchestra is our special guest.
Here's the schedule
5:30 - Titan Strings and Sinfonietta on stage to practice Jingle Bell Hoedown
6:15 dinner break - pre-order pizza, capri sun, ice cream for $5 (or, bring a dinner)
7pm performance
8:30ish - concert conclusion
4) Winter at West details for audience and members
Winter at West is going to bigger and better than ever. This show is a celebration of the season - Promise of Peace - and information about the show will be written up in the Statesman Journal. Only Chamber Orchestra performs in this show (from the orchestra program) but I certainly hope that students and parents from the rest of the orchestra program will buy advance tickets and come - it's one of the finest productions we put on at West.
Tickets are on sale through the bookkeeper's office at West. Babysitting will be provided this year by Titan Tots.
Here's info for musicians:
Monday Dec. 13 - Mandatory dress rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30pm
Wed. and Thur. Dec. 15 and 16 - 6:30 call time in the orchestra room.
5) We'll be 'caroling' in the halls...
The last week of school before the winter break all periods of orchestra will be caroling in the halls of West - it's one way to share the season with our peers and colleagues. We will set out in both large and small groups and play well loved holiday carols.
6) Stocking stuffer ideas for young musicians...
Here's a list of great ideas for stocking stuffers for young musicians - I'll provide a link on the items below at Shar Music (check your email for the links), but you can ask the following dealers in town for the same items:Weathers Music, Uptown, Henry Strobels, David Kerr Violins
Jade Rosin (for cello/violin/viola)
A metronome
A tuner
A metronome tuner
Manhasset stand (available in many colors)
Violin gift plaque
Musical gifts like pins, earrings, instrument wrapping paper
A new case (not so much a stocking stuffer as a main present)
Gift membership to www.virtualsheetmusic.com - so students can print off all the music they'd like
If you need/want other ideas, and/or if you're interested in purchasing a new instrument or bow and need advice, please feel free to ask me.
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Christmas Tree, Wreath and Poinsettia pickup is this weekend!!! See below
Thur Dec 2 - Titan Strings Performance Trip - all day
Wed Dec 8 - Winter Concert (Titan Strings and Sinfonietta)
Mon Dec 13 - Winter at West Dress Rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30 (Chamber)
Wed Dec 15 - Winter at West (Chamber)
Thu Dec 16 - Winter at West (Chamber)
December Capital Manor Fridays
Contained within:
1) Xmas tree, Wreath and Poinsettia pickup...
2) Capitol Manor performance opportunity!!!!
3) Concert Dec. 8 for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta
4) Winter at West details for audience and members
5) We'll be 'caroling' in the halls...
6) Stocking stuffer ideas for young musicians...
1) Xmas tree, Wreath and Poinsettia pickup...
If you placed an order for either our Xmas tree or Wreath/Poinsettia fundraiser *YOU* need to pick up your plants (unless you are having the Xmas tree delivered). Here's the schedule:
Friday evening Dec. 3 8-9pm
Saturday Dec. 4 9-11am
Sunday is Xmas tree only!!!!
If you don't pick up your pre-paid items, they will slowly shrivel up and die (or I might rescue them) in the hallways of West.
2) Capitol Manor performance opportunity!!!!
Students - would you like to fulfill your December Performance assignment while having some fun playing carols? Friday Dec. 10 and 17 Capitol Manor is looking for 6-8 students to carol in the Sun Room. Ms. S will be there to help coordinate music and performance. This is a wonderfully inviting group of folks who come to hear us play - and it's a great way to share music this holiday season. Email Ms. S or come see me in class if you'd like to carol!
3) Concert Dec. 8 for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta
Wednesday December 8 is our Winter Concert for Titan Strings and Sinfonietta. The concert will be at 7pm in the auditorium. Sprague's intermediate orchestra is our special guest.
Here's the schedule
5:30 - Titan Strings and Sinfonietta on stage to practice Jingle Bell Hoedown
6:15 dinner break - pre-order pizza, capri sun, ice cream for $5 (or, bring a dinner)
7pm performance
8:30ish - concert conclusion
4) Winter at West details for audience and members
Winter at West is going to bigger and better than ever. This show is a celebration of the season - Promise of Peace - and information about the show will be written up in the Statesman Journal. Only Chamber Orchestra performs in this show (from the orchestra program) but I certainly hope that students and parents from the rest of the orchestra program will buy advance tickets and come - it's one of the finest productions we put on at West.
Tickets are on sale through the bookkeeper's office at West. Babysitting will be provided this year by Titan Tots.
Here's info for musicians:
Monday Dec. 13 - Mandatory dress rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30pm
Wed. and Thur. Dec. 15 and 16 - 6:30 call time in the orchestra room.
5) We'll be 'caroling' in the halls...
The last week of school before the winter break all periods of orchestra will be caroling in the halls of West - it's one way to share the season with our peers and colleagues. We will set out in both large and small groups and play well loved holiday carols.
6) Stocking stuffer ideas for young musicians...
Here's a list of great ideas for stocking stuffers for young musicians - I'll provide a link on the items below at Shar Music (check your email for the links), but you can ask the following dealers in town for the same items:Weathers Music, Uptown, Henry Strobels, David Kerr Violins
Jade Rosin (for cello/violin/viola)
A metronome
A tuner
A metronome tuner
Manhasset stand (available in many colors)
Violin gift plaque
Musical gifts like pins, earrings, instrument wrapping paper
A new case (not so much a stocking stuffer as a main present)
Gift membership to www.virtualsheetmusic.com - so students can print off all the music they'd like
If you need/want other ideas, and/or if you're interested in purchasing a new instrument or bow and need advice, please feel free to ask me.
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Newsletter #9 - emailed 11.17.10
Emailed 11.17.10
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Christmas Tree fundraiser is over Nov. 19 - please submit order sheets and payment!!
Thur Dec 2 - Titan Strings Performance Trip - all day
Wed Dec 8 - Winter Concert (Titan Strings and Sinfonietta)
Sat Dec 11 - Winter at West Mass Rehearsal 9 - 11am (Chamber)
Mon Dec 13 - Winter at West Dress Rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30 (Chamber)
Wed Dec 15 - Winter at West (Chamber)
Thu Dec 16 - Winter at West (Chamber)
December Capital Manor Fridays
Contained within:
1) Conference schedule
2) Salem Chamber Orchestra concert this weekend!
3) See you at the auction?
4) December concerts
5) Symphony resource link
6) Pictures and Videos on our website... check them out!
7) Waltz Night thank yous!
8) Deadlines for students coming up...
1) Conference schedule
This Tuesday, Ms. Silberman will be in the gym at West in the early afternoon and evening for West Salem High School's annual conference. Parents (and students) are welcome to swing by and check on grades, take a look at our portfolio practice log and have a quick chat about anything, including instrument upgrade if that's a holiday gift priority. If parents are unable to attend conferences and would like a quick check-in on student performance and achievement, feel free to send me a quick email to either set up a phone call, in person meeting, or email check-in: silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
2) Salem Chamber Orchestra concert this weekend!
This weekend you have an opportunity to see the Salem Chamber Orchestra, featuring a few of our Chamber Orchestra students, performing at Hudson Hall at Willamette University. The concert is themed "Orchestral String Favorites" and is a fantastic concert for string students to see. One of the pieces being performed is Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik that Sinfonietta played the first movement of on the Fall concert!
Here's the info:
Saturday Nov. 19 - 10am to 12:30pm dress rehearsal - $5 adults, $3 students
Sunday Nov. 20 - 3pm concert - $15-$25 Adults, $8-$12 Students
3) See you at the auction?
Saturday Nov. 20 is the Titan Auction. Thanks to the Orchestra Parent Booster Association for gathering so many amazing auction items. I personally will be going for the 'year of coffee' that so many of you donated to! We have been asked again to provide students to play music to greet auction participants - if you're attending, hope you enjoy the chamber music that will great you from 5-5:45pm.
4) December concerts
Here's some explanation of all the rehearsals and concerts going on the month of December:
Dec 2 - Titan Strings (period 6) is going on tour - to the Portland Children's Museum (10am) and the Lancaster Mall (12:30pm).
Dec 8 - Winter Concert, 7pm in the Auditorium with Titan Strings and Sinfonietta - with guest visitors, Sprague Intermediate Orchestra
Sinfonietta is called at 4pm for dress rehearsal. Dinner break at 5:30 (pizza and drink for $5). Call time (dressed) for Sinfonietta is at 6:30. Titan Strings call time is at 6:15pm.
Dec 11 - Mass rehearsal for Winter at West (Chamber only) 9 - 11am (mandatory
Dec 13 - Mass dress rehearsal for Winter at West (Chamber only) 4:30 - 8:30pm (mandatory)
Dec 15 and Dec 16 - Winter at West, featuring the entire choir department, chamber orchestra, and wind ensemble. Tickets are $5 for students, $7 for adults - advanced purchase suggested (these concerts sell out!)
Some select students may be asked to play for residents at Capital Manor on Friday afternoons in their Sun Room. More info on that in class.
5) Symphony resource link
Full symphony rehearsals are off and running. Students are expected to print off their own versions of music that's in the public domain, to be learning about the history of our pieces, and to have access to video or audio links. That information can all be found in a spreadsheet on our website:
Click on the Student member page
Click on Symphony
Click on Symphony2010 and you'll get a download of the document.
6) Pictures and Videos on our website... check them out!
Thank you Steve Tatman for posting videos of our fall concert, Chamber's performance at OSBA in Portland, and pictures from Chamber's fun day and Waltz Night. Parents and students, please check out the home page of our website!
7) Waltz Night thank yous!
Thank you to all the parents who worked tirelessly to make Waltz Night a success: Staci Larson, The Brostroms, The Mozells, Jeremy Kraemer, The Lowens, The Tatmans, Debbie Benevidez, Kelly Culver, Cynthia Byrnes, and to all the parents who attended, donated, and baked! The event was very successful! Thanks too to Lora LaMon from RJ Dance Studio in downtown Salem - we hope she'll come back and give us all another lesson for our next Waltz Night.
8) Deadlines for students coming up
Chamber deadlines: Wish List assignment (handed out in class Wednesday) due Friday. Xmas tree orders due Friday. All City $7 past due (to bookkeeper). All State registration and payment due Friday.
Sinfonietta deadlines: Xmas tree orders and money due Friday.
Titan Strings deadlines: Xmas tree orders and money due Friday. Permission trip letter and signature page due Friday.
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Christmas Tree fundraiser is over Nov. 19 - please submit order sheets and payment!!
Thur Dec 2 - Titan Strings Performance Trip - all day
Wed Dec 8 - Winter Concert (Titan Strings and Sinfonietta)
Sat Dec 11 - Winter at West Mass Rehearsal 9 - 11am (Chamber)
Mon Dec 13 - Winter at West Dress Rehearsal 4:30 - 8:30 (Chamber)
Wed Dec 15 - Winter at West (Chamber)
Thu Dec 16 - Winter at West (Chamber)
December Capital Manor Fridays
Contained within:
1) Conference schedule
2) Salem Chamber Orchestra concert this weekend!
3) See you at the auction?
4) December concerts
5) Symphony resource link
6) Pictures and Videos on our website... check them out!
7) Waltz Night thank yous!
8) Deadlines for students coming up...
1) Conference schedule
This Tuesday, Ms. Silberman will be in the gym at West in the early afternoon and evening for West Salem High School's annual conference. Parents (and students) are welcome to swing by and check on grades, take a look at our portfolio practice log and have a quick chat about anything, including instrument upgrade if that's a holiday gift priority. If parents are unable to attend conferences and would like a quick check-in on student performance and achievement, feel free to send me a quick email to either set up a phone call, in person meeting, or email check-in: silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
2) Salem Chamber Orchestra concert this weekend!
This weekend you have an opportunity to see the Salem Chamber Orchestra, featuring a few of our Chamber Orchestra students, performing at Hudson Hall at Willamette University. The concert is themed "Orchestral String Favorites" and is a fantastic concert for string students to see. One of the pieces being performed is Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik that Sinfonietta played the first movement of on the Fall concert!
Here's the info:
Saturday Nov. 19 - 10am to 12:30pm dress rehearsal - $5 adults, $3 students
Sunday Nov. 20 - 3pm concert - $15-$25 Adults, $8-$12 Students
3) See you at the auction?
Saturday Nov. 20 is the Titan Auction. Thanks to the Orchestra Parent Booster Association for gathering so many amazing auction items. I personally will be going for the 'year of coffee' that so many of you donated to! We have been asked again to provide students to play music to greet auction participants - if you're attending, hope you enjoy the chamber music that will great you from 5-5:45pm.
4) December concerts
Here's some explanation of all the rehearsals and concerts going on the month of December:
Dec 2 - Titan Strings (period 6) is going on tour - to the Portland Children's Museum (10am) and the Lancaster Mall (12:30pm).
Dec 8 - Winter Concert, 7pm in the Auditorium with Titan Strings and Sinfonietta - with guest visitors, Sprague Intermediate Orchestra
Sinfonietta is called at 4pm for dress rehearsal. Dinner break at 5:30 (pizza and drink for $5). Call time (dressed) for Sinfonietta is at 6:30. Titan Strings call time is at 6:15pm.
Dec 11 - Mass rehearsal for Winter at West (Chamber only) 9 - 11am (mandatory
Dec 13 - Mass dress rehearsal for Winter at West (Chamber only) 4:30 - 8:30pm (mandatory)
Dec 15 and Dec 16 - Winter at West, featuring the entire choir department, chamber orchestra, and wind ensemble. Tickets are $5 for students, $7 for adults - advanced purchase suggested (these concerts sell out!)
Some select students may be asked to play for residents at Capital Manor on Friday afternoons in their Sun Room. More info on that in class.
5) Symphony resource link
Full symphony rehearsals are off and running. Students are expected to print off their own versions of music that's in the public domain, to be learning about the history of our pieces, and to have access to video or audio links. That information can all be found in a spreadsheet on our website:
Click on the Student member page
Click on Symphony
Click on Symphony2010 and you'll get a download of the document.
6) Pictures and Videos on our website... check them out!
Thank you Steve Tatman for posting videos of our fall concert, Chamber's performance at OSBA in Portland, and pictures from Chamber's fun day and Waltz Night. Parents and students, please check out the home page of our website!
7) Waltz Night thank yous!
Thank you to all the parents who worked tirelessly to make Waltz Night a success: Staci Larson, The Brostroms, The Mozells, Jeremy Kraemer, The Lowens, The Tatmans, Debbie Benevidez, Kelly Culver, Cynthia Byrnes, and to all the parents who attended, donated, and baked! The event was very successful! Thanks too to Lora LaMon from RJ Dance Studio in downtown Salem - we hope she'll come back and give us all another lesson for our next Waltz Night.
8) Deadlines for students coming up
Chamber deadlines: Wish List assignment (handed out in class Wednesday) due Friday. Xmas tree orders due Friday. All City $7 past due (to bookkeeper). All State registration and payment due Friday.
Sinfonietta deadlines: Xmas tree orders and money due Friday.
Titan Strings deadlines: Xmas tree orders and money due Friday. Permission trip letter and signature page due Friday.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Newsletter #8 (emailed 11/05/10)
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Christmas Tree fundraiser is coming to a close
Coffee Beans are due by Wednesday Nov. 10
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Sat/Sun 11/20, 21 - Salem Chamber Orchestra - great review concert
Check Calendar for December concerts
Contained within:
1) Coffee beans please...
2) Waltz Night info... Tomorrow (Nov. 6)
3) On the blog...
4) Concerts coming up for concert review
1) Coffee beans please...
No, these beans aren't for Ms. S - they are for our fantastic "Year of Coffee" Titan Auction item. Please bring pre-packaged coffee to the orchestra room (imagine if each family donated one bag - what a great auction item!!!) by November 10. If you have anything else that you'd like to donate to Titan Auction, please bring that to school by Nov. 10 too. Also, if you're interested in purchasing a ticket for the Titan Auction (GREAT place to pick up holiday presents!!!! And, visit with some nice people too... ) you can contact Kelly Culver at kculver@comcast.net - we already have 2 orchestra tables purchased and would love to fill a 3rd. I'll be purchasing my ticket this next week... come sit with me?
2) Waltz Night info... Saturday November 6!
Are your dancing shoes all polished up and ready to go? Please join us in the Commons on Saturday Nov. 6 for our 2nd biennial Waltz night. Tickets can be reserved or purchased by emailing boosters@titanorchestras.com or by contacting a member of the Chicago-bound orchestra (any student can ask Ms. S how to get a ticket). Students are $10, adults are $20 - 2 adults can purchase 2 tickets for $35. There will be a bake sale and a few raffles. Your ticket gets you an hour waltz lesson with RJ Dance Studio's Lora LaMon and an hour of live Waltz Music performed by students bound for Chicago this next March. The evening starts at 6pm and will end at 9pm.
Waltz Orchestra players: You have all signed up to come at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, or to stay after to help with clean up. Also, you are needed in the Commons from 4 - 5:15pm to warm up and sound check. Please bring a sack dinner or make arrangements to eat quickly, change, and be ready to greet guests at 6pm.
Here's a link to see/hear all the waltzes we will be playing (orchestra - don't forget to be listening to these too!): http://titanorchestras.blogspot.com/2010/10/waltz-links.html
3) Article about the OR Symphony coaching session in Chamber, on the blog
This past Tuesday, Chamber Orchestra was visited by Oregon Symphony section violists Jenn Arnold. She coached our entire group, fielded Q&A, and worked with our violists. She was great - animated and helpful! Great player too! Here's a link to the article on our blog that I copied from the Statesman Journal:
4) Some great concerts coming up for review
Sunday Nov. 7 - Danny and I are performing with our group Salem Baroque at St. Paul's Evensong concert series in the afternoon: http://stpaulsoregon.org/index.htm
Saturday Nov. 13 - UnBande performs with Salem Pops at the Elsinore Theatre downtown at 7:30pm: http://www.salempopsorchestra.org/
Sunday Nov. 20 - Salem Chamber Orchestra, featuring a few of our Chamber Orchestra students, will be performing at Hudson Hall at Willamette University: http://salemchamberorchestra.org/
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Christmas Tree fundraiser is coming to a close
Coffee Beans are due by Wednesday Nov. 10
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Sat/Sun 11/20, 21 - Salem Chamber Orchestra - great review concert
Check Calendar for December concerts
Contained within:
1) Coffee beans please...
2) Waltz Night info... Tomorrow (Nov. 6)
3) On the blog...
4) Concerts coming up for concert review
1) Coffee beans please...
No, these beans aren't for Ms. S - they are for our fantastic "Year of Coffee" Titan Auction item. Please bring pre-packaged coffee to the orchestra room (imagine if each family donated one bag - what a great auction item!!!) by November 10. If you have anything else that you'd like to donate to Titan Auction, please bring that to school by Nov. 10 too. Also, if you're interested in purchasing a ticket for the Titan Auction (GREAT place to pick up holiday presents!!!! And, visit with some nice people too... ) you can contact Kelly Culver at kculver@comcast.net - we already have 2 orchestra tables purchased and would love to fill a 3rd. I'll be purchasing my ticket this next week... come sit with me?
2) Waltz Night info... Saturday November 6!
Are your dancing shoes all polished up and ready to go? Please join us in the Commons on Saturday Nov. 6 for our 2nd biennial Waltz night. Tickets can be reserved or purchased by emailing boosters@titanorchestras.com or by contacting a member of the Chicago-bound orchestra (any student can ask Ms. S how to get a ticket). Students are $10, adults are $20 - 2 adults can purchase 2 tickets for $35. There will be a bake sale and a few raffles. Your ticket gets you an hour waltz lesson with RJ Dance Studio's Lora LaMon and an hour of live Waltz Music performed by students bound for Chicago this next March. The evening starts at 6pm and will end at 9pm.
Waltz Orchestra players: You have all signed up to come at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, or to stay after to help with clean up. Also, you are needed in the Commons from 4 - 5:15pm to warm up and sound check. Please bring a sack dinner or make arrangements to eat quickly, change, and be ready to greet guests at 6pm.
Here's a link to see/hear all the waltzes we will be playing (orchestra - don't forget to be listening to these too!): http://titanorchestras.blogspot.com/2010/10/waltz-links.html
3) Article about the OR Symphony coaching session in Chamber, on the blog
This past Tuesday, Chamber Orchestra was visited by Oregon Symphony section violists Jenn Arnold. She coached our entire group, fielded Q&A, and worked with our violists. She was great - animated and helpful! Great player too! Here's a link to the article on our blog that I copied from the Statesman Journal:
4) Some great concerts coming up for review
Sunday Nov. 7 - Danny and I are performing with our group Salem Baroque at St. Paul's Evensong concert series in the afternoon: http://stpaulsoregon.org/index.htm
Saturday Nov. 13 - UnBande performs with Salem Pops at the Elsinore Theatre downtown at 7:30pm: http://www.salempopsorchestra.org/
Sunday Nov. 20 - Salem Chamber Orchestra, featuring a few of our Chamber Orchestra students, will be performing at Hudson Hall at Willamette University: http://salemchamberorchestra.org/
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Jenn Arnold's visit to Chamber
Oregon Symphony to continue Salem tour
Matched grant will decrease deficit and allow for shows
The Oregon Symphony Association in Salem has succeeded in matching a $10,000 challenge grant from The Collins Foundation.
The local organization raised $10,821.50 from 137 donors, including 88 new ones. The challenge aimed to broaden support for the 55-year-old organization, which brings the Oregon Symphony to Salem for six classical concerts and three pops concerts each season.
"It will give us $20,000 toward decreasing our deficit budget that we have been operating under for the last couple of years, and it shows support of the community to keep the Oregon Symphony active in Salem," said Karin Holton, marketing and educational director for the symphony association.
Before winning the challenge grant, the symphony association expected to finish the 2010-11 fiscal year with a deficit of $55,000, she said. The group still welcomes donations.
The last fiscal year ended June 30 with a deficit of about $50,000 in a yearly budget of slightly less than $500,000. The deficit was resolved with funds from the association's reserve account.
Season ticket sales are down about 5 percent to 10 percent from last year for the classical concerts and about 20 percent for the pops concerts, Holton said.
However, the organization is trying a number of new efforts to fill seats at Smith Auditorium. An online promotion on Halloween sold 138 tickets for $20 apiece, about half the regular price.
Another promotion is planned starting the day before Thanksgiving, Holton said.
Along with the regular season, the association sponsors two performances of a children's concert each spring. It also pays for Oregon Symphony musicians and conductors to visit Salem-Keizer schools for coaching sessions.
Violist Jennifer Arnold visited West Salem High School on Tuesday as part of that program.
Oregon Symphony to continue Salem tour
Matched grant will decrease deficit and allow for shows
The Oregon Symphony Association in Salem has succeeded in matching a $10,000 challenge grant from The Collins Foundation.
The local organization raised $10,821.50 from 137 donors, including 88 new ones. The challenge aimed to broaden support for the 55-year-old organization, which brings the Oregon Symphony to Salem for six classical concerts and three pops concerts each season.
"It will give us $20,000 toward decreasing our deficit budget that we have been operating under for the last couple of years, and it shows support of the community to keep the Oregon Symphony active in Salem," said Karin Holton, marketing and educational director for the symphony association.
Before winning the challenge grant, the symphony association expected to finish the 2010-11 fiscal year with a deficit of $55,000, she said. The group still welcomes donations.
The last fiscal year ended June 30 with a deficit of about $50,000 in a yearly budget of slightly less than $500,000. The deficit was resolved with funds from the association's reserve account.
Season ticket sales are down about 5 percent to 10 percent from last year for the classical concerts and about 20 percent for the pops concerts, Holton said.
However, the organization is trying a number of new efforts to fill seats at Smith Auditorium. An online promotion on Halloween sold 138 tickets for $20 apiece, about half the regular price.
Another promotion is planned starting the day before Thanksgiving, Holton said.
Along with the regular season, the association sponsors two performances of a children's concert each spring. It also pays for Oregon Symphony musicians and conductors to visit Salem-Keizer schools for coaching sessions.
Violist Jennifer Arnold visited West Salem High School on Tuesday as part of that program.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Newsletter #7 (emailed 10/29/10)
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is over as of 10/28
Christmas Tree fundraise is ongoing
Wed 11/3 - PYP preview concert in Portland, 7:30pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Sat/Sun 11/20, 21 - Salem Chamber Orchestra - great review concert
Check Calendar for December concerts
Contained within:
1) Concert thank you
2) Waltz Night info... Saturday November 6!
3) What are we preparing for next - class breakdown
4) Coffee beans please...
5) Some great concerts coming up for review
1) Concert thank you
I want to thank all students and parents for your support of the Fall concert this past week. I think we started the year off quite strong! Chamber took on the bulk of the performance time, but this is a unique year for chamber with only 2 new members, we were able to work on a lot of material very quickly - that's not always the case. And, we had some great soloists to play for this fall concert - congrats to seniors Bronte, Lauren C. and Holly for beautiful performances! Thank you's also go to Titan Strings for helping clean up the stage and back stage so quickly.
In December there are 2 major different performances - Titan Strings and Sinfonietta host Sprague's intermediate orchestra at a concert at West on December 8. Chamber joins the entire choir program and Wind Ensemble for the 2nd annual Winter at West performance December 15 and 16. Tickets will go on sale for that concert in a few weeks.
2) Waltz Night info... Saturday November 6!
Are your dancing shoes all polished up and ready to go? Please join us in the Commons on Saturday Nov. 6 for our 2nd biennial Waltz night. Tickets can be reserved or purchased by emailing boosters@titanorchestras.com or by contacting a member of the Chicago-bound orchestra (any student can ask Ms. S how to get a ticket). Students are $10, adults are $20 - 2 adults can purchase 2 tickets for $35. There will be a bake sale and a few raffles. Your ticket gets you an hour waltz lesson with RJ Dance Studio's Lora LaMon and an hour of live Waltz Music performed by students bound for Chicago this next March. The evening starts at 6pm and will end at 9pm.
Waltz Orchestra players: MANDATORY DRESS REHEARSAL TUESDAY Nov. 2 - 2:40 - 4pm.
On Saturday the 6th: Decoration committee checks in at 1pm in the Commons. Orchestra call time (not dressed or dressed) is at 4pm. Bring a sack dinner!! Be prepared to help clean up after the event - all hands on deck.
Here's a link to see/hear all the waltzes we will be playing (orchestra - don't forget to be listening to these too!): http://titanorchestras.blogspot.com/2010/10/waltz-links.html
3) What are we preparing for next - class breakdown
Chamber - We've begun a fantastic new piece called Fugue by Vitorio Giannini. OR Symphony violist Jenn Arnold will be visiting us on Tuesday next week. Bach Double auditions on Wednesday. OSBA performance Nov. 13.
Sinfonietta - In sectionals, we'll be working solo repertoire. In class we're starting our December concert selections - including the 2 pieces we'll be performing with Sprague's intermediate orchestra.
Titan Violins - We're looking at Jingle Bell Hoedown (the mass piece with Sprague for Dec. 8), new scales and Suzuki book 2 pieces!
Titan Bassi - Suzuki book 2 pieces, scales, and Jingle Bell Hoedown.
Symphony - Full symphony rehearsals start Nov. 9 - remember 'on time' is '5 minutes early'. Full details about the music we're playing will be given to you this next week.
4) Coffee Beans please...
No, these beans aren't for Ms. S - they are for our fantastic "Year of Coffee" Titan Auction item. Please bring pre-packaged coffee to the orchestra room (imagine if each family donated one bag - what a great auction item!!!) by November 15. Also, if you're interested in purchasing a ticket for the Titan Auction (GREAT place to pick up holiday presents!!!! And, visit with some nice people too... ) you can contact Kelly Culver at kculver@comcast.net - we already have 2 orchestra tables purchased and would love to fill a 3rd. I'll be purchasing my ticket this next week... come sit with me?
5) Some great concerts coming up for review
Tonight (Oct. 29) - Turtle Island String Quartet performs at the Elsinore Theatre: http://www.elsinoretheatre.com/events/events.html#Turtle_Island
Sunday Nov. 7 - Danny and I are performing with our group Salem Baroque at St. Paul's Evensong concert series in the afternoon: http://stpaulsoregon.org/index.htm
Saturday Nov. 13 - UnBande performs with Salem Pops at the Elsinore Theatre downtown at 7:30pm: http://www.salempopsorchestra.org/
Sunday Nov. 20 - Salem Chamber Orchestra, featuring a few of our Chamber Orchestra students, will be performing at Hudson Hall at Willamette University: http://salemchamberorchestra.org/
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is over as of 10/28
Christmas Tree fundraise is ongoing
Wed 11/3 - PYP preview concert in Portland, 7:30pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Sat/Sun 11/20, 21 - Salem Chamber Orchestra - great review concert
Check Calendar for December concerts
Contained within:
1) Concert thank you
2) Waltz Night info... Saturday November 6!
3) What are we preparing for next - class breakdown
4) Coffee beans please...
5) Some great concerts coming up for review
1) Concert thank you
I want to thank all students and parents for your support of the Fall concert this past week. I think we started the year off quite strong! Chamber took on the bulk of the performance time, but this is a unique year for chamber with only 2 new members, we were able to work on a lot of material very quickly - that's not always the case. And, we had some great soloists to play for this fall concert - congrats to seniors Bronte, Lauren C. and Holly for beautiful performances! Thank you's also go to Titan Strings for helping clean up the stage and back stage so quickly.
In December there are 2 major different performances - Titan Strings and Sinfonietta host Sprague's intermediate orchestra at a concert at West on December 8. Chamber joins the entire choir program and Wind Ensemble for the 2nd annual Winter at West performance December 15 and 16. Tickets will go on sale for that concert in a few weeks.
2) Waltz Night info... Saturday November 6!
Are your dancing shoes all polished up and ready to go? Please join us in the Commons on Saturday Nov. 6 for our 2nd biennial Waltz night. Tickets can be reserved or purchased by emailing boosters@titanorchestras.com or by contacting a member of the Chicago-bound orchestra (any student can ask Ms. S how to get a ticket). Students are $10, adults are $20 - 2 adults can purchase 2 tickets for $35. There will be a bake sale and a few raffles. Your ticket gets you an hour waltz lesson with RJ Dance Studio's Lora LaMon and an hour of live Waltz Music performed by students bound for Chicago this next March. The evening starts at 6pm and will end at 9pm.
Waltz Orchestra players: MANDATORY DRESS REHEARSAL TUESDAY Nov. 2 - 2:40 - 4pm.
On Saturday the 6th: Decoration committee checks in at 1pm in the Commons. Orchestra call time (not dressed or dressed) is at 4pm. Bring a sack dinner!! Be prepared to help clean up after the event - all hands on deck.
Here's a link to see/hear all the waltzes we will be playing (orchestra - don't forget to be listening to these too!): http://titanorchestras.blogspot.com/2010/10/waltz-links.html
3) What are we preparing for next - class breakdown
Chamber - We've begun a fantastic new piece called Fugue by Vitorio Giannini. OR Symphony violist Jenn Arnold will be visiting us on Tuesday next week. Bach Double auditions on Wednesday. OSBA performance Nov. 13.
Sinfonietta - In sectionals, we'll be working solo repertoire. In class we're starting our December concert selections - including the 2 pieces we'll be performing with Sprague's intermediate orchestra.
Titan Violins - We're looking at Jingle Bell Hoedown (the mass piece with Sprague for Dec. 8), new scales and Suzuki book 2 pieces!
Titan Bassi - Suzuki book 2 pieces, scales, and Jingle Bell Hoedown.
Symphony - Full symphony rehearsals start Nov. 9 - remember 'on time' is '5 minutes early'. Full details about the music we're playing will be given to you this next week.
4) Coffee Beans please...
No, these beans aren't for Ms. S - they are for our fantastic "Year of Coffee" Titan Auction item. Please bring pre-packaged coffee to the orchestra room (imagine if each family donated one bag - what a great auction item!!!) by November 15. Also, if you're interested in purchasing a ticket for the Titan Auction (GREAT place to pick up holiday presents!!!! And, visit with some nice people too... ) you can contact Kelly Culver at kculver@comcast.net - we already have 2 orchestra tables purchased and would love to fill a 3rd. I'll be purchasing my ticket this next week... come sit with me?
5) Some great concerts coming up for review
Tonight (Oct. 29) - Turtle Island String Quartet performs at the Elsinore Theatre: http://www.elsinoretheatre.com/events/events.html#Turtle_Island
Sunday Nov. 7 - Danny and I are performing with our group Salem Baroque at St. Paul's Evensong concert series in the afternoon: http://stpaulsoregon.org/index.htm
Saturday Nov. 13 - UnBande performs with Salem Pops at the Elsinore Theatre downtown at 7:30pm: http://www.salempopsorchestra.org/
Sunday Nov. 20 - Salem Chamber Orchestra, featuring a few of our Chamber Orchestra students, will be performing at Hudson Hall at Willamette University: http://salemchamberorchestra.org/
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Newsletter #6 - emailed 10/21/10
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is ongoing - deadline 10/28
New Christmas Tree fundraise is ongoing - deadline 10/28
Fri 10/22 Chicago 1st payment and scholarship app deadline
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm concert
Wed 11/3 - PYP preview concert in Portland, 7:30pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Sat/Sun 11/20, 21 - Salem Chamber Orchestra - great review concert
Contained within:
1) Concert this next Tuesday!!!! Details...
2) Huge thank you for the St Olaf's potluck and concert!
3) Portland Youth Philharmonic free preview concert
4) Holiday Sale at Sharmusic - great deals...
5) Chicago ... deadlines...
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule - Nov 2 change
1) Concert this next Tuesday!!!! Details...
Tuesday is our Fall Concert! Concert is at 7pm, doors open to the audience at 6:45pm. This concert features 3 of our seniors (Bronte, Lauren, and Holly) playing concertos with Chamber Orchestra, special guest artists Danny Seidenberg, Noah Seitz, and yours truly also playing concertos with Chamber. All members of the Titan Orchestras will play on this concert. Yes, you may video or audio tape, just be mindful of where you record so that you're not disturbing anyone around you. Please leave the littlest family members (infants/toddlers under 3?) at home - our goal is to present this concert to a welcoming, listening audience. If you need assistance with a referral for a babysitter, please let me know - our Titan Tots class at West has trained babysitters who are available at reduced rates.
Concert Dress - remember that all students will be wearing school outfits - please make sure that pants and dresses are hemmed! BLACK socks (or pantyhose) are required. Black dress shoes - no or very little heel. Closed toe shoes, ladies. Hair out of the eyes! (We have bobby pins to help those who don't comply with this reg).
Concert Call:
Chamber - 5:45 on stage
Sinfonietta - 6:15 on stage
Titan Strings - 6:30 on stage
6:45 - doors open to the audience.
Titan Strings need to help clean up at the end - shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. Thank you!
2) Huge thank you for the St Olaf's potluck and concert!
Thank you parents and students in Titan Strings and Sinfonietta for all your help with the St. Olaf's event. The potluck was a fundraiser for Orchestra Boosters - we made enough money to fund 12 hours of coaching across the orchestras. Melissa Canfield, Debbie Benavidez, Karen Tatman, Veronica Aguilar, and Anne Kirkpatrick organized an amazing potluck for the 100+ Minnesotans who visited us this past Monday. The concert they put on was amazing! Our very own seniors Lauren C., Aida B., and CJ T. played the first movement of Mahler's 1st symphony with them - it was beautiful!
3) Portland Youth Philharmonic free preview concert... senior Holly K. plays with this group:
Portland Youth Philharmonic Presents Free Concert
with Guest Soloist Jun Iwasaki
On November 3, 2010 the Portland Youth Philharmonic, led by Conductor and Music Director David Hattner, will present a free concert at 7:30 p.m. in George Fox University’s Bauman Auditorium inNewberg, OR.
The program for the concert includes: Ives’ Variations on America; Bernstein’s Serenade with,Jun Iwasaki, violin; Hanson’s Fanfare followed by Hanson’s Third Symphony. Mr. Iwasaki is the concertmaster with the Oregon Symphony. He has coached PYP for a number of years and the orchestra is thrilled to have the opportunity to perform with him for the public.
The event is free and open to the public. No tickets required. For more information, call 503-223-5939. It is a free preview of PYP’s Fall Concert to be held in the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall onNovember 6, 2010 at 7:30 pm.
4) Holiday Sale at Sharmusic - great deals...
Shar Music - online music vendor www.sharmusic.com - is a great resource - they have excellent prices and all the accessories, music, and instruments you would want or need. They have just emailed me their Holiday Sale announcement. If you need an idea of the perfect gift for a string student, let me know. Colored bow, better bow, new case, great rosin, fun music, metronome or tuner, or even a new instrument are just a few ideas. Take a look online:
Shar Music Holiday Announcement
And, here's a link to the actual flyer to be viewed online:
Shar Music Holiday Flyer
If you have any questions about what you see at Shar, please ask me. Also, to be fair, I want to mention that a lot of what you can purchase at Shar you can also purchase for a similar price at Weathers, if you wish to 'stay local'. I'm hoping to get the Weathers Holiday Flyer out to you in November.
5) Chicago ... deadlines...
Friday October 22 is the deadline for both the 1st full payment and the scholarship application. You have received emails with detailed information - if you need the info again, please look through emails or contact Ms. S. If we have not received either your full payment to date and/or scholarship application, please be expecting a phone call or email within the next few days. We have already made payments to the Heritage Festival. The deadline for withdrawing from the trip with full reimbursement is Oct. 31.
Also, just a reminder that the fabulous Christmas Tree, Wreath, and Poinsettia fundraiser (open to all students - Chicago or not) comes to a close Oct. 28. Money and order forms must be turned in by or on the 28th - if students bring money later than the 28th, they'll be asked to return the money.
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule:
Thursday Oct 21 - All Waltzers 5 - 6:30pm
Thursday Oct 28 - All Waltzers/Chicagoers 4 - 6:30pm (we will work Chicago rep from 4 - 5, Waltz from 5 - 6:30)
Tuesday Nov 2 - All Watlzers dress rehearsal 2:40 - 4 or 4:30 *THIS IS A CHANGE!!!!*
Waltz Night Nov 6 - Call time is 4pm
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Fair Use fees are past due
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is ongoing - deadline 10/28
New Christmas Tree fundraise is ongoing - deadline 10/28
Fri 10/22 Chicago 1st payment and scholarship app deadline
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm concert
Wed 11/3 - PYP preview concert in Portland, 7:30pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Sat/Sun 11/20, 21 - Salem Chamber Orchestra - great review concert
Contained within:
1) Concert this next Tuesday!!!! Details...
2) Huge thank you for the St Olaf's potluck and concert!
3) Portland Youth Philharmonic free preview concert
4) Holiday Sale at Sharmusic - great deals...
5) Chicago ... deadlines...
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule - Nov 2 change
1) Concert this next Tuesday!!!! Details...
Tuesday is our Fall Concert! Concert is at 7pm, doors open to the audience at 6:45pm. This concert features 3 of our seniors (Bronte, Lauren, and Holly) playing concertos with Chamber Orchestra, special guest artists Danny Seidenberg, Noah Seitz, and yours truly also playing concertos with Chamber. All members of the Titan Orchestras will play on this concert. Yes, you may video or audio tape, just be mindful of where you record so that you're not disturbing anyone around you. Please leave the littlest family members (infants/toddlers under 3?) at home - our goal is to present this concert to a welcoming, listening audience. If you need assistance with a referral for a babysitter, please let me know - our Titan Tots class at West has trained babysitters who are available at reduced rates.
Concert Dress - remember that all students will be wearing school outfits - please make sure that pants and dresses are hemmed! BLACK socks (or pantyhose) are required. Black dress shoes - no or very little heel. Closed toe shoes, ladies. Hair out of the eyes! (We have bobby pins to help those who don't comply with this reg).
Concert Call:
Chamber - 5:45 on stage
Sinfonietta - 6:15 on stage
Titan Strings - 6:30 on stage
6:45 - doors open to the audience.
Titan Strings need to help clean up at the end - shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. Thank you!
2) Huge thank you for the St Olaf's potluck and concert!
Thank you parents and students in Titan Strings and Sinfonietta for all your help with the St. Olaf's event. The potluck was a fundraiser for Orchestra Boosters - we made enough money to fund 12 hours of coaching across the orchestras. Melissa Canfield, Debbie Benavidez, Karen Tatman, Veronica Aguilar, and Anne Kirkpatrick organized an amazing potluck for the 100+ Minnesotans who visited us this past Monday. The concert they put on was amazing! Our very own seniors Lauren C., Aida B., and CJ T. played the first movement of Mahler's 1st symphony with them - it was beautiful!
3) Portland Youth Philharmonic free preview concert... senior Holly K. plays with this group:
Portland Youth Philharmonic Presents Free Concert
with Guest Soloist Jun Iwasaki
On November 3, 2010 the Portland Youth Philharmonic, led by Conductor and Music Director David Hattner, will present a free concert at 7:30 p.m. in George Fox University’s Bauman Auditorium inNewberg, OR.
The program for the concert includes: Ives’ Variations on America; Bernstein’s Serenade with,Jun Iwasaki, violin; Hanson’s Fanfare followed by Hanson’s Third Symphony. Mr. Iwasaki is the concertmaster with the Oregon Symphony. He has coached PYP for a number of years and the orchestra is thrilled to have the opportunity to perform with him for the public.
The event is free and open to the public. No tickets required. For more information, call 503-223-5939. It is a free preview of PYP’s Fall Concert to be held in the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall onNovember 6, 2010 at 7:30 pm.
4) Holiday Sale at Sharmusic - great deals...
Shar Music - online music vendor www.sharmusic.com - is a great resource - they have excellent prices and all the accessories, music, and instruments you would want or need. They have just emailed me their Holiday Sale announcement. If you need an idea of the perfect gift for a string student, let me know. Colored bow, better bow, new case, great rosin, fun music, metronome or tuner, or even a new instrument are just a few ideas. Take a look online:
Shar Music Holiday Announcement
And, here's a link to the actual flyer to be viewed online:
Shar Music Holiday Flyer
If you have any questions about what you see at Shar, please ask me. Also, to be fair, I want to mention that a lot of what you can purchase at Shar you can also purchase for a similar price at Weathers, if you wish to 'stay local'. I'm hoping to get the Weathers Holiday Flyer out to you in November.
5) Chicago ... deadlines...
Friday October 22 is the deadline for both the 1st full payment and the scholarship application. You have received emails with detailed information - if you need the info again, please look through emails or contact Ms. S. If we have not received either your full payment to date and/or scholarship application, please be expecting a phone call or email within the next few days. We have already made payments to the Heritage Festival. The deadline for withdrawing from the trip with full reimbursement is Oct. 31.
Also, just a reminder that the fabulous Christmas Tree, Wreath, and Poinsettia fundraiser (open to all students - Chicago or not) comes to a close Oct. 28. Money and order forms must be turned in by or on the 28th - if students bring money later than the 28th, they'll be asked to return the money.
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule:
Thursday Oct 21 - All Waltzers 5 - 6:30pm
Thursday Oct 28 - All Waltzers/Chicagoers 4 - 6:30pm (we will work Chicago rep from 4 - 5, Waltz from 5 - 6:30)
Tuesday Nov 2 - All Watlzers dress rehearsal 2:40 - 4 or 4:30 *THIS IS A CHANGE!!!!*
Waltz Night Nov 6 - Call time is 4pm
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Violin etudes online - for free!
Hi Violinists,
We'll put these up on the website soon, but in case this is useful to you, here's a list of etude books that are up online - take a look, print off an etude or two for some extra practice:
Violin extra studies
Wohlfahrt Book 1
Wohlfahrt Book 2
1-3rd position – multiple keys - http://imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/4/47/IMSLP25402-PMLP46562-W60OP45B2.pdf
Schradieck – finger wigglers in multiple positions:
Schradieck – double stop exercises (advanced)
Schradieck – bowing exercises (advanced)
Kreutzer etudes (intermediate to advanced)
Alternate edition of Kreutzer
We'll put these up on the website soon, but in case this is useful to you, here's a list of etude books that are up online - take a look, print off an etude or two for some extra practice:
Violin extra studies
Wohlfahrt Book 1
Wohlfahrt Book 2
1-3rd position – multiple keys - http://imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/4/47/IMSLP25402-PMLP46562-W60OP45B2.pdf
Schradieck – finger wigglers in multiple positions:
Schradieck – double stop exercises (advanced)
Schradieck – bowing exercises (advanced)
Kreutzer etudes (intermediate to advanced)
Alternate edition of Kreutzer
Newsletter #5 - emailed 10/14/10
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is ongoing
Mon 10/18 - Sinf - Titan Strings bring food/drink for St. Olaf's
Mon 10/18 - 5pm St. Olaf's Potluck (Titan Strings work from 4:00 - 6:30pm)
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (all tickets are free)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Contained within:
1) St. Olaf's here at West on Monday!!!
2) St. Olaf's potluck reminder - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings
3) Parent Booster meeting tonight... all welcome!
4) Videos for instructional use being posted
5) How much should I be practicing?
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule
1) St. Olaf's here at West on Monday!!!
The St. Olaf's Symphony Orchestra is on a West Coast tour and we're lucky enough to have them perform right here in our own auditorium. The concert is at 7pm on this next Monday - October 18. We will have a few students playing in on one of the numbers. This concert is free to the public. This would be a great concerts for students to review - all students need to complete one live concert review each semester of a college-level or professional orchestra. Doors open at 6:30pm.
2) St. Olaf's potluck reminder - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings
Sinfonietta (period 7) and Titan Strings (period 6), you are providing the food for the potluck for the St. Olaf orchestra members. Please see previous emails about what exactly you are asked to bring. Perishables may be dropped off at the orchestra room starting at 7:15am on Monday. All food must arrive by 3:30pm.
Titan Strings - violins, cello and bass - you are expected to show up at the orchestra room at 4pm to help prepare and serve the dinner. You will eat after everyone's been served. You'll be done by 6:30pm, and maybe a touch earlier. I'm hoping you'll stay for the concert - this is an excellent opportunity to hear a really good symphony orchestra!
3) Parent Booster meeting tonight... all welcome!
All parents, and interested students, are welcome to the Orchestra Parent Booster Meeting this evening at 6:30pm in the orchestra room. We will be going over the budget for the year as well as getting ready for the next busy month of activities.
4) Videos for instructional use being posted
I am video taping rehearsals some this week - I will post the videos on our titanorchestras channel on YouTube - but, I'll take them back down a few days after they're up. They're just up for educational purposes. I'm hoping that when you receive an emailing saying that a video of your rehearsal is up, you'll view it so we can discuss in class the next time we're together.
5) How much should I be practicing?
Chamber Orchestra - 180 minutes per week
Sinfonietta - 100 minutes per week
Titan Strings - 60 minutes per week
All students should have resources for finding material if orchestra material isn't enough to practice. In the coming week's, I'll be posting some resources on the student page of the website to help students find materials.
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule:
Thursday Oct 21 - All Waltzers 5 - 6:30pm
Thursday Oct 28 - All Waltzers/Chicagoers 4 - 6:30pm (we will work Chicago rep from 4 - 5, Waltz from 5 - 6:30)
Tuesday Nov 2 - All Watlzers dress rehearsal 4-5:30pm
Waltz Night Nov 6 - Call time is 4pm
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is ongoing
Mon 10/18 - Sinf - Titan Strings bring food/drink for St. Olaf's
Mon 10/18 - 5pm St. Olaf's Potluck (Titan Strings work from 4:00 - 6:30pm)
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (all tickets are free)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Contained within:
1) St. Olaf's here at West on Monday!!!
2) St. Olaf's potluck reminder - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings
3) Parent Booster meeting tonight... all welcome!
4) Videos for instructional use being posted
5) How much should I be practicing?
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule
1) St. Olaf's here at West on Monday!!!
The St. Olaf's Symphony Orchestra is on a West Coast tour and we're lucky enough to have them perform right here in our own auditorium. The concert is at 7pm on this next Monday - October 18. We will have a few students playing in on one of the numbers. This concert is free to the public. This would be a great concerts for students to review - all students need to complete one live concert review each semester of a college-level or professional orchestra. Doors open at 6:30pm.
2) St. Olaf's potluck reminder - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings
Sinfonietta (period 7) and Titan Strings (period 6), you are providing the food for the potluck for the St. Olaf orchestra members. Please see previous emails about what exactly you are asked to bring. Perishables may be dropped off at the orchestra room starting at 7:15am on Monday. All food must arrive by 3:30pm.
Titan Strings - violins, cello and bass - you are expected to show up at the orchestra room at 4pm to help prepare and serve the dinner. You will eat after everyone's been served. You'll be done by 6:30pm, and maybe a touch earlier. I'm hoping you'll stay for the concert - this is an excellent opportunity to hear a really good symphony orchestra!
3) Parent Booster meeting tonight... all welcome!
All parents, and interested students, are welcome to the Orchestra Parent Booster Meeting this evening at 6:30pm in the orchestra room. We will be going over the budget for the year as well as getting ready for the next busy month of activities.
4) Videos for instructional use being posted
I am video taping rehearsals some this week - I will post the videos on our titanorchestras channel on YouTube - but, I'll take them back down a few days after they're up. They're just up for educational purposes. I'm hoping that when you receive an emailing saying that a video of your rehearsal is up, you'll view it so we can discuss in class the next time we're together.
5) How much should I be practicing?
Chamber Orchestra - 180 minutes per week
Sinfonietta - 100 minutes per week
Titan Strings - 60 minutes per week
All students should have resources for finding material if orchestra material isn't enough to practice. In the coming week's, I'll be posting some resources on the student page of the website to help students find materials.
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule:
Thursday Oct 21 - All Waltzers 5 - 6:30pm
Thursday Oct 28 - All Waltzers/Chicagoers 4 - 6:30pm (we will work Chicago rep from 4 - 5, Waltz from 5 - 6:30)
Tuesday Nov 2 - All Watlzers dress rehearsal 4-5:30pm
Waltz Night Nov 6 - Call time is 4pm
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Waltz links
Here are the pieces we're playing for Waltz Night and a youtube links to study the pieces:
The Blue Danube - http://www.fjhmusic.com/strings/st6162.htm - click on the "play recording" link (you'll need Real Player - easily downloadable)
Alternate Blue Danube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiwI5k-gFwc
Emperor Waltz (also called Kaiserwaltz) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG-kLDAj8mc
(You can learn the steps with this video... )
Tales from the Vienna Woods - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVKT7teKNjk&feature=related
(and, for fun - here's a clip from a 1930's movie 'telling' you how Strauss composed this waltz - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1C5-vznVks)
Artist's Life - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCdNx4Goe9M
Wine, Women, and Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV5JBrRZvTE
Wiener Blut (Viennese Blood) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeENyTf1mbc
Tritsch Tratsch Polka - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5yr-r3GkW4
And, lastly, here's a medley of a bunch of the tunes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HM0vsmfnFc
The Blue Danube - http://www.fjhmusic.com/strings/st6162.htm - click on the "play recording" link (you'll need Real Player - easily downloadable)
Alternate Blue Danube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiwI5k-gFwc
Emperor Waltz (also called Kaiserwaltz) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG-kLDAj8mc
(You can learn the steps with this video... )
Tales from the Vienna Woods - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVKT7teKNjk&feature=related
(and, for fun - here's a clip from a 1930's movie 'telling' you how Strauss composed this waltz - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1C5-vznVks)
Artist's Life - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCdNx4Goe9M
Wine, Women, and Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV5JBrRZvTE
Wiener Blut (Viennese Blood) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeENyTf1mbc
Tritsch Tratsch Polka - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5yr-r3GkW4
And, lastly, here's a medley of a bunch of the tunes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HM0vsmfnFc
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Newsletter #4 (10/6/10)
This newsletter was emailed 10/6/10
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Entertainment books/money is past due
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is ongoing
Mon 10/18 - Sinf - Titan Strings bring food/drink for St. Olaf's
Mon 10/18 - 5pm St. Olaf's Potluck (Titan Strings serve from 4:30 - 6pm)
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (all tickets are free)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Contained within:
1) Fundraiser Update
2) UnBande performance this Sunday
3) Great deal on an electric violin at EVS
4) St. Olaf's reminder
5) Metropolitan Opera broadcast at local movie theatre
6) An updated Waltz Night/Chicago orchestra schedule
7) Ms S blogged about the Hilary Hahn concert
1) Fundraiser Update
Good job selling Entertainment Books - books or money was due Tuesday Oct. 5. You will be contacted if you haven't turned in your money or books. The total amounts will be tallied and you'll see money in your student accounts soon.
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser has begun - these are beautiful plants. If you don't understand how to use the packet, please ask Ms S to show you how to register all the info. Make sure you are available to pick up your plants at the designated times - Friday Dec. 3 and Saturday Dec. 4.
2) UnBande performance this Sunday
Ms Silberman's group, Unbande, is performing a recital at the Downtown Public Library - Loucks Auditorium - on Sunday October 10 at 2:30pm. Seats usually fill up fast for this series, so please come early - it's a free concert, part of the Camerata Musica series.
3) Great deal on an electric violin at EVS
The Electric Violin Shop - www.electricviolinshop.com - has an unbelievable deal on an awesome electric violin - only $399 for a WAV violin. Great holiday present idea? I'm not sure about viola or cello, but it's worth it to take a look at the deal: Electric Violin Deal
4) St. Olaf's reminder
Titan Strings and Sinfonietta are providing the food for the St. Olaf's Symphony orchestra dinner on Oct. 18 - please bring your food/drink/dessert by 3:30pm. Titan Strings are serving the food - you need to be here at school by 4:30 to help prep the tables. The concert is at 7pm - all students and parents, and community members, are welcome. It's an exciting concert, including Mahler's Titan Symphony (the 1st - just one movement) and Mozart's Overture to the Magic Flute (one of my favorites!). All students may use this as their concert review... just think, you'd be done with your review months before the semester is over! Cool!
5) Metropolitan Opera broadcast at local movie theatre
Check this out - you can actually SEE a Metropolitan Opera live broadcast without paying $75-200 per ticket! They do live broadcasts at Salem's Regal Santiam Stadium 11. The first broadcast is this weekend - for more info: http://www.statesmanjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/201010061027/UPDATE/101006020
6) An updated Waltz Night/Chicago orchestra schedule
Here's a corrected Waltz Night/Chicago orchestra schedule (all this info can be found on the Google calendar too):
7) Ms S blogged about the Hilary Hahn concert
I blogged a little bit about the OR Symphony Hilary Hahn concert - found some cool links to learn more about Hilary... here's the blog link:
Tuesday Oct 12 - Only 1st violins and all cellos - 2:40 - 4pm
Thursday Oct 21 - All Waltzers 5 - 6:30pm
Thursday Oct 28 - All Waltzers/Chicagoers 4 - 6:30pm (we will work Chicago rep from 4 - 5, Waltz from 5 - 6:30)
Tuesday Nov 2 - All Watlzers dress rehearsal 4-5:30pm
Waltz Night Nov 6 - Call time is 4pm
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Entertainment books/money is past due
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is ongoing
Mon 10/18 - Sinf - Titan Strings bring food/drink for St. Olaf's
Mon 10/18 - 5pm St. Olaf's Potluck (Titan Strings serve from 4:30 - 6pm)
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (all tickets are free)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Contained within:
1) Fundraiser Update
2) UnBande performance this Sunday
3) Great deal on an electric violin at EVS
4) St. Olaf's reminder
5) Metropolitan Opera broadcast at local movie theatre
6) An updated Waltz Night/Chicago orchestra schedule
7) Ms S blogged about the Hilary Hahn concert
1) Fundraiser Update
Good job selling Entertainment Books - books or money was due Tuesday Oct. 5. You will be contacted if you haven't turned in your money or books. The total amounts will be tallied and you'll see money in your student accounts soon.
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser has begun - these are beautiful plants. If you don't understand how to use the packet, please ask Ms S to show you how to register all the info. Make sure you are available to pick up your plants at the designated times - Friday Dec. 3 and Saturday Dec. 4.
2) UnBande performance this Sunday
Ms Silberman's group, Unbande, is performing a recital at the Downtown Public Library - Loucks Auditorium - on Sunday October 10 at 2:30pm. Seats usually fill up fast for this series, so please come early - it's a free concert, part of the Camerata Musica series.
3) Great deal on an electric violin at EVS
The Electric Violin Shop - www.electricviolinshop.com - has an unbelievable deal on an awesome electric violin - only $399 for a WAV violin. Great holiday present idea? I'm not sure about viola or cello, but it's worth it to take a look at the deal: Electric Violin Deal
4) St. Olaf's reminder
Titan Strings and Sinfonietta are providing the food for the St. Olaf's Symphony orchestra dinner on Oct. 18 - please bring your food/drink/dessert by 3:30pm. Titan Strings are serving the food - you need to be here at school by 4:30 to help prep the tables. The concert is at 7pm - all students and parents, and community members, are welcome. It's an exciting concert, including Mahler's Titan Symphony (the 1st - just one movement) and Mozart's Overture to the Magic Flute (one of my favorites!). All students may use this as their concert review... just think, you'd be done with your review months before the semester is over! Cool!
5) Metropolitan Opera broadcast at local movie theatre
Check this out - you can actually SEE a Metropolitan Opera live broadcast without paying $75-200 per ticket! They do live broadcasts at Salem's Regal Santiam Stadium 11. The first broadcast is this weekend - for more info: http://www.statesmanjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/201010061027/UPDATE/101006020
6) An updated Waltz Night/Chicago orchestra schedule
Here's a corrected Waltz Night/Chicago orchestra schedule (all this info can be found on the Google calendar too):
7) Ms S blogged about the Hilary Hahn concert
I blogged a little bit about the OR Symphony Hilary Hahn concert - found some cool links to learn more about Hilary... here's the blog link:
Tuesday Oct 12 - Only 1st violins and all cellos - 2:40 - 4pm
Thursday Oct 21 - All Waltzers 5 - 6:30pm
Thursday Oct 28 - All Waltzers/Chicagoers 4 - 6:30pm (we will work Chicago rep from 4 - 5, Waltz from 5 - 6:30)
Tuesday Nov 2 - All Watlzers dress rehearsal 4-5:30pm
Waltz Night Nov 6 - Call time is 4pm
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Hilary Hahn concert
Wow - what a concert! To those who attended the OR Symphony concert last night, you know what I mean. It started off with a 'band' - the symphony played the national anthem with the audience on their feet. The first full piece they played was I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E! It's called Phenomenon by a Thai composer Prangcharoen - it was moving! Fast moving in most parts with some cool tricks played by the violins. The ending left us with our mouths wide open - you had to be there!
Hilary Hahn is a beautiful violinist - she wore a lovely blue dress that flowed when she moved (and she moved a lot!). Her bow usage is awesome - so controlled, so focused. Apparently she plays a Vuillaume (one of the most famous violin makers!) - the tone was clear and rich. She played the Tchaikovsky Violin concerto. It's one of my favorite concerts - I have at least 5 recordings of it. She chose some really interesting tempos in the middle of the 1st and 3rd movement. Here's a link to the recording, in case you're interested in purchasing it:
Hilary Hahn Tchaikovsky and Higdon Violin Concertos
Or here's a link to the MP3 downloads she has on Amazon:
Hilary Hahn MP3 downloads
I just purchased a copy of a DVD about her called "A Portrait" - we can watch in class some time and/or you're welcome to borrow it from me.
I hopped on her website this morning - www.hilaryhahn.com - and discovered that she's quite an active blogger. Check out the page called "Favorites". She also has a YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/hilaryhahnvideos - lots of cool stuff on this page.
I only heard a little of the Prokofiev concerto at the end of the concert - wish I could have stayed to the end.
Another amazing concert, OR Symphony!!! Thanks...
Hilary Hahn is a beautiful violinist - she wore a lovely blue dress that flowed when she moved (and she moved a lot!). Her bow usage is awesome - so controlled, so focused. Apparently she plays a Vuillaume (one of the most famous violin makers!) - the tone was clear and rich. She played the Tchaikovsky Violin concerto. It's one of my favorite concerts - I have at least 5 recordings of it. She chose some really interesting tempos in the middle of the 1st and 3rd movement. Here's a link to the recording, in case you're interested in purchasing it:
Hilary Hahn Tchaikovsky and Higdon Violin Concertos
Or here's a link to the MP3 downloads she has on Amazon:
Hilary Hahn MP3 downloads
I just purchased a copy of a DVD about her called "A Portrait" - we can watch in class some time and/or you're welcome to borrow it from me.
I hopped on her website this morning - www.hilaryhahn.com - and discovered that she's quite an active blogger. Check out the page called "Favorites". She also has a YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/hilaryhahnvideos - lots of cool stuff on this page.
I only heard a little of the Prokofiev concerto at the end of the concert - wish I could have stayed to the end.
Another amazing concert, OR Symphony!!! Thanks...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Newsletter #3 - emailed 9/30/10
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Fri 10/1 - Chicago Trip deposit due ($75)
Tue 10/5 - Entertainment Book Sale over
Mon 10/18 - 5pm St. Olaf's Potluck (Titan Strings and Sinf)
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (students free)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Contained within:
1) Exciting news about the Chicago trip...
2) Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser kicks off this week
3) Titan Strings - Dec. 2nd you will be playing at Lancaster Mall
4) Google Calendar has been updated... so has the website
5) Any parents have experience with sound equipment?
6) Hillary Hahn tickets - few have paid for their ticket (concert 10/5)
7) Want to win a Coda Bow???
1) Exciting news about the Chicago trip...
We will be competing *IN* Symphony Hall in Chicago - that's where the Chicago Symphony (one of the best symphonies in the world!) plays. Here's a link: www.cso.org. For those who are planning to go on the Chicago trip this next March, you need to pay your deposit by Oct. 1 (Friday) - you may bring cash, a check (made out to Music Boosters) or use student account money.
2) Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser kicks off this week
All students are welcome to our next fundraiser - the ever popular wreaths and poinsettias. These are beautiful plants that you can sell to you friends, family, and neighbors. This fundraise will run until the later part of October - the plants will be delivered to West in early December (you take the plants to the people who purchased them from you). The cost is reasonable and the profit to your student account is really good. Packets will be available in the orchestra room.
3) Titan Strings - December 2nd you will be playing at Lancaster Mall at 12:30pm!!! (Woo Hoo!)
We have added a performance for Titan Strings. At 12:30 and 1pm, Titan Violins and Titan Bassi will perform at the Lancaster Mall on December 2nd. Parents who work nearby are encouraged to come see the performance.
4) Google Calendar has been updated... so has the website (student page)
Many more dates have been put into the Google calendar - including the dates for students playing in the Waltz Orchestra (those going to Chicago). Please make sure you're checking in with the Google calendar to confirm dates. Additionally, if a sectional has been canceled, that will be reflected on the calendar. Also, the student page of our website has been updated with a list of current music that's supposed to be in the practice routine. Symphony will be added to that list in a few weeks.
5) Any parents have experience with sound equipment?
We could use a knowledgeable parent to help run sound at Waltz Night, Saturday November 6. Please contact Ms Silberman if you have some experience working a mixing console. Thanks!!!
6) Hillary Hahn tickets - few have paid for their ticket (concert is on Tuesday)
The Oregon Symphony featuring violinist Hillary Hahn is this next Tuesday, October 5, at 8pm at Smith Hall at Willamette University - if you reserved a ticket, you must pay the fee by the concert. If you do not use the ticket, you still must pay - the tickets have already been purchased.
7) Want to win a Coda Bow?
We have Coda Bows for students to use in the classroom - these are beautiful carbon fiber bows and they are very valuable for giving students the feel of a much more expensive bow for only a couple of hundred dollars. Here's your opportunity to win a bow - register to win (adults need to register, so parents... think about the holidays only being a few months away):
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Fri 10/1 - Chicago Trip deposit due ($75)
Tue 10/5 - Entertainment Book Sale over
Mon 10/18 - 5pm St. Olaf's Potluck (Titan Strings and Sinf)
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (students free)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Contained within:
1) Exciting news about the Chicago trip...
2) Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser kicks off this week
3) Titan Strings - Dec. 2nd you will be playing at Lancaster Mall
4) Google Calendar has been updated... so has the website
5) Any parents have experience with sound equipment?
6) Hillary Hahn tickets - few have paid for their ticket (concert 10/5)
7) Want to win a Coda Bow???
1) Exciting news about the Chicago trip...
We will be competing *IN* Symphony Hall in Chicago - that's where the Chicago Symphony (one of the best symphonies in the world!) plays. Here's a link: www.cso.org. For those who are planning to go on the Chicago trip this next March, you need to pay your deposit by Oct. 1 (Friday) - you may bring cash, a check (made out to Music Boosters) or use student account money.
2) Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser kicks off this week
All students are welcome to our next fundraiser - the ever popular wreaths and poinsettias. These are beautiful plants that you can sell to you friends, family, and neighbors. This fundraise will run until the later part of October - the plants will be delivered to West in early December (you take the plants to the people who purchased them from you). The cost is reasonable and the profit to your student account is really good. Packets will be available in the orchestra room.
3) Titan Strings - December 2nd you will be playing at Lancaster Mall at 12:30pm!!! (Woo Hoo!)
We have added a performance for Titan Strings. At 12:30 and 1pm, Titan Violins and Titan Bassi will perform at the Lancaster Mall on December 2nd. Parents who work nearby are encouraged to come see the performance.
4) Google Calendar has been updated... so has the website (student page)
Many more dates have been put into the Google calendar - including the dates for students playing in the Waltz Orchestra (those going to Chicago). Please make sure you're checking in with the Google calendar to confirm dates. Additionally, if a sectional has been canceled, that will be reflected on the calendar. Also, the student page of our website has been updated with a list of current music that's supposed to be in the practice routine. Symphony will be added to that list in a few weeks.
5) Any parents have experience with sound equipment?
We could use a knowledgeable parent to help run sound at Waltz Night, Saturday November 6. Please contact Ms Silberman if you have some experience working a mixing console. Thanks!!!
6) Hillary Hahn tickets - few have paid for their ticket (concert is on Tuesday)
The Oregon Symphony featuring violinist Hillary Hahn is this next Tuesday, October 5, at 8pm at Smith Hall at Willamette University - if you reserved a ticket, you must pay the fee by the concert. If you do not use the ticket, you still must pay - the tickets have already been purchased.
7) Want to win a Coda Bow?
We have Coda Bows for students to use in the classroom - these are beautiful carbon fiber bows and they are very valuable for giving students the feel of a much more expensive bow for only a couple of hundred dollars. Here's your opportunity to win a bow - register to win (adults need to register, so parents... think about the holidays only being a few months away):
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Newsletter #2 - emailed 9/24/10
***Save the Date***
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Fri 10/1 - Chicago Trip deposit due ($75)
Thu 10/7 - Entertainment Book Sale over (money or books returned to school)
Mon 10/18 - 5pm Sinfonietta and Titan Strings provide Potluck for St. Olaf's Concert
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (free concert for students and parents!)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students (7pm at West Auditorium)
Contained within:
1) If you ordered Hillary Hahn tickets, please pay up...
2) Trip deposit is due by October 1!!!
3) Entertainment Books fundraiser ends October 7
4) Theory Online...
5) In Touch Online - starting next week 'true' grades will be revealed
6) Here's what we're currently working on in class...
1) If you ordered Hillary Hahn tickets, please pay up...
Those of you who ordered tickets for Hillary Hahn with the Oregon Symphony on October 5 at 8pm, please pay the $5 student fee by the concert date. Even if you don't attend, you will owe (maybe find someone else to take your ticket?) - the OR Symphony has *already* been paid for your ticket. More info on that evening in the next newsletter
2) Trip deposit is due by October 1!!!
If you're planning on attending the trip to Chicago this next March, you must pay your $75 fee (check, cash, or student account) by Friday October 1 - we will be reserving plane tickets and buses soon! If this is an extreme financial hardship but you really want to attend, please contact Ms. Silberman. Mid-October we'll have a bunch of info for those going on the trip - in a separate email. Also, Waltz Night orchestra rehearsals will be announced next week.
3) Entertainment Book fundraiser ends October 7
We got an extension on the deadline - yay! Lots of students have books out - please bring money or books back by October 7 (October 8 is a no-school day).
4) Theory Online...
We will be doing theory in class, some, but there are simple ways of playing games or taking lessons online to enhance your musical theory skills. Here are some favorites:
http://www.musictheory.net/ - This website does great tutorials! Even non-musicians would learn some great basics on this site!
http://www.8notes.com/theory/ - Students looked at this website last year - there are lessons, tests, and games on this site.
http://www.emusictheory.com/practice.html - This site was assigned to Sinfonietta and Chamber students last week - they were to pick a test and give it a whirl. There will be future assignments for all students on this site.
5) In Touch Online - starting next week 'true' grades will be revealed
I have been working on getting the grade book up-to-date and will start entering in "zeros" where missing there are assignments or fees. This may skew some grades - until the Fair Use waiver or fee is turned in, or other missing item/assignment/supply, students may have a very lowered grade. If there are ever questions about grades, or if students *have* turned something in and it's not being reflected on InTouch Online, please contact me!
6) Here's what we're currently working on in class... parents, you should be hearing these selections at home during practice time (per week: 60 mins for Titan Strings, 100 for Sinfonietta, 180 for Chamber)
Chamber Orchestra
Bach Double Violin Concerto
Bach Brandenburg #6 Concerto for 2 violas (with all violinists playing the tutti viola part!)
Vivaldi Concerto for 2 cellos in G minor
Anthem and Frolicsome Finale
Mozart Eine Kleine Knachtmusik, 1st movement
Tchaikovsky Marche Slav arrangement
Sectionals - Suzuki book 3 pieces started this week
Titan Violins
Rakes of Mallow (fiddle tune)
Bourree from Suzuki book 2
G Major in the Green Book - Dona Nobis Pacem
Star Wars
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Titan Bassi
G Major in Green Book
Dona Nobis Pacem and Chorale
Bourree (left hand bass part)
Hungarian Dance
Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Fri 10/1 - Chicago Trip deposit due ($75)
Thu 10/7 - Entertainment Book Sale over (money or books returned to school)
Mon 10/18 - 5pm Sinfonietta and Titan Strings provide Potluck for St. Olaf's Concert
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (free concert for students and parents!)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students (7pm at West Auditorium)
Contained within:
1) If you ordered Hillary Hahn tickets, please pay up...
2) Trip deposit is due by October 1!!!
3) Entertainment Books fundraiser ends October 7
4) Theory Online...
5) In Touch Online - starting next week 'true' grades will be revealed
6) Here's what we're currently working on in class...
1) If you ordered Hillary Hahn tickets, please pay up...
Those of you who ordered tickets for Hillary Hahn with the Oregon Symphony on October 5 at 8pm, please pay the $5 student fee by the concert date. Even if you don't attend, you will owe (maybe find someone else to take your ticket?) - the OR Symphony has *already* been paid for your ticket. More info on that evening in the next newsletter
2) Trip deposit is due by October 1!!!
If you're planning on attending the trip to Chicago this next March, you must pay your $75 fee (check, cash, or student account) by Friday October 1 - we will be reserving plane tickets and buses soon! If this is an extreme financial hardship but you really want to attend, please contact Ms. Silberman. Mid-October we'll have a bunch of info for those going on the trip - in a separate email. Also, Waltz Night orchestra rehearsals will be announced next week.
3) Entertainment Book fundraiser ends October 7
We got an extension on the deadline - yay! Lots of students have books out - please bring money or books back by October 7 (October 8 is a no-school day).
4) Theory Online...
We will be doing theory in class, some, but there are simple ways of playing games or taking lessons online to enhance your musical theory skills. Here are some favorites:
http://www.musictheory.net/ - This website does great tutorials! Even non-musicians would learn some great basics on this site!
http://www.8notes.com/theory/ - Students looked at this website last year - there are lessons, tests, and games on this site.
http://www.emusictheory.com/practice.html - This site was assigned to Sinfonietta and Chamber students last week - they were to pick a test and give it a whirl. There will be future assignments for all students on this site.
5) In Touch Online - starting next week 'true' grades will be revealed
I have been working on getting the grade book up-to-date and will start entering in "zeros" where missing there are assignments or fees. This may skew some grades - until the Fair Use waiver or fee is turned in, or other missing item/assignment/supply, students may have a very lowered grade. If there are ever questions about grades, or if students *have* turned something in and it's not being reflected on InTouch Online, please contact me!
6) Here's what we're currently working on in class... parents, you should be hearing these selections at home during practice time (per week: 60 mins for Titan Strings, 100 for Sinfonietta, 180 for Chamber)
Chamber Orchestra
Bach Double Violin Concerto
Bach Brandenburg #6 Concerto for 2 violas (with all violinists playing the tutti viola part!)
Vivaldi Concerto for 2 cellos in G minor
Anthem and Frolicsome Finale
Mozart Eine Kleine Knachtmusik, 1st movement
Tchaikovsky Marche Slav arrangement
Sectionals - Suzuki book 3 pieces started this week
Titan Violins
Rakes of Mallow (fiddle tune)
Bourree from Suzuki book 2
G Major in the Green Book - Dona Nobis Pacem
Star Wars
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Titan Bassi
G Major in Green Book
Dona Nobis Pacem and Chorale
Bourree (left hand bass part)
Hungarian Dance
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Entertainment Book sale extended to October 8
Emailed 9/20/10
Entertainment Book
Sales Deadline Extended
to Friday October 8th
The deadline for sales has been extended to October 8th. So, get out there and sell, sell, sell.......
AND.... Students will earn a $15 I-tunes gift card for every 10 books they have sold.
Family and friends outside of Salem can purchase Entertainment Books online for their area and your student can receive the credit. Register at https://sellersection.entertainment.com/sellerSection/ using our account number of 740029 and "West Salem Education Foundation Band".
You can also sell Entertainment Books via Facebook! Here's how to do it.
1. Go to http://www.fundraising.entertainment.com/esale2.cfm?CI=740029&SI=711581&LI=1
2. Write an optional message before the HTML Link
3. Click on the Share button
Other things to be aware of:
There are books for Greater Oregon (statewide) and for Greater Portland (Portland area). You can take some of each.
You MUST sign out for any books taken by indicating which type you are checking out and the numbers of each
You will be held responsible for turning in the money from book sales and any unsold books.
All money from sold books should be placed in the GREY BOX near Ms. Silberman's office using one of the small manila envelopes there. Be sure to put your name and the amount of money in the envelope and write "Entertainment Books" or just "E Books" on the envelope as well. We'll be using that to track how many books you've sold.
Unsold Entertainment Books and money can be turned in anytime, but they MUST be turned in no later than Friday October 8th.
Unsold books MUST BE CHECKED IN using the same list Ms. Silberman used when the books were checked out. If you just bring them to school and leave them somewhere in the Orchestra Room, that WON'T work.
If you have any questions or need additional books, please contact Beth Zukowski at beth@chuchartworks.com or by phone at 503-364-9713. Or you can contact Ms. Silberman at titanorchestras@yahoo.com.
It's always a great day to be in Titan Orchestra.
Entertainment Book
Sales Deadline Extended
to Friday October 8th
The deadline for sales has been extended to October 8th. So, get out there and sell, sell, sell.......
AND.... Students will earn a $15 I-tunes gift card for every 10 books they have sold.
Family and friends outside of Salem can purchase Entertainment Books online for their area and your student can receive the credit. Register at https://sellersection.entertainment.com/sellerSection/ using our account number of 740029 and "West Salem Education Foundation Band".
You can also sell Entertainment Books via Facebook! Here's how to do it.
1. Go to http://www.fundraising.entertainment.com/esale2.cfm?CI=740029&SI=711581&LI=1
2. Write an optional message before the HTML Link
3. Click on the Share button
Other things to be aware of:
There are books for Greater Oregon (statewide) and for Greater Portland (Portland area). You can take some of each.
You MUST sign out for any books taken by indicating which type you are checking out and the numbers of each
You will be held responsible for turning in the money from book sales and any unsold books.
All money from sold books should be placed in the GREY BOX near Ms. Silberman's office using one of the small manila envelopes there. Be sure to put your name and the amount of money in the envelope and write "Entertainment Books" or just "E Books" on the envelope as well. We'll be using that to track how many books you've sold.
Unsold Entertainment Books and money can be turned in anytime, but they MUST be turned in no later than Friday October 8th.
Unsold books MUST BE CHECKED IN using the same list Ms. Silberman used when the books were checked out. If you just bring them to school and leave them somewhere in the Orchestra Room, that WON'T work.
If you have any questions or need additional books, please contact Beth Zukowski at beth@chuchartworks.com or by phone at 503-364-9713. Or you can contact Ms. Silberman at titanorchestras@yahoo.com.
It's always a great day to be in Titan Orchestra.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Eine Kleine Knachtmusik links
Hi Sinfonietta students,
Here are links to printing off the music for Eine Kleine Knachtmusik and for listening:
Whole piece...
1st movement only...
Print off your part (scroll down and find your part, click on the agreement and print away):
Here are links to printing off the music for Eine Kleine Knachtmusik and for listening:
Whole piece...
1st movement only...
Print off your part (scroll down and find your part, click on the agreement and print away):
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
St. Olaf's in October
This was emailed to Sinfonietta and Titan Strings 9/15/10:
Apparently I was typing quickly yesterday when I put the newsletter together. Here's some correct info - sorry about the typos yesterday:
Monday October 18 we are hosting the St. Olaf's symphony orchestra here at West. Parents and students from Titan Strings will be providing and serving dinner to the visiting orchestra. Students and parents from Sinfonietta will be providing food/drink but do not need to 'work' the dinner. Then the concert is at 7pm and is free for students (and a great concert for students to review!) - parents are $10.
More info on the potluck (this is a fund-raiser for the general orchestra music booster fund) to come in another few weeks.
Apparently I was typing quickly yesterday when I put the newsletter together. Here's some correct info - sorry about the typos yesterday:
Monday October 18 we are hosting the St. Olaf's symphony orchestra here at West. Parents and students from Titan Strings will be providing and serving dinner to the visiting orchestra. Students and parents from Sinfonietta will be providing food/drink but do not need to 'work' the dinner. Then the concert is at 7pm and is free for students (and a great concert for students to review!) - parents are $10.
More info on the potluck (this is a fund-raiser for the general orchestra music booster fund) to come in another few weeks.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Newsletter #1 (9/14/10)
***Save the Date***
Thur 9/16 - Symphony starts at 4pm
Week of 9/20 - Sectionals Start this week
Mon 9/20 - 7pm Mandatory Parent Meeting, Chicago Trip info, College Night
Sun 9/26 - Entertainment Book Sale over (money or books returned to school Monday 9/27)
Mon 9/18 - 5pm Sinfonietta and Titan Strings provide Potluck for St. Olaf's Concert
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (free concert for students and parents!)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students (7pm at West Auditorium)
Contained within:
1) Welcome to newsletter emails, especially new parents and students
2) September 20th is a very important meeting - all parents and students should attend!
3) Entertainment Book sale is in progress - have you sold your books?
4) Music Day thank you!
5) Supplies for orchestra classes are due 9/17 - explanation
6) Reminder - Fair Use Fee ($40) is due this week
1) A warm welcome to returning students and parents, and a hello to those new to the newsletter. This newsletter is intended to help students and parents up-to-date with all things related to the orchestra program at West. There are many deadlines, concert dates, special events, volunteer requests and thank yous, and opportunities (concerts, etc...) that will be shared in this format. The newsletters will come somewhat weekly and will always be posted on the blog. They come as both HTML and as plain text (so please view it in HTML for it to look the cleanest). It is my (Ms. S) expectation that students and parents are reading these messages, though students are usually told all the information in class. I do post the newsletter in the class in case any students are having computer issues - but, then again, there are school-use computers that all students may use and hopefully they will be checking the blog frequently. If anyone ever has any announcements to be made, please email Ms. S or orchestra parent booster president Karen Tatman (music@team-tnt.com). Parent feedback is welcome.
2) September 20 is our annual mandatory parent meeting at 7pm in the Auditorium at West. This meeting is run by both the parent booster organization and Ms. S - we will be going over classroom-related content (like grades, attendance at sectionals and rehearsals) and orchestra booster business. All parents of students in the orchestra program are requested to attend - students may attend as well.
Following the parent meeting, we will have a presentation of the Chicago trip information. Who's eligible to attend, what is the trip agenda, how much does it cost, what is the fund-raising plan, what about scholarships, when are the deadlines for deposits and when is the final withdrawal deadline, what rehearsals do I have to attend to get ready for the trip? These questions and more will be answered Monday the 20th.
Following the trip meeting, we will have a quick college information night. Ms S will have some materials for anyone interested in finding out more about music schools, scholarship possibilities for playing at college, and we will talk about writing 'the letter' to a professor at a college.
Thank you, in advance, for clearing your calendar next Monday evening at 7pm.
3) One of our most popular fund-raisers, Entertainment Books, is ongoing. Students may have 5 books at a time to sell - we have both greater OR and Portland area books. The books are $25 - students will receive $7-10 (depending on how many books are sold all together in the music department) to their student account. These books 'pay for themselves' quickly - you may check out books at the parent meeting, and students may check out books during lunches and after school. The fund-raiser is over September 26 - on the 27th students need to turn in money or books to the orchestra room. Thank you to Beth Zukowski for coordinating the fund-raiser!
4) Thanks again to students, parent drivers, Karen Tatman and the band parents who dedicated hours of time to Music Day. Funds received on Music Day are used throughout the year. This was a successful year - and I'm so appreciative of West Salem's community spirit of giving! Music Day is always the first Saturday after school starts. Our next big booster general fund fund-raiser will be the Titan Auction in November.
5) The first week of school, students were given a list of supplies needed for the orchestra room: A 1" binder (to be kept in the room), page protectors and separators (if interested), a pack of pencils (to be given to Ms S) and a few books for home practice (these books need to come to class and then go home with students for home practice). Students can bring materials in as they are received and will be checked off on a supply list. I understand that some students may have ordered materials that are either on their way or are backordered - that's fine. Once they arrive, bring them in to be checked off. If there is financial difficulty with purchasing these books or supplies, please contact Ms S directly.
6) Please remember to have students bring $40 (cash or check made out to WSHS) to Jolie Gilman, the bookkeeper at West. This is for the Fair Use Fee due annually for the orchestras. Students wishing to 'waiver' out of this fee can ask Ms. Gilman for a waiver request. Notes will be coming home later next week for students who have not yet paid or requested a waiver.
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter... looking forward to seeing you Monday :)
~Ms S.
"It's always a great day to be in Titan Orchestra."
Thur 9/16 - Symphony starts at 4pm
Week of 9/20 - Sectionals Start this week
Mon 9/20 - 7pm Mandatory Parent Meeting, Chicago Trip info, College Night
Sun 9/26 - Entertainment Book Sale over (money or books returned to school Monday 9/27)
Mon 9/18 - 5pm Sinfonietta and Titan Strings provide Potluck for St. Olaf's Concert
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (free concert for students and parents!)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students (7pm at West Auditorium)
Contained within:
1) Welcome to newsletter emails, especially new parents and students
2) September 20th is a very important meeting - all parents and students should attend!
3) Entertainment Book sale is in progress - have you sold your books?
4) Music Day thank you!
5) Supplies for orchestra classes are due 9/17 - explanation
6) Reminder - Fair Use Fee ($40) is due this week
1) A warm welcome to returning students and parents, and a hello to those new to the newsletter. This newsletter is intended to help students and parents up-to-date with all things related to the orchestra program at West. There are many deadlines, concert dates, special events, volunteer requests and thank yous, and opportunities (concerts, etc...) that will be shared in this format. The newsletters will come somewhat weekly and will always be posted on the blog. They come as both HTML and as plain text (so please view it in HTML for it to look the cleanest). It is my (Ms. S) expectation that students and parents are reading these messages, though students are usually told all the information in class. I do post the newsletter in the class in case any students are having computer issues - but, then again, there are school-use computers that all students may use and hopefully they will be checking the blog frequently. If anyone ever has any announcements to be made, please email Ms. S or orchestra parent booster president Karen Tatman (music@team-tnt.com). Parent feedback is welcome.
2) September 20 is our annual mandatory parent meeting at 7pm in the Auditorium at West. This meeting is run by both the parent booster organization and Ms. S - we will be going over classroom-related content (like grades, attendance at sectionals and rehearsals) and orchestra booster business. All parents of students in the orchestra program are requested to attend - students may attend as well.
Following the parent meeting, we will have a presentation of the Chicago trip information. Who's eligible to attend, what is the trip agenda, how much does it cost, what is the fund-raising plan, what about scholarships, when are the deadlines for deposits and when is the final withdrawal deadline, what rehearsals do I have to attend to get ready for the trip? These questions and more will be answered Monday the 20th.
Following the trip meeting, we will have a quick college information night. Ms S will have some materials for anyone interested in finding out more about music schools, scholarship possibilities for playing at college, and we will talk about writing 'the letter' to a professor at a college.
Thank you, in advance, for clearing your calendar next Monday evening at 7pm.
3) One of our most popular fund-raisers, Entertainment Books, is ongoing. Students may have 5 books at a time to sell - we have both greater OR and Portland area books. The books are $25 - students will receive $7-10 (depending on how many books are sold all together in the music department) to their student account. These books 'pay for themselves' quickly - you may check out books at the parent meeting, and students may check out books during lunches and after school. The fund-raiser is over September 26 - on the 27th students need to turn in money or books to the orchestra room. Thank you to Beth Zukowski for coordinating the fund-raiser!
4) Thanks again to students, parent drivers, Karen Tatman and the band parents who dedicated hours of time to Music Day. Funds received on Music Day are used throughout the year. This was a successful year - and I'm so appreciative of West Salem's community spirit of giving! Music Day is always the first Saturday after school starts. Our next big booster general fund fund-raiser will be the Titan Auction in November.
5) The first week of school, students were given a list of supplies needed for the orchestra room: A 1" binder (to be kept in the room), page protectors and separators (if interested), a pack of pencils (to be given to Ms S) and a few books for home practice (these books need to come to class and then go home with students for home practice). Students can bring materials in as they are received and will be checked off on a supply list. I understand that some students may have ordered materials that are either on their way or are backordered - that's fine. Once they arrive, bring them in to be checked off. If there is financial difficulty with purchasing these books or supplies, please contact Ms S directly.
6) Please remember to have students bring $40 (cash or check made out to WSHS) to Jolie Gilman, the bookkeeper at West. This is for the Fair Use Fee due annually for the orchestras. Students wishing to 'waiver' out of this fee can ask Ms. Gilman for a waiver request. Notes will be coming home later next week for students who have not yet paid or requested a waiver.
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter... looking forward to seeing you Monday :)
~Ms S.
"It's always a great day to be in Titan Orchestra."
Supply list links
Here are links and more information about the required music for the orchestras.
Uptown Music and Weathers Music - both local stores in Salem - either have the following items, or will order them for you (so you don't have to pay any shipping). Please consider ordering your materials through our local retailers. Here's links to both of their websites:
You can also search for the books you need at one of the largest online music retailers, Shar Music - www.sharmusic.com - you just put in the title of the book you need and add it to your cart. You can also buy strings, mutes, rosin, accessories, cases, etc... at this site!
Below, I've provided you links for the music at Amazon though a few are not available to be shipped "Prime" - if you don't want to pay for shipping and the books you need aren't available as 'prime' then you can order from Weathers or Uptown.
Advanced Technique - Beige Book (required for both Chamber Orchestra and Sinfonietta students)
Advanced Technique Violin at Amazon
Advanced Technique Viola at Amazon
Advanced Technique Cello at Amazon
Advanced Technique Bass at Amazon
Essential Technique - Green Book (required for Sinfonietta, Titan Violins and Titan Bassi)
Essential Technique Violin at Amazon
Essential Technique Viola at Amazon
Essential Technique Cello at Amazon
Essential Technique Bass at Amazon
Suzuki Book 4 - Required for Sinfonietta students
Suzuki Book 4 Violin
Suzuki Book 4 Viola
Suzuki Book 4 Cello
Suzuki Book 4 Bass
Suzuki Book 3 - Required for Sinfonietta students and Titan Violins
Suzuki Book 3 Violin
Suzuki Book 3 Viola
Suzuki Book 3 Cello
Suzuki Book 3 Bass
Suzuki Book 2 - Required for Titan Violins and Titan Bassi students
Suzuki Book 2 Violin
Suzuki Book 2 Cello
Suzuki Book 2 Bass
Uptown Music and Weathers Music - both local stores in Salem - either have the following items, or will order them for you (so you don't have to pay any shipping). Please consider ordering your materials through our local retailers. Here's links to both of their websites:
You can also search for the books you need at one of the largest online music retailers, Shar Music - www.sharmusic.com - you just put in the title of the book you need and add it to your cart. You can also buy strings, mutes, rosin, accessories, cases, etc... at this site!
Below, I've provided you links for the music at Amazon though a few are not available to be shipped "Prime" - if you don't want to pay for shipping and the books you need aren't available as 'prime' then you can order from Weathers or Uptown.
Advanced Technique - Beige Book (required for both Chamber Orchestra and Sinfonietta students)
Advanced Technique Violin at Amazon
Advanced Technique Viola at Amazon
Advanced Technique Cello at Amazon
Advanced Technique Bass at Amazon
Essential Technique - Green Book (required for Sinfonietta, Titan Violins and Titan Bassi)
Essential Technique Violin at Amazon
Essential Technique Viola at Amazon
Essential Technique Cello at Amazon
Essential Technique Bass at Amazon
Suzuki Book 4 - Required for Sinfonietta students
Suzuki Book 4 Violin
Suzuki Book 4 Viola
Suzuki Book 4 Cello
Suzuki Book 4 Bass
Suzuki Book 3 - Required for Sinfonietta students and Titan Violins
Suzuki Book 3 Violin
Suzuki Book 3 Viola
Suzuki Book 3 Cello
Suzuki Book 3 Bass
Suzuki Book 2 - Required for Titan Violins and Titan Bassi students
Suzuki Book 2 Violin
Suzuki Book 2 Cello
Suzuki Book 2 Bass
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Music Day info and Fair Use Fees
{This was emailed to select students and parents Thursday 9/9/10}
This email is going out to all Chamber Orchestra and Sinfonietta members, and 10th grade Titan Strings members.
Music Day is this Saturday, September 11. Students and adults who are driving need to come at 8am to get checked in. Check in is run by parents at the entrance of the A wing - clocking in is how we register when the student arrives - Music Day funds are distributed according to time put in by each group (choir, band, orchestra). Students will all have to clock out at the end of the day too. Here's the schedule
8am - Arrive, check in, get dressed (if not dressed already)
Outfit - Black performance outfit, comfortable yet respectable black flat shoes
8:30 - Meet in the Auditorium for this year's orientation - meet in car grouping
9am - Cars leave West. Drivers may take their car-load to pick up drinks or snacks along the way
12pm (I believe...) - Pizza lunch provided by Boosters
12:30 - 3 - Final rounds
Some groups may end up being done by 3pm
Students who have requested a waiver for Music Day due to extreme conflict will have paperwork filled out by Monday to have their names put on the Volunteer list for Boosters.
Thank you for your participation in Music Day!!!!
All students this year must pay a Fair Use Fee of $40 (waivers are available for those unable to pay). That is due to the Bookkeeper, Jolie Gilman, at West. Here's what the paperwork students received says (if there are any other questions after reading below, please contact Ms. Silberman):
Orchestra Fair Use Fee Payment
All students in the orchestra program owe $40 Fair Use Fee – this is a once-per-year fee. This fee is payable to the bookkeeper at West – please bring payment (cash or check made out to WSHS) to Jolie Gilman, the bookkeeper. This fee is due by September 17.
If you need to waiver out of this fee because of financial difficulty, ask Ms. Gilman for a “Fair Use Fee Waiver” form. Once the waiver is granted, you or one of your parents will owe 4 hours of volunteer time to the Orchestra – you will be contacted by one of the booster organization parents to set up a time to complete these hours.
Fair Use Fees go towards covering purchase or repair of classroom-use instruments, outfits that are worn by performing orchestra members, or other materials that go directly towards the benefit of all students in the program.
(Or, go to the bookkeeper for a waiver)
This email is going out to all Chamber Orchestra and Sinfonietta members, and 10th grade Titan Strings members.
Music Day is this Saturday, September 11. Students and adults who are driving need to come at 8am to get checked in. Check in is run by parents at the entrance of the A wing - clocking in is how we register when the student arrives - Music Day funds are distributed according to time put in by each group (choir, band, orchestra). Students will all have to clock out at the end of the day too. Here's the schedule
8am - Arrive, check in, get dressed (if not dressed already)
Outfit - Black performance outfit, comfortable yet respectable black flat shoes
8:30 - Meet in the Auditorium for this year's orientation - meet in car grouping
9am - Cars leave West. Drivers may take their car-load to pick up drinks or snacks along the way
12pm (I believe...) - Pizza lunch provided by Boosters
12:30 - 3 - Final rounds
Some groups may end up being done by 3pm
Students who have requested a waiver for Music Day due to extreme conflict will have paperwork filled out by Monday to have their names put on the Volunteer list for Boosters.
Thank you for your participation in Music Day!!!!
All students this year must pay a Fair Use Fee of $40 (waivers are available for those unable to pay). That is due to the Bookkeeper, Jolie Gilman, at West. Here's what the paperwork students received says (if there are any other questions after reading below, please contact Ms. Silberman):
Orchestra Fair Use Fee Payment
All students in the orchestra program owe $40 Fair Use Fee – this is a once-per-year fee. This fee is payable to the bookkeeper at West – please bring payment (cash or check made out to WSHS) to Jolie Gilman, the bookkeeper. This fee is due by September 17.
If you need to waiver out of this fee because of financial difficulty, ask Ms. Gilman for a “Fair Use Fee Waiver” form. Once the waiver is granted, you or one of your parents will owe 4 hours of volunteer time to the Orchestra – you will be contacted by one of the booster organization parents to set up a time to complete these hours.
Fair Use Fees go towards covering purchase or repair of classroom-use instruments, outfits that are worn by performing orchestra members, or other materials that go directly towards the benefit of all students in the program.
(Or, go to the bookkeeper for a waiver)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Current Students and Parents - you should be receiving emails
Hi all,
If you are currently enrolled in the orchestra program, students and parents, you should be receiving emails from us. Many of these emails we will post here - some we won't.
If you are not receiving emails and you should be, please email Ms. Silberman: silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
If you are currently enrolled in the orchestra program, students and parents, you should be receiving emails from us. Many of these emails we will post here - some we won't.
If you are not receiving emails and you should be, please email Ms. Silberman: silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Boot Camp day 4
Great last day for Boot Camp! We warmed up all together this morning and worked on the Tobias Baaken Kanon in D-Dur (D-Major) - all 60+ of us!
Then Sinfonietta and Titan Strings played Hot Hot Hot and Stars and Stripes Forever - great reading and polishing!
Then we were treated to a performance of Frolicsome Finale (Benjamin Britten) by this year's Chamber Orchestra. After Sinfonietta and Titan Strings left, Chamber worked on the first movement of the Tchaikovsky Serenade... pretty good reading too, if I may say so.
Thanks to all who helped organized and attended Boot Camp. And, to those who weren't able to attend, we'll get you all caught up the first week of school. Stay tuned for emails (and blog postings) about the first week of school - there will be lots of information.
Have a great week off before school starts!
~Ms S
Then Sinfonietta and Titan Strings played Hot Hot Hot and Stars and Stripes Forever - great reading and polishing!
Then we were treated to a performance of Frolicsome Finale (Benjamin Britten) by this year's Chamber Orchestra. After Sinfonietta and Titan Strings left, Chamber worked on the first movement of the Tchaikovsky Serenade... pretty good reading too, if I may say so.
Thanks to all who helped organized and attended Boot Camp. And, to those who weren't able to attend, we'll get you all caught up the first week of school. Stay tuned for emails (and blog postings) about the first week of school - there will be lots of information.
Have a great week off before school starts!
~Ms S
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Want to try to win a prize? Name this tune on Friendship House's "Sight-reading" contest and submit your answer to be entered in for the prize:
Boot Camp day 3
Great work this morning on scale patterns in C major! Not easy! We also explored the "chop" bow stroke some this morning.
Then, we heard UnBande - Ms. Silberman's group featuring violist Danny Seidenberg, cellist Noah Seitz, and guitarist Chris Woitach. We ended with a rousing rendition of the Canadian national anthem followed by Mercy, Mercy, Mercy - pretty cool!
Sinfonietta and Titan Strings read Acrobats today - and reviewed the Giant Slimy Squid from yesterday.
Tomorrow's the last day of camp - no camp on Friday!
Then, we heard UnBande - Ms. Silberman's group featuring violist Danny Seidenberg, cellist Noah Seitz, and guitarist Chris Woitach. We ended with a rousing rendition of the Canadian national anthem followed by Mercy, Mercy, Mercy - pretty cool!
Sinfonietta and Titan Strings read Acrobats today - and reviewed the Giant Slimy Squid from yesterday.
Tomorrow's the last day of camp - no camp on Friday!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Boot Camp day 2
Tuesday started on time - amazingly! - with a quicky workshop on finger action on the finger board. We had 2 visitors today - Zevon who graduated last year and Bekka who will be working with the violin section in Chamber this year.
During Group time today we played some Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, and then some Star Wars, and a quick review of Seasons of Love.
Then we did some bonding activities, including some yoga - apparently Joel is quite the "Crow". Then we headed out to the front lawn for a little water ballooning and some "trust" activities. The popsicles were a welcome treat on this 90 degree day!
Then Chamber rehearsed some with Bekka, then on their own, then with Ms. S, on the Britten. Meanwhile, Sinfonietta and Titan Strings worked on Thom Sharp's Giant Slimy Squid - what a fun piece!
See ya Wednesday!
During Group time today we played some Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, and then some Star Wars, and a quick review of Seasons of Love.
Then we did some bonding activities, including some yoga - apparently Joel is quite the "Crow". Then we headed out to the front lawn for a little water ballooning and some "trust" activities. The popsicles were a welcome treat on this 90 degree day!
Then Chamber rehearsed some with Bekka, then on their own, then with Ms. S, on the Britten. Meanwhile, Sinfonietta and Titan Strings worked on Thom Sharp's Giant Slimy Squid - what a fun piece!
See ya Wednesday!
Music Day email sent 8/24
Howdy Orchestra Students and Parents
Music Day is Saturday September 11th this year
Sinfonietta and Chamber Orchestra students will be signing up for a space in each car (4 students per vehicle) this week during Boot Camp.
We need 10 parent drivers to escort orchestra students around West Salem.
If you can drive, please email Karen Tatman at music@team-tnt.com.
All drivers must complete the Background Check form and submit it to Salem Keizer School District. Here is a link to the Volunteer page on the Salem Keizer Schools website.
www.salkeiz.k12.or.us/content/human-resources/volunteer and choose the link to Criminal History Check Forms.
There is also an insurance form to be filled out and submitted in advance of Music Day. Your student can bring this form home to you. Ms. Silberman has a stack.
On Music Day, parent drivers should plan to arrive at the school for a parent meeting in the auditorium at 8:30 AM. Drivers will leave the school with students by 9 AM and will return to school by 3 PM.
Music Day is a HUGE fundraiser for the entire WSHS Music program and your help and support are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Tatman at boosters@titanorchestras.com or by phone at 503-581-6076. Or you can contact Ms. Silberman at titanorchestras@yahoo.com .
It's always a great day to be in Titan Orchestra.
WSHS Orchestra Boosters
Our mailing address is:
1776 Titan Drive
Salem, OR 97304
Copyright (C) 2010 Team-TNT.com All rights reserved.
President: Karen Tatman boosters@titanorchestras.com
Vice President: Anne Kirkpatrick dougannek@comcast.net
Student Accounts: Doug Kirkpatrick studentaccounts@titanorchestras.com
Director: Daryl Silberman titanorchestras@yahoo.com
Sent to silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us. Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Forward to a Friend
Howdy Orchestra Students and Parents
Music Day is Saturday September 11th this year
Sinfonietta and Chamber Orchestra students will be signing up for a space in each car (4 students per vehicle) this week during Boot Camp.
We need 10 parent drivers to escort orchestra students around West Salem.
If you can drive, please email Karen Tatman at music@team-tnt.com.
All drivers must complete the Background Check form and submit it to Salem Keizer School District. Here is a link to the Volunteer page on the Salem Keizer Schools website.
www.salkeiz.k12.or.us/content/human-resources/volunteer and choose the link to Criminal History Check Forms.
There is also an insurance form to be filled out and submitted in advance of Music Day. Your student can bring this form home to you. Ms. Silberman has a stack.
On Music Day, parent drivers should plan to arrive at the school for a parent meeting in the auditorium at 8:30 AM. Drivers will leave the school with students by 9 AM and will return to school by 3 PM.
Music Day is a HUGE fundraiser for the entire WSHS Music program and your help and support are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Tatman at boosters@titanorchestras.com or by phone at 503-581-6076. Or you can contact Ms. Silberman at titanorchestras@yahoo.com .
It's always a great day to be in Titan Orchestra.
WSHS Orchestra Boosters
Our mailing address is:
1776 Titan Drive
Salem, OR 97304
Copyright (C) 2010 Team-TNT.com All rights reserved.
President: Karen Tatman boosters@titanorchestras.com
Vice President: Anne Kirkpatrick dougannek@comcast.net
Student Accounts: Doug Kirkpatrick studentaccounts@titanorchestras.com
Director: Daryl Silberman titanorchestras@yahoo.com
Sent to silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us. Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Forward to a Friend
Boot Camp - day 1
Here's a quick accounting of Boot Camp, day 1:
Registration went smoothly and quickly, thanks to Parent organization president Karen and vice-president Anne! We had 55 students who checked in yesterday - not bad!!!
After a quick introduction of who was there, we did some playing all together. The musical 'tasty treat' of the day was to challenge everyone to play "Seasons of Love" with the CD recording - we'll work on that more today, day 2.
We were treated to an amazing performance by the Schoenard Trio - Eleanora, Ashley and Chas. Eleanora played violin for the Beethoven and Brahms piano trios, and then picked up viola for the Dohnanyi trio. Ashley played piano and then violin. Chas is the cellist (who played the slow movement of the Beethoven most gorgeously!!). What talented, and nice, performers!
Then the WHOLE GROUP read 3 movements of Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - a few too many people to do that for a performance, but great reading!
Chamber Orchestra's rehearsal was great - we read and worked on Benjamin Britten's Frolicsome Finale from Simple Symphony. The group took to it quickly - I think we'll 'perform' it on Thursday at the end of Boot Camp.
Day 2 update coming next... :)
~Ms S
Registration went smoothly and quickly, thanks to Parent organization president Karen and vice-president Anne! We had 55 students who checked in yesterday - not bad!!!
After a quick introduction of who was there, we did some playing all together. The musical 'tasty treat' of the day was to challenge everyone to play "Seasons of Love" with the CD recording - we'll work on that more today, day 2.
We were treated to an amazing performance by the Schoenard Trio - Eleanora, Ashley and Chas. Eleanora played violin for the Beethoven and Brahms piano trios, and then picked up viola for the Dohnanyi trio. Ashley played piano and then violin. Chas is the cellist (who played the slow movement of the Beethoven most gorgeously!!). What talented, and nice, performers!
Then the WHOLE GROUP read 3 movements of Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - a few too many people to do that for a performance, but great reading!
Chamber Orchestra's rehearsal was great - we read and worked on Benjamin Britten's Frolicsome Finale from Simple Symphony. The group took to it quickly - I think we'll 'perform' it on Thursday at the end of Boot Camp.
Day 2 update coming next... :)
~Ms S
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Canceled Facebook - for now...
To all students and the few parents who 'friended' Gotscha,
I decided *NOT* to have a facebook page right now. The way I did it was cumbersome. If I do a facebook page, I'll do it differently. What I think we'll do is to have one representative from each orchestra pass messages along to everyone - this way, when I email a newsletter or message out to the orchestras, it can get passed along to everyone on facebook (in case they don't check email).
~Ms S
I decided *NOT* to have a facebook page right now. The way I did it was cumbersome. If I do a facebook page, I'll do it differently. What I think we'll do is to have one representative from each orchestra pass messages along to everyone - this way, when I email a newsletter or message out to the orchestras, it can get passed along to everyone on facebook (in case they don't check email).
~Ms S
Boot Camp - lots of info
This was emailed Saturday August 21 - if you did not receive this email, contact Ms. S!
Hi all! Boot Camp time! There's lots of information for everyone below:
0) Is it required that I attend Boot Camp?
1) How do I register - what if I need another copy of the registration paperwork?
2) What do I owe - how much is Boot Camp and who has to pay?
3) What if I have sports or band camp and can't come to most or all of Boot Camp?
4) What if I already paid?
5) Can I sign up for Music Day at Boot Camp?
6) If I'm a cellist, do I need to bring my cello?
7) Are there instruments for me to borrow for Boot Camp?
8) What's the Boot Camp schedule - who's performing and when/what is happening next week?
9) Will I get my performance outfit at Boot Camp?
0) Is it required that I attend Boot Camp?
Yes - all enrolled students are expected to attend Boot Camp. But, if you contacted Ms. S about a previous conflict (un-moveable family vacation or other conflict) or you have a sports or marching band conflict, you are excused. That said, please read the information below under number 3 - you still should try to make some of Boot Camp. Boot Camp is where we reunite you with your instrument, get your head back into the 'orchestra game', make connections that will last throughout the year, hear and play some great music, and get a chance to get ready for the school year before the craziness of the first week.
1) How do I register - what if I need another copy of the registration paperwork?
Registration is on Monday morning from 8:30 - 9am - please don't come *at* 9am and expect to register quickly. You were sent materials in June, but in case you have misplaced them, go to our website - www.titanorchestras.com - and on the front page you can download the document. YOU NEED A PARENT SIGNATURE ON THE REGISTRATION DOCUMENT IN ORDER TO ATTEND BOOT CAMP. A parent may come with a student at Boot Camp registration and complete the document there (we'll have extras printed out). If you've already filled out your paperwork, just check in on Monday morning and make sure everything's correct.
2) What do I owe - how much is Boot Camp and who has to pay?
There is a $40 fee for Boot Camp. Checks can be made out to WSHS Music Boosters. This fee goes towards snacks, materials, and guest artists. If you are on free/reduced lunch or have other financial hardship, you may ask for a waiver for Boot Camp, but in exchange, your name will be placed on a volunteer list - 4 hours of time will be asked of you over the course of the year.
3) What if I have sports or band camp and can't come to most or all of Boot Camp?
If you have sports camp or tryouts or marching band camp you do not need to pay. But, for some, you may be able to attend some of Boot Camp. It's an important bonding and technique time for our orchestras - without you, both our group and you don't get the full benefit of the early start. Please do what you can to make even an hour of Boot Camp:
Marching Band - You can ask Mr. Zimbelman at the beginning of any rehearsal whether it's a good time to go to some Boot Camp. Consult the schedule below, then consult your marching band schedule and see if you can make even an hour - maybe a performance, or one rehearsal - just to get your head partially back in the orchestra game.
Football - Coach Stanley knows that a few of you are orchestra people. Please come to Boot Camp during your lunch - and if you can get away, ask the coach to release you 15 minutes early, if it's possible.
Cross Country - it sounds like there's not too much conflict - see if you can ask to complete a run early, if you can. Try to make as much of Boot Camp as you can.
Volleyball - Coach Armstrong is a great supporter of orchestra, but tryout week is very important. You can approach the coach, if you feel it's a good time, and ask if there's any way to skip out for an hour to come to the orchestra room.
4) What if I already paid?
When you register, just make sure that we have your payment recorded on the sign-in sheet. Some of you already turned checks in, want to use student accounts (for 10th-12th graders), or paid at Back-to-Business days. We'll make sure you get credit for having paid. If you do not bring payment on Monday, you will bring home a note to remind you to bring the fee Tuesday (but, as long as you have your paperwork in, you may stay for Boot Camp).
5) Can I sign up for Music Day at Boot Camp?
But, of course! Music Day is on September 11 from 8am - 3pm and is our biggest fundraiser for the music department. ALL STUDENTS IN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA AND SINFONIETTA MUST PARTICIPATE IN MUSIC DAY. 10th GRADERS IN TITAN VIOLINS MUST PARTICIPATE TOO. 9th graders in Titan Violins can opt to participate if they wish. At Boot Camp we'll have sign up sheets for cars (for students who will be suiting up and walking door-to-door), drivers (time to coax your parents into helping!!!), and for those wishing to work the day in the room (doing instrument inventory and library work). Don't forget to sign up!
6) If I'm a cellist, do I need to bring my cello?
Not a bad idea. We'll have 10-12 cellos in operation, but maybe not enough for all the cellists. If it's easy enough for you to bring your cello, please do - you can keep it there for the 4 days. But, if you don't have time or wherewithal to do that, then you may use a school instrument (we might have to do a little bit of sharing).
7) Are there instruments for me to borrow for Boot Camp?
Of course - we have school violas, violins, cellos, and basses. But, to be sure you have an instrument, if you *can* bring your own, please do.
8) What's the Boot Camp schedule - who's performing and when/what is happening next week?
8:30 - 9am Registration
9am - group welcome - parents welcome for first 30 mins.
9:30 - Group technique and play along
10am - special performance - Schoenard Trio
10:50 - break (snack provided - bring a drink though).
11am - Group reading session
12pm - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings excused
12:10 - 1pm - Chamber Orchestra rehearsal
9am - Group technique and play-along (registration for those who didn't come Monday)
10am - Tuesday Ms. S demo time (electrics and yoga... maybe)
Wednesday UnBande special performance
Thursday Chamber Orchestra performance
10:50 - break (snack provided - bring a drink though).
11am - Chamber to Choir room for student-led rehearsal
11am - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings sight-reading
12pm - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings excused
12:10 - 1pm - Chamber Orchestra rehearsal
9) Will I get my performance outfit at Boot Camp?
Very likely. The goal is to get dresses and tuxes out to Chamber Orchestra and Sinfonietta students. Titan Strings will not be using school-issued outfits this year.
See you Monday!
~Ms S - silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
Hi all! Boot Camp time! There's lots of information for everyone below:
0) Is it required that I attend Boot Camp?
1) How do I register - what if I need another copy of the registration paperwork?
2) What do I owe - how much is Boot Camp and who has to pay?
3) What if I have sports or band camp and can't come to most or all of Boot Camp?
4) What if I already paid?
5) Can I sign up for Music Day at Boot Camp?
6) If I'm a cellist, do I need to bring my cello?
7) Are there instruments for me to borrow for Boot Camp?
8) What's the Boot Camp schedule - who's performing and when/what is happening next week?
9) Will I get my performance outfit at Boot Camp?
0) Is it required that I attend Boot Camp?
Yes - all enrolled students are expected to attend Boot Camp. But, if you contacted Ms. S about a previous conflict (un-moveable family vacation or other conflict) or you have a sports or marching band conflict, you are excused. That said, please read the information below under number 3 - you still should try to make some of Boot Camp. Boot Camp is where we reunite you with your instrument, get your head back into the 'orchestra game', make connections that will last throughout the year, hear and play some great music, and get a chance to get ready for the school year before the craziness of the first week.
1) How do I register - what if I need another copy of the registration paperwork?
Registration is on Monday morning from 8:30 - 9am - please don't come *at* 9am and expect to register quickly. You were sent materials in June, but in case you have misplaced them, go to our website - www.titanorchestras.com - and on the front page you can download the document. YOU NEED A PARENT SIGNATURE ON THE REGISTRATION DOCUMENT IN ORDER TO ATTEND BOOT CAMP. A parent may come with a student at Boot Camp registration and complete the document there (we'll have extras printed out). If you've already filled out your paperwork, just check in on Monday morning and make sure everything's correct.
2) What do I owe - how much is Boot Camp and who has to pay?
There is a $40 fee for Boot Camp. Checks can be made out to WSHS Music Boosters. This fee goes towards snacks, materials, and guest artists. If you are on free/reduced lunch or have other financial hardship, you may ask for a waiver for Boot Camp, but in exchange, your name will be placed on a volunteer list - 4 hours of time will be asked of you over the course of the year.
3) What if I have sports or band camp and can't come to most or all of Boot Camp?
If you have sports camp or tryouts or marching band camp you do not need to pay. But, for some, you may be able to attend some of Boot Camp. It's an important bonding and technique time for our orchestras - without you, both our group and you don't get the full benefit of the early start. Please do what you can to make even an hour of Boot Camp:
Marching Band - You can ask Mr. Zimbelman at the beginning of any rehearsal whether it's a good time to go to some Boot Camp. Consult the schedule below, then consult your marching band schedule and see if you can make even an hour - maybe a performance, or one rehearsal - just to get your head partially back in the orchestra game.
Football - Coach Stanley knows that a few of you are orchestra people. Please come to Boot Camp during your lunch - and if you can get away, ask the coach to release you 15 minutes early, if it's possible.
Cross Country - it sounds like there's not too much conflict - see if you can ask to complete a run early, if you can. Try to make as much of Boot Camp as you can.
Volleyball - Coach Armstrong is a great supporter of orchestra, but tryout week is very important. You can approach the coach, if you feel it's a good time, and ask if there's any way to skip out for an hour to come to the orchestra room.
4) What if I already paid?
When you register, just make sure that we have your payment recorded on the sign-in sheet. Some of you already turned checks in, want to use student accounts (for 10th-12th graders), or paid at Back-to-Business days. We'll make sure you get credit for having paid. If you do not bring payment on Monday, you will bring home a note to remind you to bring the fee Tuesday (but, as long as you have your paperwork in, you may stay for Boot Camp).
5) Can I sign up for Music Day at Boot Camp?
But, of course! Music Day is on September 11 from 8am - 3pm and is our biggest fundraiser for the music department. ALL STUDENTS IN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA AND SINFONIETTA MUST PARTICIPATE IN MUSIC DAY. 10th GRADERS IN TITAN VIOLINS MUST PARTICIPATE TOO. 9th graders in Titan Violins can opt to participate if they wish. At Boot Camp we'll have sign up sheets for cars (for students who will be suiting up and walking door-to-door), drivers (time to coax your parents into helping!!!), and for those wishing to work the day in the room (doing instrument inventory and library work). Don't forget to sign up!
6) If I'm a cellist, do I need to bring my cello?
Not a bad idea. We'll have 10-12 cellos in operation, but maybe not enough for all the cellists. If it's easy enough for you to bring your cello, please do - you can keep it there for the 4 days. But, if you don't have time or wherewithal to do that, then you may use a school instrument (we might have to do a little bit of sharing).
7) Are there instruments for me to borrow for Boot Camp?
Of course - we have school violas, violins, cellos, and basses. But, to be sure you have an instrument, if you *can* bring your own, please do.
8) What's the Boot Camp schedule - who's performing and when/what is happening next week?
8:30 - 9am Registration
9am - group welcome - parents welcome for first 30 mins.
9:30 - Group technique and play along
10am - special performance - Schoenard Trio
10:50 - break (snack provided - bring a drink though).
11am - Group reading session
12pm - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings excused
12:10 - 1pm - Chamber Orchestra rehearsal
9am - Group technique and play-along (registration for those who didn't come Monday)
10am - Tuesday Ms. S demo time (electrics and yoga... maybe)
Wednesday UnBande special performance
Thursday Chamber Orchestra performance
10:50 - break (snack provided - bring a drink though).
11am - Chamber to Choir room for student-led rehearsal
11am - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings sight-reading
12pm - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings excused
12:10 - 1pm - Chamber Orchestra rehearsal
9) Will I get my performance outfit at Boot Camp?
Very likely. The goal is to get dresses and tuxes out to Chamber Orchestra and Sinfonietta students. Titan Strings will not be using school-issued outfits this year.
See you Monday!
~Ms S - silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
Thursday, August 5, 2010
For those going on the Chicago Trip... deposit in already...
This was emailed out to all who have paid the deposit for the Chicago trip. Incoming Freshman - you'll be eligible for these fundraisers as soon as you get to West and get the Chicago info.
If you have already paid your deposit but haven't received emails about the garage sale or car washes, email Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us) or Karen Tatman (music@team-tnt.com) - here's the message:
Summer Garage Sale Fundraiser
A message from Kathy Mccauley....
Hello all!!
I just wanted to give you a little more information regarding the garage sale I will be hosting at my house. First, I have only received emails from 3 students so I'm assuming those 3 students are the only ones wanting to participate. If you haven't emailed me and want to participate, then please email me soon. I won't have enough tables for you if I don't know you are coming.
The only things I expect are the following:
1. Price your items before bringing them to my house
2. You work at least a two hour shift during the two days.
3. Email me and let me know what two hours you are willing to work.
I'm planning on the garage sale running from 8am-1pm on August 20-21. It could run longer if another adult wants to stay to run it. I also need students to help Makayla make signs during that week and then guarantee that at least 1-2 of you will be at my house the night before to go with us to post signs. I will drive, but putting them up is a big job and we will need your help. I am not going to put an ad in the paper because it is very expensive, I will post it on Facebook and Craigslist. That is why it is very important for us to make several signs so we can advertise well in West Salem.
Thanks and email me at mccauleyclannorth@comcast.net
or call me at 503-269-1265 if you have questions.
Kathy Mccauley
A BIG thank you goes to Kathy for helping those students out who want to start earning money towards the trip.
If you have already paid your deposit but haven't received emails about the garage sale or car washes, email Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us) or Karen Tatman (music@team-tnt.com) - here's the message:
Summer Garage Sale Fundraiser
A message from Kathy Mccauley....
Hello all!!
I just wanted to give you a little more information regarding the garage sale I will be hosting at my house. First, I have only received emails from 3 students so I'm assuming those 3 students are the only ones wanting to participate. If you haven't emailed me and want to participate, then please email me soon. I won't have enough tables for you if I don't know you are coming.
The only things I expect are the following:
1. Price your items before bringing them to my house
2. You work at least a two hour shift during the two days.
3. Email me and let me know what two hours you are willing to work.
I'm planning on the garage sale running from 8am-1pm on August 20-21. It could run longer if another adult wants to stay to run it. I also need students to help Makayla make signs during that week and then guarantee that at least 1-2 of you will be at my house the night before to go with us to post signs. I will drive, but putting them up is a big job and we will need your help. I am not going to put an ad in the paper because it is very expensive, I will post it on Facebook and Craigslist. That is why it is very important for us to make several signs so we can advertise well in West Salem.
Thanks and email me at mccauleyclannorth@comcast.net
or call me at 503-269-1265 if you have questions.
Kathy Mccauley
A BIG thank you goes to Kathy for helping those students out who want to start earning money towards the trip.
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