Newsletter #28 (5.4.12)
Contained within...
1) Itinerary for State competition next Friday (5/11)
2) Salem Pops concert Saturday night - good for review!
3) Frozen Fruit/Pie fundraiser (to help with trip funds)
4) Weathers Music is closing
5) Need graduation present ideas?
6) Congrats CJ!
7) Check out this link... (James Ehnes playing Wieniaski)
1) Itinerary for State competition next Friday (5/11)
Those of you in Symphony and Chamber will receive a more in depth itinerary, but here are the basics for May 11th:
Chamber - excused all day from school
Sinfonietta excused from 9am on
Bus leaves at 9:15 for Corvallis
Chamber performs at 11:15
12:15 lunch (bring money or sack lunch
Afternoon will be full of an activity and listening to other groups.
3:30pm Band bus leaves West
5pm Dinner in downtown Corvallis (bring money)
Symphony performs at 7:15pm
Return to West around 10:45pm
2) Salem Pops Concert Saturday night - good for review!
The Salem Pops Orchestra has a very special concert on Saturday night - they'll be saying 'goodbye' to their beloved conductor Larry Harrington and welcoming our old friend/mentor Dr. Ike Nail to their podium. This concert will be great for review. The concert is at 7:30pm at the Elsinore Theatre downtown. Student ticket price is $5. Reviews are due June 5, so now is a great time to see a concert!
3) Frozen Fruit/Pie fundraiser (to help with trip funds)
Thanks to parent Melissa Canfield, we're going to run another quick Willamette Valley Fruit Company fundraiser - this should help students easily raise the money that will be required as a deposit for the "BIG TRIP 2013" that we'll be announcing in the next week or two. Students who put their deposit in will be invited to fundraisers over the summer to help defray the cost of the trip.
Forms are available in the orchestra room - payment and forms are due May 15. Please see your emails for more info!
4) Weathers Music is closing
The music world in Salem got some sad news this week. Keith Weathers of Weathers Music in Salem has announced that he is retiring and is closing the store down. Keith and his employees have been a key part of the success of music in Salem - he and his resources will be sorely missed in Salem! Lucikly, there is a new upstart music store in town poised to help fill the void that will be left - Willamette Valley Music Company, right on State Street downtown - as well as Uptown in Keizer. If you have rental instrument credit at Weathers, you might want to call in to find out what your options are before they close.
5) Need graduation present ideas?
Here are some ideas for the musician (especially to congratulate students who are graduating high school or moving up to the next orchestra!):
A new case
A new bow (CodaBow??!!!)
A gift certificate to to buy some music
A metronome/tuner
Summer lessons!!!
Our local music stores (Weathers, Willamette Valley Music Co., Uptown Music), the Portland stores (David Kerr violins, Paul Schubach violins) and online vendors (Shar Music, Southwest Strings) all have graduation sales going on right now. If you need pricing, more precise information about what to get, contact Ms. Silberman.
6) Congrats CJ!
Our very own principal violist CJ won 3rd place at the annual OSAA State Solo competition - one of only West Salem students to place in the top 5 in their category. It was a beautiful performance - the video will be up on our youtube channel soon. Congrats CJ!
7) Check out this link...
The violinist James Ehnes will knock your socks off - check out this version of a beautiful Wieniawski Etude. Watch how calm his left hand is, whilst playing a million notes per minute...1) Itinerary for State competition next Friday (5/11)
2) Salem Pops concert Saturday night - good for review!
3) Frozen Fruit/Pie fundraiser (to help with trip funds)
4) Weathers Music is closing
5) Need graduation present ideas?
6) Congrats CJ!
7) Check out this link... (James Ehnes playing Wieniaski)
1) Itinerary for State competition next Friday (5/11)
Those of you in Symphony and Chamber will receive a more in depth itinerary, but here are the basics for May 11th:
Chamber - excused all day from school
Sinfonietta excused from 9am on
Bus leaves at 9:15 for Corvallis
Chamber performs at 11:15
12:15 lunch (bring money or sack lunch
Afternoon will be full of an activity and listening to other groups.
3:30pm Band bus leaves West
5pm Dinner in downtown Corvallis (bring money)
Symphony performs at 7:15pm
Return to West around 10:45pm
2) Salem Pops Concert Saturday night - good for review!
The Salem Pops Orchestra has a very special concert on Saturday night - they'll be saying 'goodbye' to their beloved conductor Larry Harrington and welcoming our old friend/mentor Dr. Ike Nail to their podium. This concert will be great for review. The concert is at 7:30pm at the Elsinore Theatre downtown. Student ticket price is $5. Reviews are due June 5, so now is a great time to see a concert!
3) Frozen Fruit/Pie fundraiser (to help with trip funds)
Thanks to parent Melissa Canfield, we're going to run another quick Willamette Valley Fruit Company fundraiser - this should help students easily raise the money that will be required as a deposit for the "BIG TRIP 2013" that we'll be announcing in the next week or two. Students who put their deposit in will be invited to fundraisers over the summer to help defray the cost of the trip.
Forms are available in the orchestra room - payment and forms are due May 15. Please see your emails for more info!
4) Weathers Music is closing
The music world in Salem got some sad news this week. Keith Weathers of Weathers Music in Salem has announced that he is retiring and is closing the store down. Keith and his employees have been a key part of the success of music in Salem - he and his resources will be sorely missed in Salem! Lucikly, there is a new upstart music store in town poised to help fill the void that will be left - Willamette Valley Music Company, right on State Street downtown - as well as Uptown in Keizer. If you have rental instrument credit at Weathers, you might want to call in to find out what your options are before they close.
5) Need graduation present ideas?
Here are some ideas for the musician (especially to congratulate students who are graduating high school or moving up to the next orchestra!):
A new case
A new bow (CodaBow??!!!)
A gift certificate to to buy some music
A metronome/tuner
Summer lessons!!!
Our local music stores (Weathers, Willamette Valley Music Co., Uptown Music), the Portland stores (David Kerr violins, Paul Schubach violins) and online vendors (Shar Music, Southwest Strings) all have graduation sales going on right now. If you need pricing, more precise information about what to get, contact Ms. Silberman.
6) Congrats CJ!
Our very own principal violist CJ won 3rd place at the annual OSAA State Solo competition - one of only West Salem students to place in the top 5 in their category. It was a beautiful performance - the video will be up on our youtube channel soon. Congrats CJ!
7) Check out this link...
Thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom of the newsletter. This newsletter, along with all others, will be posted on our blog - accessible off the website too.
Musically yours,
~Ms S