(This email was sent 4/7)
We're taking Titan Orchestras on the road - well, a few miles away anyway. All students are expected to attend this concert - if there are transportation issues please ask me or work with one another to get rides, etc. And, as is the case with all scheduled concerts, all students are expected to attend and perform - if a student misses this performance for any reason other than extreme circumstance (illness, etc...) there will a grade consequence (and/or an alternate assignment project assigned).
Here's the schedule and order for tomorrow's concert. Capitol Manor is at the end of Edgewater, just before the 22. 1955 Dallas Hwy NW, Salem, OR 97304. Here's a link to their website if you need that information:
Thank you Cathy Master for offering to transport stands. I will be at Capitol Manor a little after 5:30 to unload stands and help get the stage ready. My cell number is 818-317-8218 if there are any issues that come up. Parents are welcome to attend the concert.
BASSES AND CELLI are expected to bring their instruments. If you have to use a school instrument, please let me know so I can 'check' you out an instrument. You are responsible for transporting your instrument - I and other parents can help if there is a transportation issue - please ask and figure out a way to get your instrument to the Manor today (rather than wait to the evening of).
5:50pm-ish - Symphony Strings arrival at Capitol Manor dressed (like we were dressed last week - formal) - BRING MUSIC.
6pm - Symphony Strings warmup on 'stage'
6:20-ish - Advanced Orchestra arrival at Capitol Manor dressed (like we were dressed last week - formal).
6:30pm - Advanced Orchestra warmup on 'stage'
7pm - Symphony Strings performance (20 minutes or so)
7:25pm- Advanced Orchestra performance
Over before 8pm
You will hear some great music tomorrow, if you're able to attend. Thank you for helping me bring our music to the community - community support is very important for a public school music program. The residents at Capitol Manor are great supporters of the Arts and of West Salem High School, as well as being a very appreciative audience (which is a valuable commodity in the Arts!).
See you at the Manor.
~Daryl S.