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Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is ongoing
Mon 10/18 - Sinf - Titan Strings bring food/drink for St. Olaf's
Mon 10/18 - 5pm St. Olaf's Potluck (Titan Strings work from 4:00 - 6:30pm)
Mon 10/18 - 7pm St. Olaf's Symphony Performance (all tickets are free)
Tue 10/26 - Fall Gala Concert - All Students, 7pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Contained within:
1) St. Olaf's here at West on Monday!!!
2) St. Olaf's potluck reminder - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings
3) Parent Booster meeting tonight... all welcome!
4) Videos for instructional use being posted
5) How much should I be practicing?
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule
1) St. Olaf's here at West on Monday!!!
The St. Olaf's Symphony Orchestra is on a West Coast tour and we're lucky enough to have them perform right here in our own auditorium. The concert is at 7pm on this next Monday - October 18. We will have a few students playing in on one of the numbers. This concert is free to the public. This would be a great concerts for students to review - all students need to complete one live concert review each semester of a college-level or professional orchestra. Doors open at 6:30pm.
2) St. Olaf's potluck reminder - Sinfonietta and Titan Strings
Sinfonietta (period 7) and Titan Strings (period 6), you are providing the food for the potluck for the St. Olaf orchestra members. Please see previous emails about what exactly you are asked to bring. Perishables may be dropped off at the orchestra room starting at 7:15am on Monday. All food must arrive by 3:30pm.
Titan Strings - violins, cello and bass - you are expected to show up at the orchestra room at 4pm to help prepare and serve the dinner. You will eat after everyone's been served. You'll be done by 6:30pm, and maybe a touch earlier. I'm hoping you'll stay for the concert - this is an excellent opportunity to hear a really good symphony orchestra!
3) Parent Booster meeting tonight... all welcome!
All parents, and interested students, are welcome to the Orchestra Parent Booster Meeting this evening at 6:30pm in the orchestra room. We will be going over the budget for the year as well as getting ready for the next busy month of activities.
4) Videos for instructional use being posted
I am video taping rehearsals some this week - I will post the videos on our titanorchestras channel on YouTube - but, I'll take them back down a few days after they're up. They're just up for educational purposes. I'm hoping that when you receive an emailing saying that a video of your rehearsal is up, you'll view it so we can discuss in class the next time we're together.
5) How much should I be practicing?
Chamber Orchestra - 180 minutes per week
Sinfonietta - 100 minutes per week
Titan Strings - 60 minutes per week
All students should have resources for finding material if orchestra material isn't enough to practice. In the coming week's, I'll be posting some resources on the student page of the website to help students find materials.
6) Waltz rehearsal schedule:
Thursday Oct 21 - All Waltzers 5 - 6:30pm
Thursday Oct 28 - All Waltzers/Chicagoers 4 - 6:30pm (we will work Chicago rep from 4 - 5, Waltz from 5 - 6:30)
Tuesday Nov 2 - All Watlzers dress rehearsal 4-5:30pm
Waltz Night Nov 6 - Call time is 4pm
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.