Sinfonietta Theory Test study sheet
You will have a theory test on Wednesday May 2, 2012. The elements of this test include theory that you should already know how to do or should easily be able to pick up. Here’s what you’ll be tested on:
Note name on a clef – study Treble, Bass and Alto clef
How many counts each kind of note gets
How many counts each kind of rest gets
How many counts each kind of rest gets
How time signatures work (identifying time signatures)
Which notes have half steps and whole steps between them
Basic key signatures
Difference between a scale and an arpeggio
Intervals (basic space between notes)
What basic tempo markings mean
What basic music symbols mean
How to write music notes (note heads, correct stems)
How to write a one octave scale
How to write a one octave scale
How to analyze the basic meaning of music put in front of you: Time Signature, Key Signature, markings and symbols, tempo, dynamics
To see a sample of the kind of test you might get, check out:
– check sample test levels 1 and 2 (these are from Trinity College of London’s music dept.)
Need study places? Check these sites:
Good luck – happy studying!
~Ms S
~Ms S