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Newsletter #25 (4.13.12)
Contained within...
1) Big day Friday and Saturday - festival info
2) Itinerary info for Saturday (Symphony+Chamber)
3) Adjudication assignment info (all students)
4) Congratulations to CJ
5) SCO and OR Sym Pops (Aaron Meyer) next week
6) Check out this video... (Baroque violin - Purcell)
1) Big day Friday and Saturday - festival info
Friday April 13 the symphony students, with the help of some amazing parents, run the Central Valley League band competition. This is a big deal for the bands! There will be 9 bands performing at West, starting at 1:50pm. Students who are helping out should wear their Titan and/or West Salem tshirts (anything works - sports, orchestra, etc...). Students - please make sure that you show up for your shift. This festival only works smoothly when everyone does what they've signed up for!
Saturday April 14 the band students run the orchestra festival. There will be 13 orchestras (string orchestras in the morning, symphonies in the afternoon) from 8:30am to 4:20pm.
All performances are free. We're honored to host this festival. All performances are being recorded by CCTV and will be broadcast later in April (information about broadcast times and dates is on the program)
2) Itinerary info for Saturday (Symphony+Chamber)
All students (and parents) in symphony were emailed an itinerary for Saturday. Chamber students are called to West at 9am on Saturday. Symphony students are called to West at 11am. Call times are firm - students are to come dressed in concert attire.
If you have lost the emailed itinerary, check the blog.
3) Adjudication assignment info (all students)
All students in the orchestra program are required to complete adjudication sheets on site (in the auditorium) for 2 groups next week - students can choose to listen to and judge 2 bands or 2 orchestras. Bands are on Friday April 13, orchestras are on Saturday April 14. If not in Chamber or Symphony, I would prefer students come on Saturday to adjudicate at least one of those groups. The schedule of all the groups will be passed out in class and via email early next week - groups play from 2 - 7pm on Friday and from 9 - 3:30pm on Saturday. If students are absolutely unable to attend on either day, there will be an alternate web-based assignment they can do as a make up. But, the point is to get students to hear the live music happening at their own school. Complete assignment instructions have been handed out in class, sent via email, and posted on the blog. The due date of Tuesday April 17 is firm.
4) Congratulations to CJ
Our very own CJ was honored today at West in a signing ceremony. She was accepted into the studio of Dr. Leslie Straka at the University of Oregon. Dr. Straka, Mr. Ed John, CJ's parents, and about 40 of her friends and teachers were on hand to witness her signing her paperwork. It was exciting to honor both the hard work of CJ and the success of the West orchestra program.
5) SCO and OR Sym Pops (Aaron Meyer) next week
The Salem Chamber Orchestra and the Oregon Symphony Pops concert featuring Aaron Meyer both take place next weekend.
The Salem Chamber Orchestra is offering free dress rehearsal vouchers for Saturday morning April 21 from 10am - 12:30pm. You will have the opportunity to hear the final dress rehearsal for the concert the next day, for free!! You can even sit up right on stage, behind the musicians, if you'd like. Ms. Silberman (and a few of our coaches) are playing in the orchestra.
The OR Symphony Pops has a concert on Friday evening April 20 at 8pm featuring "Concert Rock Violinist" Aaron Meyer. $5 student tickets can be purchased - contact Ms. Silberman for more information.
These are great concerts to review!!
6) Check out this video...
An old friend of mine, Lisa Grodin, just posted this beautiful video of her performing a solo piece of literature by baroque composer Purcell. Lisa has emailed me that if anyone has any questions of her after seeing the video, just send the question to me (Ms. S) and she'll answer the best she can...
Thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom of the newsletter. This newsletter, along with all others, will be posted on our blog at - accessible off the website at too.
Musically yours,
~Ms S