Titan Orchestra Newsletter #11 (11.29.12)
Contained within...
1) Pick up your wreaths and poinsettias!
2) Winter at West info
3) Congrats to one more...
4) Mandatory Big Trip meeting Tuesday
5) Auction thank you and Christmas Trees
7) Busy weeks ahead
8) Gift ideas & West Salem Music tumbler
9) Check out this video... (Escala)
1) Pick up your wreaths and poinsettias!
If you ordered during our Wreath and Poinsettia fundraiser, please pick up your order tomorrow night, Friday 11/30, from 5-9pm or Saturday morning, 12/1, from 8am - 12noon. Orders not picked up will be left at school over the weekend, unwatered, unloved, with no one to talk to... :(
2) Winter at West info
Winter at West "It's a Wonderful Life" is upon us - December 13-15. Hopefully families with students performing (Symphony and Chamber) made use of the pre-sale reservation system. Tickets are now on sale to the public. In years past these shows have sold out. Here is the website with all the information: http://westsalemband.org/waw.html. We still need parent volunteers - please contact Julie Bryant atbryant_julie@salkeiz.k12.or.us for more information. Parents, if you volunteer, you will get to see the show that evening. Chamber is performing 3 numbers, Symphony is performing 2 numbers, and the whole concert looks to be amazing! Students not performing (Sinfonietta and String Orchestra) will have the opportunity to usher in order to see the show for free.
3) Congrats to one more...
Congrats to Vivian G. for being accepted into All State on violin!
4) Mandatory Big Trip meeting Tuesday
All students attending the Big Trip and at least one parent are asked to attend a mandatory 30 minute meeting at 6:15pm next Tuesday. It's time to start looking at itinerary, packing lists, roommate possibilities, and more. There will be a sign in sheet at this gathering. See you then!
5) Auction thank you and Christmas Trees
Thank you parents for your donations, time, and attendance at this year's Titan Auction. The Kraemer's Titancade brought in the highest dollar amount of the evening! Very exciting! Christmas Tree fundraiser is happening right now - Xmas tree selection and pickup is on Dec. 8 from 1-5pm at West. For more info: http://titanorchestra.com/?page_id=504
Sinfonietta and String Orchestra have a concert this next Thursday, December 6 at 7pm. This concert is shared with the choirs Men in Black and Cantare. Call time for the concert will be 6:15 for students.
7) Busy weeks ahead
Here's a quick run down of what's all going on these next few weeks: Next Tuesday String Orchestra goes to Portland to play at the Portland Children's Theatre and hear the Pacific Lutheran University orchestra and choirs. Next Wednesday Symphony goes to University of Oregon to be coached by professors at the School of Music and Dance and see a dress rehearsal of the Eugene Symphony. Tuesday the 6th is the String Orchestra and Sinfonietta concert. This Friday and the following 2 Fridays string players will be playing holiday music at the Capital Manor Sun room. Dec 8 and 9 the Honors String Quartet will be playing at the Salem Saturday Market Holiday Fair at the Pavillion Fairgrounds (5pm Saturday, 3pm Sunday). Winter at West goes into production the week of December 10. December 17 there will be an All City rehearsal after school at South High School. December 18 Symphony has a special long rehearsal (before the break) to learn our new piece - Blow it Up and Start Again. Keep an eye on emails and this newsletter for complete info.
8) Gift ideas & West Salem Music tumbler
For only $8 you can purchase a West Salem Music tumbler - double walled insulated cup with straw. They will be available at the concert Dec. 6, in the classroom, and at Winter at West. For more String Player gift ideas, check Shar Music's Holiday Gift Guide (click) or http://www.sharmusic.com/Pages/Current-Specials/
9) Check out this video... (Escala)
Violinist Kate in Sinfonietta sent me a few links from this cool electric group - Escala. Check them out... see if you like them...
Thanks for reading the newsletter all the way to the end - now you're informed and up-to-date!!! Please don't forget to check the website for more information.
~Ms S (Daryl Silberman)