Thursday, October 30, 2008

Newsletter #9

Newsletter for the week of Oct. 29

In this newsletter:

1) Salem Chamber Orchestra - free tix possible this weekend
2) Wreaths and Pointsettias due Monday - final day!
3) Boston folks - save the day... NOV 11 10:30 - 3pm km
4) The fundraising letter (for Boston folks or others who are interested in fundraising)
5) Schedule for next week

1) The Salem Chamber Orchestra ( is performing this weekend - a great concert for review, by the way!!! Only the string section from the orchestra will be performing under a guest conductor's baton. There is a solo piccolo player, Molly Barth, who will be performing the Vivaldi Piccolo concerto. One of the great pieces on the program is the Simple Symphony by Benjamin Britten - a wonderful piece for string orchestra!I can secure free tickets for a few who would like to go - Saturday evening 7:30 and Sunday afternoon 3pm at Hundson Hall at Willamette University (a beautiful place to see a concert!). Please email me by Friday morning how many tickets you would like and I'll get back to you by Friday afternoon with a confirmation.

2) The Wreath and Poinsettia fundraiser VERY LAST DAY is Monday. Don't forget to hit up local businesses!! Anything turned in after Monday may have to be returned, so please do your very best to get the info into the grey box in the orchestra room by 3pm Monday.

3) ALL STUDENTS GOING ON THE TRIP ARE TO SAVE NOV. 11 - 10:30 to 3pm. We'll work on waltz music and start planning the waltz night fundraiser, have some pizza, start getting into the details of the itinerary of the trip, and hand out a packet of fundraising and payment schedule information.

4) Attached to this email is a fundraising letter that students may adapt at will (it's a Word doc). Those who aren't going on the trip who wish to fundraise money for their student account may simply change the wording at the top of the document. If you have money you wish to deposit into your student account, simply put it (cash or check made out to Music Boosters) into a sealed envelope with your name on it and slip it into the grey box in the orchestra room.

5) This next week: Tuesday 2:30 - 3:15 - all violas in the program - time for some VIOLA POWER in the group.
Advanced Symphony 4:30 with the winds and brass
Thursday String Ensemble
Friday Advanced Symphony
See you at conferences and/or have a wonderful weekend!~Daryl S.
Don't forget to check the blog regularly!

Neat article from Wall Street Journal

OCTOBER 3, 2008
The Unsung Success of Live Classical Music
Ticket sales are up, orchestra revenues are growing and there are more concerts than ever. As the fall season gets under way, classical music is secretly thriving.

Click here:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Newsletter #8

Titan Orchestras newsletter 10/24/08

In this newsletter:

1) Thanks to all who attended, volunteered, and played in the concert!!!
2) The last few days for Wreaths and Pointsettias...
3) See you at conferences?
4) All City forms due in just over a week
6) Remember - 2 reviews due per semester
7) Titan Auction's coming up... please contact Kelly Culver if you have an item...
8) Advanced Symphony continues...

1) Thanks to one and all who attended, volunteered and played in the concert on Thursday night. Thank you for allowing me to try some different things out - the recorded Devil, the lights out Macabre, and reading the program notes (which I understand many of you felt was too long... I'll try something different next time... promise). I'm very proud of all groups - I think all groups played at the top of their game - we have many very talented and hard working musicians in this program. Congrats again to soloists Gwen Gates, Robin Kim, Jessica Tyree (cello) and Taylor Baldwin (bass) for a beautiful job on Fall. I'm excited about the next concert - remember please that Advanced Symphony students will be playing ON THE BAND CONCERT, THE DAY BEFORE THE ORCHESTRA CONCERT.

2) The Wreath and Poinsettia fundraiser is over next week - the deadline says Oct. 31, but of course we don't have school on the 30th or 31st - I'm waiting to hear whether we can extend to Monday Nov. 3 or not... but, why not plan on getting the forms back to school by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week just to be safe.

3) Hope to see you at conferences next week - if you have anything to discuss of a personal nature and would prefer to set up a phone call or in-person conference at a different time, please email me directly

4) All City audition forms AND A $7 CHECK MADE OUT TO SALEM-KEIZER SCHOOL DISTRICT must be to me by Nov. 9. Music and forms have been issued to students - auditions are January 8th. For a full schedule of mandatory rehearsals and performance, see the form or email me.

5) CALLING ALL BOSTON TRIP PEOPLE - mandatory rehearsal and hang out for all students attending the trip - NOV. 11 - 10:30 - 2pm. Bring $3 for pizza lunch!!! We'll rehearse waltz music and start planning our Waltz Night Fundraiser.

6) Please remember that all students must turn in 2 reviews per semester - at least one needs to be from a live orchestra concert (or at least a concert where stringed instruments perform). The other review may be from a recording or video. I think that on Nov. 20 the local PBS TV channel is broadcasting a concert - check your local listings. I'm performing with Yvonne Hsueh, Ron Kilde and Gwen Gates at the Salem Pops Concert on Nov. 8 - come see that and review it. To date I've only received one review from a student...

7) Nov. 22 is the Titan Auction - did you see that gorgeous quilt beautifully hand made by Max and Beth Harmon?? Wow and wow! If you have an item to donate and/or haven't bought your ticket to attend the auction, and/or if you need any other info about the auction, please contact Orchestra Booster President Kelly Culver:

8) I welcome those in Advanced Symphony who have been out doing a team sport - rehearsals continue for Advanced Symphony Tuesdays from 4:30 - 6:15 and Fridays from 2:40 - 4:25. PARENTS - PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ADVANCED SYMPHONY IS A FOR-CREDIT CLASS - please try to avoid these times for doctors appointments and other events that take kids away from rehearsal - we're trying to work at a fast pace in Symphony and I need all students in attendance in order for rehearsals to be meaningful - I don't want to waste students' time and hope that they don't wish to waste my time. :)

Thanks all - Parents, I look forward to seeing you at conferences and/or Nov. 8 and/or at the December concert, if not before then.~Daryl S.

Don't forget to check the blog regularly!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Amended call time for Thursday's concert

Hi all,

6:30 dressed call time for Advanced Symphony members with instruments in the auditorium.

6:45 for all others, dressed, with instruments in the auditorium.

See ya then!
~Ms. S

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Newsletter #7

Titan Orchestras Newsletter #7, October 16, 2008

In this newsletter:

1) Entertainment Books fund-raiser is done. Wreaths and Pointsettias are on going
2) BOSTON TRIP folks - SAVE THE DATE November 11, 10:30am - 2pm
4) Concert Dress reminder

1) The Entertainment Book fund-raiser is officially over. All money or books need to be returned yesterday. The Wreath and Pointsettia fund-raiser is ongoing. If you need more forms for sending the gift baskets please let Ms. Silberman know and she'll get you in touch with the organizer of the fund-raiser. There will be another fund-raiser starting up in the next month or so, and we'll be selling tickets to the Waltz Night Fundraiser Jan. 9 - so the money raising opportunities continue.

2) STUDENTS GOING ON THE BOSTON TRIP - mandatory rehearsal on our day off in November. Tuesday November 11 we'll have a long waltz rehearsal - 10:30 - 2pm. Bring $3 for pizza for lunch!!! Should be an opportunity to bond and play! The trip organizer will come in and talk to us some more about the trip (itinerary) and fund-raising.

3) Concert for all the orchestras this next Thursday. CALL TIME, DRESSED AND READY TO GO IS 6:30pm!! We will go over the concert order in the hall from 6:30 - 7:15pm. AUDIENCE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE HALL UNTIL 7:15pm.

4) Concert dress is different than past concerts - please see last week's newsletter for the information or check the blog.

Students - happy practicing. Only YOU can make the difference between a good concert and a great concert...Parents - look forward to seeing you on Thursday night - we're off to a great start here in A101 and we're excited to play for an audience!!
~Daryl S. *****************************************Don't forget to check the blog regularly!*****************************************

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Something to do when you're bored...

Check this out... I actually picked up a few composer names I didn't know...

~Ms. S

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Newsletter #6

Orchestra Newsletter for Oct. 9, 2008

In this newsletter:
1) CAR WASH THIS SATURDAY - few slots still open for working
2) Concert dress for Thursday Oct. 23 concert -SAVE THE DATE!
3) Essay Contest deadline approaching
4) Lots of good concerts to attend this weekend and early next week
5) Advanced Orchestra students experience Indian music
6) Entertainment books - last week!
7) Schedule the next week

1) CAR WASH THIS SATURDAY, Oct. 11, in support of students fund-raising for the Boston Trip this next March. ALL DIRTY CARS TO LES SCHWAB TIRES in West Salem from 11am - 4pm.

This fund-raiser is being organized by violinist Mikayla Wittman. Any trip-going students wishing to work for an hour or two should contact Mikayla - to sign up for a spot.

Please invite all your friends with dirty cars to come get 'em all clean - it's predicted to be a sunny day on Saturday!

2) The dress for the concert on Thursday evening, Oct. 23, at 7:30 (for all students in the Titan Orchestra program) is as follows:

Women - wear all black (long skirt below the knees or pants ok). Sleeves part-way down the arm. No ankles or toes showing - you music wear hose/knee-his/socks and closed toe shoes. No high heels - low heel ok.

Men - tux ok (you may use your school issued tux - freshman can check one out this next week) - or black pants, shoes, socks *and* black shirt (no jacket if wearing black shirt).. You must have performance black shoes - no tennis shoes.

Men and Women *may* of course wear the school issued dress/tux if you wish. All hair must be back and off the eyes. No extravagant jewelry.

Please contact Ms. Silberman if there are any questions about the dress code - it's detailed in the handbook (green) - remember that if students are not in compliance with the dress code, they will NOT be allowed to perform and will not receive credit for performing.

3) The Oregon Symphony essay contest deadline is looming - entries must be to Ms. Silberman by Oct. 22. The essay contest must be no less than one page and no more the two on the topic of "what music means to me." Variations on the topic are acceptable, such as; "what my general music, choir, band or orchestra experience means to me", or "why I plan to be a music teacher/performer." Selected essay winners will receive 2 tickets to an evening Oregon Symphony concert in Salem and recognition in the program for that concert.

4) Great weekend to start in on your live review:

Thurs. and Sat. Oct. 10 and 12 - Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra - Shostakovich cello concerto, Beethoven symphony #7, Elliot Carter Elegy for Strings - more info:

Monday Oct. 11 - Oregon Symphony Pops in Salem at Smith Hall at Willamette - 8pm concert - for more info: - student ticket prices are available

There will be a group from our Advanced Orchestra performing in the hall from 7:15 - 7:50pm before the concert. Come show your support, and get a review out of the way!!

Tuesday Oct. 14 - Pianafiddle at the Elsinore, 7pm - more info:
Tuesday Oct. 14 - Vivaldi Four Seasons - Portland Baroque in Corvallis, 7:30pm - more info:

5) Students in periods 1 and 2 experience high quality Indian Music with sitar and tabla master Sandip Burman this past Monday. Students in advanced orchestra and wind ensemble sat on the floor and were exposed to both the sitar and the tabla. Students were treated to a lot of information about the theory and practices of Indian Ragas. Thanks to Dr. Nail, Mr.. Griffiths and the music boosters for organizing and sposoring this event..

6) This is the last week for Entertainment books. Q's can be directed to Linda Beardsley - or call 503-399-6443. Thanks to Linda for all the great organization of this fund-raiser!

7) Here is the schedule for the week of Oct. 13:

Tuesday - Sectional for all violins in period 6 2:30 - 3:00pm.
Sectional for violas in advanced symphony - 4pm.
Advanced Symphony 4:30 - 6:15pm

Friday - U of O Graduate String Quartet performance Per. 2.
Advanced Symphony 2:40 - 4:25pm

Have a great weekend - see you at the car wash!!!
~Ms. S

Don't forget to check the blog regularly!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dallas Brass coming to Salem - Oct. 16!!!

From Larry Garrett, the director at South:

The North Salem Band Program is excited to announce that the Dallas Brass will be in concert in Salem on the evening of October 16, 2008 at 7:00 PM in the North Salem High School Auditorium.

Tickets are $10.00 and are on sale now from any North Salem Area Band Student or Director. For every 5 tickets sold, there is an offer of 1 free ticket. Please contact Ms. Silberman if you are interested in tickets!!!

If you have heard the Dallas Brass in Concert recently than you know from personal experience what a tremendous opportunity this is for your students. If you have not heard them, then know that a concert with the Dallas Brass is hugely entertaining, filled with virtuosity and musicianship, and very inspirational to all music students.

Check out their web site

and the section for parents

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Newsletter #5

Newsletter for October 2, 2008

In this newsletter:

1) Wreath and Poinsettia fund-raiser has begun
2) College Fairs in Portland TONIGHT and this weekend!!!
3) Evensong concert this Sunday (Brandenburg 5 and more)
4) Schedule of rehearsals and sectionals next week (3 day week)
5) Special artist - Sandip Burman - coming to West

1) The Wreath and Poinsettia fund raiser has begun. Students may pick up a packet in class - ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW IS IN THAT PACKET - orders are due Oct. 31 (but there's no class that day, so plan accordingly)

2) The Performing and Visual Arts College Fair is...
tonight, Thursday Oct. 2, at Portland State University.

The Portland National College Fair is...
Friday Oct. 3 9am - 12pm and
Saturday Oct. 4 1 - 5pm
For more info on both fairs:

3) The Evensong concert at St. Paul's Episcopal church downtown this Sunday at 4pm features local St. Cecilia Trio - Karen Vincent, violin, Roxanne and Susan Miller on harpsichord. Ms. Silberman is playing viola too, along with others in the 'orchestra'. The first half of the concert is vocal music and the second half features the orchestra and Trio - including a performance of Brandenburg 5. To hear a version of this work click here and find the Brandenburg 5 selection on the player:

4) This next week is a short week, as you know. No rehearsals or sectionals when school is out. One sectional:

Advanced Symphony 1st and 2nd violins - 4pm on Tuesday
5) There is a special guest artist coming to perform at West - tabla player Sandip Burman. He and his band are in town for a performance and are willing to come to West to perform for 1st period. Indian music of this kind is meant to be played in an intimate environment - students will be asked to sit on the floor and focus attentively on the performers. If anyone in periods 6 or 7 is particularly interested in being excused from their 1st period class to attend this incredible event, please email or talk directly with me and I'll see what can be done.Here's Sandip Burman's website:

Thanks to Dr. Nail and the Music Boosters for making this event possible.

Have a great weekend! Hope to see you Sunday at St. Paul's.
~Ms. S