Congratulation to all 15 (actually, it's 17 if we include Kayla Johnson and Tyler King who walked at graduation but left us at semester in January) Titan Orchestra graduating seniors. Thank you for all you've done for me, for the orchestras, and for West. You have touched so many lives and have personally taught me so much. I hope that you always keep music close to your hearts - play as often as you can... and, please keep in touch.
Next year, this blogspot *might* move to the website... so please keep an eye on what we're up to - you will always be a part of this organization. We're hoping to start the tradition of inviting as many alumni as we can to come to the State concert and the final concerto concert. You're presence will inspire us!!
Enjoy walking across that stage tonight... I'm so proud of your musical accomplishments.
Musically yours,
~Daryl Silberman