Monday, April 27, 2009

OSAA State Championships schedule

Yay - both orchestra groups have been selected to perform on May 15, 2009 in Corvallis:

Advanced Orchestra - performance time 10:20am

Advanced Symphony - performance time 7:30pm (last performing group)

Awards at 9pm

Bus will probably leave around 9:45pm to go back to Salem...

This will prompt much planning and discussion about whether students who perform earlier in the day stay in Corvallis or go back to school/home between performances. And, whether or not advanced symphony members come early to hear and support advanced orchestra members. If anyone (student or parent) feels strongly any particular way, please contact me. Otherwise, know that I will probably stay the whole day and will be looking for parents to ride a bus home after advanced orchestra plays and another set of parents to ride an after school bus that will bring symphony members in the late afternoon to watch groups before we perform. The awards ceremony is neat - even if we don't place or win... it's a very celebratory event... please plan on staying!
~Daryl S.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

NAMM Foundation honors Salem

April 22, 2009

Area honored for its music educationS-K is only Oregon district on industry group's list of 124
By Barbara CurtinStatesman Journal

Salem-Keizer is one of 124 "best communities" for music education in the country, the NAMM Foundation said recently.

The music-industry group chose winners from more than 500 school districts that completed detailed questionnaires on such topics as funding, graduation requirements, music-class participation, instruction time, facilities and support for music programs. The survey was developed and administered by The Institute for Educational Research and Public Service, an affiliate of the University of Kansas.

Salem-Keizer was the only Oregon school district on the list.

"We're really pleased to have received that award but not surprised," said Brian Griffiths, the associate director of bands at West Salem High School. "This community really does support its music programs. That's one of the reasons it's a great place to teach."

A lot of the credit, he said, should go to Karl Raschkes, the district supervisor of music education, who looks nationwide to hire the best music teachers he can.

Marianne Stipe, a parent who has been active in Friends of Music for about five years, said Salem-Keizer already has a national reputation for excellence.

"Our daughter is going into music education at Eastern Illinois University," she said. "She was given a substantial scholarship based on her academics and music. When she auditioned there and gave them a playlist of things she had played in high school, they were blown away by the level at which our bands perform."

Gifted children aren't the only reason that the district should continue to invest in its music program, she said.

"Music reaches out to all kids: the high academic achievers and the not-so-high who keep coming to school because (band or choir) is the place where they belong."

The NAMM Foundation is the philanthropic arm of an international association representing businesses that make and distribute music products of all kinds, said Mary Luehrsen, the foundation's executive director. It works on projects to encourage music making by people of all ages. or (503) 399-6699

Additional Facts
For a link to the NAMM Foundation survey, go to

Newsletter 25

In this newsletter:

1) Tomorrow - Friday Apr 24 - 4th grade string festival (with period 7)
2) CCTV broadcasts of last week's concerts
3) Please donate BBQ basket items and baked goods (store bought) for next week's raffle
4) Concert April 30 - at West Auditorium, 7pm (Advanced Orchestra and Symphony)
5) Parent Booster meeting - ALL INVITED - 6:15pm May 5
6) Save the date - June 1, 6pm for Orchestra Awards Nights (all students and parents)
7) Huge thank you to all who helped with Salem-Keizer District Festival
8) Free ground shipping at Shar Music through April 30 -*great deal!!
9) Great honor bestowed on Salem - the city has received an award for supporting music!!

1) All period 7 students and parents should have received an email by now about tomorrow's 4th grade string student spring festival. Period 7 (Symphony Strings) students will be coaching and teaching 4th grade string students, sharing pizza, and then performing at 6pm at West - parents welcome to attend the concert. Concert should end by 6:45pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for young string students to be mentored by older students, and for 4th grade parents to see the potential future of their child's hard work.

2) Click HERE to read the info about CCTV's broadcast of Wind Ensemble, Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony - along with other high schools - from last week's concert. The video is high quality, as is the sound. We're very proud of our performance (we saw a sneak peak of the video)!!!

3) At next week's concert - the Pre-State concert on the 30th - there is a big Music Boosters fundraiser. If you can donate store-bought baked goods (muffins, cookies, bread, etc... from Costco, Winco, Roth's, Safeway) by the 30th, orchestra gets credit to split the proceeds from the bake sale that evening. Also, we will be creating an orchestra BBQ basket that will be raffled off that evening - please bring anything spring BBQ-y like BBQ sauce, tongs, picnic napkins/plates, BBQ chef apron, hot mitts, etc... Each group (choir, band, orchestra) will be making a basket and Boosters will sell tickets for a raffle - I know I'll be buying some raffle tickets!!!

4) The Pre-State concert - featuring all groups qualified to go the State Championships in May - is April 30th at West Auditorium at 7pm. Call time for musicians is 6:40pm, dressed and ready to go. ALL PERFORMING STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO WATCH ALL GROUPS THEIR NOT PLAYING IN. Concert will be over around 9pm... but, what an amazing concert it's going to be! All students not performing may use this as a concert review. Parents, this concert features the very best of West Salem's performing groups - I hope you will enjoy this concert - please feel free to invite community members (friends, neighbors, family, etc...)!

5) It's time for the SPRING PARENT BOOSTER MEETING! YAY! On the agenda - the trips next year, we need volunteers for a few booster positions opening up, Boot Camp and Music Day organization for next year, and much more. Meeting is at 6:15 in the choir room on Tuesday May 5 - all are welcome to attend... we welcome your participation, parents!

6) Save the date (well, hopefully you already have because it's been on the calendar) - on June 1 we will have our final concert of the year. Only Advanced Orchestra (period 1) will be performing, but an hour before the concert, at 6pm, there will be an awards ceremony for the whole Titan Orchestra program - celebrating students and parents! Then, all are welcome to attend the concert that will follow - it will feature graduating talented music students in a concerto concert performed by Advanced Orchestra and Wind Ensemble members.

7) Humongous thank you to all who helped with last weekend's festival. Kudos go to band and orchestra students and parents who worked for hours and hours on end. West was complimented for it's organizational skills and excellent hosting facilities. It was great to be the 'home team' for this festival!

8) is offering a great bonus to those who order anything (strings, instruments, accessories, music) through April 30 - FREE SHIPPING. This is a good idea for graduation presents... if you need help determining what to get, please contact me.

9) The City of Salem has been given an honor by NAMM - the organization of music instrument manufacturers and distributors (a very powerful, large organization). The city was honored for being supportive of music education. The article from the Statesman Journal is posted on the blog...

See you all next week at the Pre-State concert...
~Ms. S

Monday, April 20, 2009

CCTV broadcast of West groups this next weekend!

CCTV video taped the performances this past weekend. If you have cable and get local access channel 22 you can see our performances at the following times (good opportunity to Tivo):

Chamber Orchestras (strings only) - West Salem, North Salem, McNary, McKay, Sprague - 180 mins
April 26 at 4pm
April 27 at 2:30pm
April 28 at 12:00 pm
April 29 at 10am

Symphony - North Salem, West Salem, Sprague, South Salem, Reynolds - 180 mins
April 26 at 8pm
April 27 at 6pm
April 28 at 3pm
April 29 at 1pm

Bands - Sprague, South Salem, West Salem, West Albany, Gresham
April 27 at 12pm
April 25 at 7pm
April 28 at 9am
April 29 at 7pm

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Results from Salem-Keizer Districts...

Wow - what an exciting 2 days of music at West. First of all - huge thanks goes out to the incredible "power and might" of the West Salem parents and students (band and orchestra) who helped us host this event. It ran smoothly - and all participants and judges (including Karl Raschkes, the district music supervisor) were appreciative of our hard work. Kudos to Kelly Culver and Kami Hettwer for your hours and hours of prep and time!

Musical results...
West Salem Advanced Wind Ensemble took 2nd in the district, playing very well!! They took first in sight reading - quite an honor!!!

West Salem Advanced Orchestra easily qualified again for State Championships receiving 2 top scores of 77 and 86 (!). In my opinion, it's the best performance we've done all year!

West Salem Advanced Symphony received 2 top qualifying scores of 88 (!) by performing fantastically! We were 1 point shy of being 2nd... but, technically, we're 2nd in the Salem-Keizer district area (Reynolds took 2nd, but they're not in our district... )

Now that all groups qualify for State, we submit scores and CD's and hope that all groups are chosen to perform at the State Championships (unless you technically 'win' your district, you are not guaranteed to go to State - they choose the top 20) - we'll know by the end of this next week which groups will go. (It's likely that Orchestra and Symphony will go to State because there usually aren't more than 20 groups in Oregon that qualify... ). With luck (and due to great performances) we hope that all 4 music groups perform at State - you can hear all 4 groups at our Pre-State concert April 30th at 7pm at the West Auditorium.

Congrats to one and all!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Important Info for this weekend (sent 4/15)

Sent via email on 4/15/09

1) Need parent and student volunteers for Friday from 4 - 9pm
2) Student Volunteers for Friday
3) Performance times for West groups on Friday and Saturday
4) Call times for students for Saturday
5) Reminder students - you have an assignment due on Monday having to do with performances this weekend
6) Salem Chamber Orchestra this weekend too - FREE TICKET OFFER!!
7) Figaro's Pizza fundraiser for Lisa Harder and Randy Bultena on Monday

1) The orchestra hosts the bands on Friday (April 17) and I can use more parent and student help in the later afternoon/evening on Friday - from 4 - 9 (pizza at 4:30 for those who volunteer their time) ... please respond to me here or at school ( if you can help during some or all of that time.

2) Students - thank you for volunteering your time for Friday. I will send out an email on Thursday evening that reminds you of your times you've volunteered to help out - you can find out what 'job' you'll have once you arrive on Friday.

3) Here are our performance times (for audience members) - please come early but know it could start late:

Friday - Wind Ensemble 6:10pm
Saturday - Advanced Orchestra 8:30am
Saturday - Advanced Symphony 1:35pm

I'll attach the full performance schedule in case you're interested in hearing other bands and orchestras!

4) Call time for orchestra students for Saturday

Advanced Orchestra - 7:15am - dressed and ready to go (I'll be here by 7am)
Advanced Symphony - 12:30pm - dressed and ready to go (we will be in the choir room)

5) Reminder to all students - there is an adjudication assignment (you have to listen to and fill out an adjudication sheet on 2 groups... either bands or orchestras) due on Monday. There is an alternate assignment for students unable to attend any of the performances this weekend. See Ms. Silberman for details - the assignment is posted on the blog and the information will be given out (and reinforced repeatedly) in class.

6) Salem Chamber Orchestra is offering free tickets to this weekend's concert - Saturday 7:30pm and Sunday 3pm at Hudson Hall at Willamette. This concert features the Salem Youth Symphony playing side-by-side with SCO members. They're playing Schubert Unfinished symphony (yes, that's what we played for symphony for State last year), Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite (In the Hall of the Mountain King, Aase's Death, Anitra's Dance... great music!) and the Haydn Cello Concerto in C Major featuring Tanya Remenikova. IF YOU WANT FREE TICKETS, PLEASE RESPOND TO ME BY THURSDAY TELLING ME HOW MANY TICKETS AND FOR WHICH DAY.

7) Figaro's Pizza is helping to raise funds for two Salem teens with Bone Cancer - Lisa Harder from Walker's Advanced Orchestra and Randy Bultena (Senior here at West). 50% of net proceeds go to the families - please support them by ordering from 4 - 8pm on Monday April 20th: West Salem Figaro's 503-399-8784

See you this weekend! And, thanks in advance for all your help!!
~Daryl S.

Assignment for all students - due Monday 4/20

This has been handed out and discussed in class - there are two options... one for those attending performances at West this weekend, and one for those cannot attend any:

Titan Orchestra program assignment due Monday 4/20/2009

For students attending the Band and/or Orchestra festival at West on April 17 or 18

Adjudicate 2 groups (any 2 that you listen to, bands, orchestras or symphonies or any combination thereof)

Put the group’s name, your name, and fill out the adjudication sheet (available at the check in table outside of the auditorium lobby). Give points to each group in the appropriate box (don’t forget to tally them up to give me a total) and make comments in the comment section – just one comment per box is ok. Make more if you’d like.

Please don’t loose your adjudication sheet – it is due in class on Monday.You *may* also write a review on the groups you adjudicate (make sure to take notes in your program so you can write the review later) – 2 groups equals one live review.

For students not able to attend any groups performing April 17 or 18 - Choose one of the following assignments:

Computer assignment
Do some online research about music games (theory or history) for students that you can play on the computer. What I'd like turned into me is a list of 5 sites you found, what game(s) you played on that site and what your review of the site was. You may include the following websites that I know about (and may have shown you before) and you are welcome to find more.

Hint - do a google search for "music theory game online" or "music history game online" and see what turns up.

Here are 3 websites to get you started (see, now you only need to find 2 on your own): (you might find this site childish, but you might also like the music history game on here) - this one I gave to you on a blog message last month but I didn't hear back if anyone tried it. You make up your own set of flashcards (or use a pre-designed set). - this site could keep you pretty busy - some of these games are neat (like the catapult your teacher one)

When you review the site, just let me know whether you found the site easy to navigate, whether you liked the quality of the games, and whether or not you liked it.

The format for this assignment can be a simple list with bullet points or you can write a paragraph on each site. I expect you to spend an hour of your time to complete this assignment - if it takes you longer than that, then you're working too hard. If you spend less time than that, play a few more games.

Non-computer assignment
Take an hour of your time to create a written assignment that combines words, music and/or art. You could write a set of musical poems, you could write down your favorite personal musical story (something that happened to you at a concert, in a performance, or maybe even write about why you started playing your instrument and what that meant to you), you could paint or draw a musical picture that has words on it, or you could simply write a page long essay entitled "What Music Means to Me". Don't spend more than an hour on this assignment, but, make it personal... almost anything you create that includes words and music will be fine (I'll be checking email all weekend, so feel free to email me if you have a question about this assignment).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Performance Times for festival this weekend

Listed below are the times for performance (this is not included call time, warm up time, or sight-reading time) for those interested in seeing some great groups play. All times and concert order is subject to change...

Friday April 17 (at West Auditorium)
1:00pm Billings, MT (a guest to Oregon)
1:35 North Salem High School
2:10 McNary High School
2:45 McKay High School
3:20 Redmond High School
5pm Sprague High School
5:35 South Salem High School
6:10 West Salem High School
6:45 West Albany High School
7:20 Gresham Band


8:30am West Salem High School
9:00 North Salem High School
9:30 McNary High School
10:00 McKay High School
10:30 Sprague Camarata String Orchestra
11:00 South Salem High School Chamber Orchestra
11:30 Reynolds High School

SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS (Strings, winds, brass, percussion)
1:00 North High School Symphony
1:35 West Salem High School Symphony
2:10 South High School Symphony
2:45 Sprague High School Symphony
3:20 Reynolds High School Symphony

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Newsletter #24

Within this newsletter:

1) Thank you for a great concert at Capital Manor!
2) Festival/Competition here at West April 17 and 18 - West performances!
3) Save the date - Friday, May 15 - State Competition at OSU
4) PRE-STATE CONCERT - CHANGED DATE... April 30, 7pm!!!
5) Possible gameplan for Period 6 and 7 final performances

1) Thank you to all the students and parents who helped to make the wonderful concert at Capital Manor happen last Wednesday (April 8). The residents and the organizer were so incredibly pleased with our performance. They mentioned how great the music was, how nicely dressed our students were (yay!), and how much they enjoyed watching the students interact with one another. I look forward to having the students play for the Manor residents again.

2) Friday April 17 and Saturday April 18 are going to be busy days here at West! The Salem-Keizer Invitational Orchestra festival and the Central Valley League Band contest occur at West this year. Wind Ensemble plays on Friday after dinner (exact time to be announced Monday in class) and we have 2 groups performing on Saturday. All the other local schools (South, North, McKay, McNary, Sprague) and a few other invited guests will be performing as well - it'll be 2 great days of music!

Here's some important information - more info will be emailed and posted these next few days.

Students -
Friday April 17th I need help around the school from 1pm - 9pm - there will be a sign up sheet in the orchestra room by Tuesday. Also, if you are not in Advanced Orchestra or Symphony, please come support your colleagues by attending the concert at West at 8:30am and 1:35pm.

Here's the schedule for performers Saturday:

Advanced Orchestra arrive, dressed and ready, at 7:15am - official warm up at 8:00 - on stage performance 8:30 - sightreading at 9:00 - you are officially done at 9:30am. But, all students are required to see 2 other groups play. It's my recommendation that you plan to spend the day seeing all the groups perform!!!

Advanced Symphony arrive, dressed and ready, at 12:30pm - official warm up at 1pm - on stage performance at 1:35 - sightreading at 2:10 - you are officially done at 2:50. But, all students are required to see 2 other groups play. It's my recommendation that you plan to spend the day seeing all the groups perform!!!

Student assignment - all students must complete 2 adjudication sheets (for 2 groups). This assignment is due Monday 4/20. This may be complete with any 2 groups that perform on the 17th or 18th. If a student absolutely is unable to attend 2 groups, there will be an alternate assignment available, due 4/20.

Adults - Please come support West by being in our audience at 8:30am and 1:35pm on Saturday April 18. Also, I need some volunteer help in increments of 2 - 4 hours on Friday the 17th. We will be running concessions, monitoring doors in the auditorium (all performances are recorded - so there need to be no interruptions), and we need help at the check-in table. I will send out an plea in the next few days - please volunteer to help if you have time. We want to be organized and efficient for this festival! We're honored to have such great music happen on our own campus.

3) Good news - at the Monmouth festival last week, both Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony qualified to participate at the Orchestra State Championships in Corvallis on May 15. The times won't be announced for another few weeks. But, it's likely going to be sometime between 9:30am and 6pm - please join us in Corvallis to pack the crowd with West supporters - it's so great to play to an adoring crowd!

4) The Pre-state concert (featuring all the groups that qualified to go to State - all the advanced groups in orchestra, band and choir at West have qualified) will be April 30... not May 4 as stated in the orchestra handbook. Please make a note.

5) The last concert of the year on the books is June 1 but that concert will now only be for Advanced Orchestra and all graduating seniors. It will be a concerto concert featuring talented West Salem advanced instrumentalists.

Period 6 and 7 students will be required to attend this concert to support their colleagues.

Period 6 and 7 students have elected to try to organize a 'day in the elementary schools' as their final performance. I am working to find a day in late May when students in periods 6 and 7 will travel by bus to the 4 west area elementary schools to perform for students. Parents are welcome to attend those performances - schedule to be announced. If parents wish, we could also repeat the performance at West in the evening... please let me know if this is of interest to you.

Thanks all! See you next week... hopefully!
~Daryl S.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Capitol Manor concert, April 8, 7pm - information

(This email was sent 4/7)

We're taking Titan Orchestras on the road - well, a few miles away anyway. All students are expected to attend this concert - if there are transportation issues please ask me or work with one another to get rides, etc. And, as is the case with all scheduled concerts, all students are expected to attend and perform - if a student misses this performance for any reason other than extreme circumstance (illness, etc...) there will a grade consequence (and/or an alternate assignment project assigned).

Here's the schedule and order for tomorrow's concert. Capitol Manor is at the end of Edgewater, just before the 22. 1955 Dallas Hwy NW, Salem, OR 97304. Here's a link to their website if you need that information:

Thank you Cathy Master for offering to transport stands. I will be at Capitol Manor a little after 5:30 to unload stands and help get the stage ready. My cell number is 818-317-8218 if there are any issues that come up. Parents are welcome to attend the concert.

BASSES AND CELLI are expected to bring their instruments. If you have to use a school instrument, please let me know so I can 'check' you out an instrument. You are responsible for transporting your instrument - I and other parents can help if there is a transportation issue - please ask and figure out a way to get your instrument to the Manor today (rather than wait to the evening of).

5:50pm-ish - Symphony Strings arrival at Capitol Manor dressed (like we were dressed last week - formal) - BRING MUSIC.
6pm - Symphony Strings warmup on 'stage'

6:20-ish - Advanced Orchestra arrival at Capitol Manor dressed (like we were dressed last week - formal).
6:30pm - Advanced Orchestra warmup on 'stage'

7pm - Symphony Strings performance (20 minutes or so)
7:25pm- Advanced Orchestra performance
Over before 8pm

You will hear some great music tomorrow, if you're able to attend. Thank you for helping me bring our music to the community - community support is very important for a public school music program. The residents at Capitol Manor are great supporters of the Arts and of West Salem High School, as well as being a very appreciative audience (which is a valuable commodity in the Arts!).

See you at the Manor.
~Daryl S.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Oregon Symphony tomorrow (Tues) night - great concert!

Ready concert-goers?

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the Oregon Symphony in Salem concert at Smith Hall at Willamette University at 8pm. $5 student, $10 accompanying adult ticket prices are available an hour before at the ticket window.

Hannu Lintu, conductor
Horacio GutiƩrrez, piano

Mozart: Symphony No. 36 (Linz)
Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
Lindberg: Feria
Ravel: Bolero

For more info:

Afghani music

At West, we are having Afghanistan Day - all teachers are presenting units of information about the Afghanistan version of their discipline - for my classes this encompasses Afghani music. Because of our competition and performance schedule, we won't be able to spend too much time on this today, so I'm posting these links for those who might be interested in delving into what's available online regarding Afghani music. Enjoy!

Links to many sites:


About Afghanistan's best known 'classical' musician:

An article with good Real Audio links to Afghanistan classical music:

Music from Afghanistan (great audio links):

An article about an Afghani violinist and his band:

A good site with video and audio:

National Geographic's world music website:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Monmouth results

Success in Monmouth. The students played really well today - we qualified (receiving a score of 75 out of 100 from at least 2 judges at a qualifying event, which today was) with both groups - Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony - for the State competition on May 15 at OSU (we won't know times for that competition for another few weeks).

Congrats to all - our next event is Wednesday (Capitol Manor) and then Salem-Keizer Invitational the 17th and 18th at West.
~Ms. S

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Newsletter #23

In this post:

1) Monmouth Festival tomorrow (Thursday, Apr. 2)
2) Looking ahead - Apr 8, Apr 17 and 18
3) Congrats to Boston Folks
4) Checked out the blog recently??
5) Pre-state concert has been moved back to April 30th

1) Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony perform tomorrow at Smith Hall in Monmouth (WOU) at 1pm and 3pm respectively. This is the first of 2 opportunities we have to qualify (with 2 scores of at least 75) for the State Orchestra and Symphony competition in May - wish us luck!!

All students know the schedule:

Advanced Orchestra and 17 members of Period 7 will leave class at 11:15 - bus leaves at 11:30.
The rest of Period 7 leaves at 1:10pm - thank you to orchestra parent Steve Tatman for chaperoning the 1pm bus!!!
Students will be home around 4:45pm - if you need to call me if to know if the bus is on time or not please feel free to: 818-317-8218

Students must dress in our school-issued black dresses/tuxes. Black socks/hose are a must! Performance shoes too. This is as formal an affair as there is for us - let's look as amazing as we sound!!

I'll let the students know the results and post info on the blog on Thursday or Friday after we play.

2) All period 1 and 7 students are performing at Capitol Manor this next Wednesday evening. Call time is as follows:

Period 7 - 6pm at Capitol Manor
Period 1 - 6:30pm at Capitol Manor

I NEED SOME PARENT HELP TRANSPORTING MUSIC STANDS TO THE MANOR - if you have a large vehicle that could transport 20 stands, I'd greatly appreciate it.

We perform at 7pm - there is plenty of room for parents. The concert will end at 8pm. We're excited about this public performance - Capitol Manor residents are very proud of their connection to West Salem. I'm thankful to them for their donation to Music Boosters for this concert.

On April 17 and 18 we have a big deal coming to West - Friday the 17th from 1-7pm is Central Valley League Band competition and Saturday the 18th from 8am - 5pm is the Salem-Keizer Invitational Orchestra Festival. In years past this fantastic festival has been hosted at North High School - this year marks the first year it will be held at West.

I WILL NEED PARENT AND STUDENT HELP ON FRIDAY THE 17th! More about that in next week's blog.

Advanced Orchestra plays at 8am (yawn) on Saturday the 18th. Symphony performs at 1:30pm the same day.

3) Congrats to all those who performed in Boston. There was an article about it in the Statesman Journal. And, student journalist Meg Carey has written an article from the student perspective - keep an eye for that.

HUGE thanks goes out to the trip committee: Mark and Denise Lowen, Kelly Culver, Staci Larson, Pam Wittman, Sue Love, and Cindy Culpovich. Thanks too to Music Booster treasurer Scott Muller and Missy Page for all their instrumental financial consultations and help!

HUMONGOUS thanks go to the chaperones for our amazing trip: Mama Denise Lowen, Papa Mark "Maahk" Lowen, Staci Larson, Pam Wittman, Becki Weathermon, Steve Tatman, Karen Tatman, Ann McCloud, Stella Kim, Wendy Bruton, Glenys Loewen-Thomas, and Kelly Amsberry.

GIANORMOUS thanks go to the Lowens for the hundreds of hours they spent organizing this trip and leading it.

It's pretty amazing to have occassion to have perfect harmony with a trip like this - it was a grand success; socially, historically, and musically.

4) Have you checked the blog recently? If not, feel free to scroll down. There's the trip blog, the Boston photo slideshow, a great link to a site where you can created and view flashcards in all sorts of disciplines (I put the music link up there for you), and more.

5) The pre-state concert - for all groups at West who qualify for State competitions - will be held on it's original date, *NOT THE DATE LISTED IN THE GREEN HANDBOOK* - it's now going to be at 7pm on April 30th. More info on that later in the month.

Have a great weekend - check back soon to see the results of tomorrow's competition.
~Ms. S