Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Supply list links

Here are links and more information about the required music for the orchestras.

Uptown Music and Weathers Music - both local stores in Salem - either have the following items, or will order them for you (so you don't have to pay any shipping). Please consider ordering your materials through our local retailers. Here's links to both of their websites:



You can also search for the books you need at one of the largest online music retailers, Shar Music - www.sharmusic.com - you just put in the title of the book you need and add it to your cart. You can also buy strings, mutes, rosin, accessories, cases, etc... at this site!

Below, I've provided you links for the music at Amazon though a few are not available to be shipped "Prime" - if you don't want to pay for shipping and the books you need aren't available as 'prime' then you can order from Weathers or Uptown.

Advanced Technique - Beige Book (required for both Chamber Orchestra and Sinfonietta students)

Advanced Technique Violin at Amazon

Advanced Technique Viola at Amazon
Advanced Technique Cello at Amazon
Advanced Technique Bass at Amazon

Essential Technique - Green Book (required for Sinfonietta, Titan Violins and Titan Bassi)

Essential Technique Violin at Amazon
Essential Technique Viola at Amazon
Essential Technique Cello at Amazon
Essential Technique Bass at Amazon

Suzuki Book 4 - Required for Sinfonietta students

Suzuki Book 4 Violin
Suzuki Book 4 Viola

Suzuki Book 4 Cello
Suzuki Book 4 Bass

Suzuki Book 3 - Required for Sinfonietta students and Titan Violins

Suzuki Book 3 Violin

Suzuki Book 3 Viola
Suzuki Book 3 Cello

Suzuki Book 3 Bass

Suzuki Book 2 - Required for Titan Violins and Titan Bassi students

Suzuki Book 2 Violin

Suzuki Book 2 Cello

Suzuki Book 2 Bass