Here's an update from the meeting tonight.
* We won't be going on the NOF tour to Santa Clara next February. Instead, we will look into the possibility of going to Sunriver or somewhere else somewhat local for a retreat - either chamber music or State competition music focused
* We will be looking into having Mark Wood (www.woodviolins.com) come to West Salem to do a clinic, possibly a benefit concert, with us in February of next year
* Reserve Saturday the 12th for a possible lock-in, chamber orchestra bonding day - this *IS* the day of Music Day... so, we'll get some work done for both boosters and for chamber orchestra
* If you are interested in helping out with any of the following booster positions, please contact Kelly Culver: kculver@comcast.net
-Waltz Night Coordinator
-Entertainment Book Coordinator (August - October)
-Wreath and Poinsettia Coordinator (October - December)
-Travel committee (we'll be meeting in July to work on the retreat)
-Fundraising committee (will meet in July to help set fundraisers for the following year)
Please keep an eye on the blog and look out for emails this summer!
~Daryl S.
C: 818-317-8218