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Fair Use fees are past due - please pay or submit waiver to bookkeeper's office at West
Wreaths and Poinsettia fundraiser is over as of 10/28
Christmas Tree fundraise is ongoing
Wed 11/3 - PYP preview concert in Portland, 7:30pm concert
Sat 11/6 - Waltz Night - 6-9pm in the Commons
Sat/Sun 11/20, 21 - Salem Chamber Orchestra - great review concert
Check Calendar for December concerts
Contained within:
1) Concert thank you
2) Waltz Night info... Saturday November 6!
3) What are we preparing for next - class breakdown
4) Coffee beans please...
5) Some great concerts coming up for review
1) Concert thank you
I want to thank all students and parents for your support of the Fall concert this past week. I think we started the year off quite strong! Chamber took on the bulk of the performance time, but this is a unique year for chamber with only 2 new members, we were able to work on a lot of material very quickly - that's not always the case. And, we had some great soloists to play for this fall concert - congrats to seniors Bronte, Lauren C. and Holly for beautiful performances! Thank you's also go to Titan Strings for helping clean up the stage and back stage so quickly.
In December there are 2 major different performances - Titan Strings and Sinfonietta host Sprague's intermediate orchestra at a concert at West on December 8. Chamber joins the entire choir program and Wind Ensemble for the 2nd annual Winter at West performance December 15 and 16. Tickets will go on sale for that concert in a few weeks.
2) Waltz Night info... Saturday November 6!
Are your dancing shoes all polished up and ready to go? Please join us in the Commons on Saturday Nov. 6 for our 2nd biennial Waltz night. Tickets can be reserved or purchased by emailing boosters@titanorchestras.com or by contacting a member of the Chicago-bound orchestra (any student can ask Ms. S how to get a ticket). Students are $10, adults are $20 - 2 adults can purchase 2 tickets for $35. There will be a bake sale and a few raffles. Your ticket gets you an hour waltz lesson with RJ Dance Studio's Lora LaMon and an hour of live Waltz Music performed by students bound for Chicago this next March. The evening starts at 6pm and will end at 9pm.
Waltz Orchestra players: MANDATORY DRESS REHEARSAL TUESDAY Nov. 2 - 2:40 - 4pm.
On Saturday the 6th: Decoration committee checks in at 1pm in the Commons. Orchestra call time (not dressed or dressed) is at 4pm. Bring a sack dinner!! Be prepared to help clean up after the event - all hands on deck.
Here's a link to see/hear all the waltzes we will be playing (orchestra - don't forget to be listening to these too!): http://titanorchestras.blogspot.com/2010/10/waltz-links.html
3) What are we preparing for next - class breakdown
Chamber - We've begun a fantastic new piece called Fugue by Vitorio Giannini. OR Symphony violist Jenn Arnold will be visiting us on Tuesday next week. Bach Double auditions on Wednesday. OSBA performance Nov. 13.
Sinfonietta - In sectionals, we'll be working solo repertoire. In class we're starting our December concert selections - including the 2 pieces we'll be performing with Sprague's intermediate orchestra.
Titan Violins - We're looking at Jingle Bell Hoedown (the mass piece with Sprague for Dec. 8), new scales and Suzuki book 2 pieces!
Titan Bassi - Suzuki book 2 pieces, scales, and Jingle Bell Hoedown.
Symphony - Full symphony rehearsals start Nov. 9 - remember 'on time' is '5 minutes early'. Full details about the music we're playing will be given to you this next week.
4) Coffee Beans please...
No, these beans aren't for Ms. S - they are for our fantastic "Year of Coffee" Titan Auction item. Please bring pre-packaged coffee to the orchestra room (imagine if each family donated one bag - what a great auction item!!!) by November 15. Also, if you're interested in purchasing a ticket for the Titan Auction (GREAT place to pick up holiday presents!!!! And, visit with some nice people too... ) you can contact Kelly Culver at kculver@comcast.net - we already have 2 orchestra tables purchased and would love to fill a 3rd. I'll be purchasing my ticket this next week... come sit with me?
5) Some great concerts coming up for review
Tonight (Oct. 29) - Turtle Island String Quartet performs at the Elsinore Theatre: http://www.elsinoretheatre.com/events/events.html#Turtle_Island
Sunday Nov. 7 - Danny and I are performing with our group Salem Baroque at St. Paul's Evensong concert series in the afternoon: http://stpaulsoregon.org/index.htm
Saturday Nov. 13 - UnBande performs with Salem Pops at the Elsinore Theatre downtown at 7:30pm: http://www.salempopsorchestra.org/
Sunday Nov. 20 - Salem Chamber Orchestra, featuring a few of our Chamber Orchestra students, will be performing at Hudson Hall at Willamette University: http://salemchamberorchestra.org/
Thanks for reading all the way down to the end of the newsletter...
~Ms S.