Friday, February 10, 2012

Newsletter #17 (emailed 2/10/12)

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Newsletter #17 (2.10.12)
Contained within...

1) Free SCO dress rehearsal on Sunday @ noon
2) Thank you to Salem Chamber Orchestra
3) Symphony schedule... details
4) Pie fundraiser
5) Added Chamber meeting for parents - March 1
6) Solo and Ensemble forms due Wednesday!
7) Check out this video... (The "Dude" and Elmo)

1) Free SCO dress rehearsal on Sunday @ noon
We are so lucky to get free vouchers to see the Salem Chamber Orchestra dress rehearsals! This weekend's concert is on Sunday, and the dress rehearsal is also on Sunday. I emailed a PDF of the voucher to all students and parents - please print this off, put "West" on the line, and turn it in to see the dress rehearsal for free. If you'd rather see the concert at 3pm, you can pay for tickets at the door. The concert features Beethoven's 3rd symphony and Vivaldi's Winter Violin Concerto all conducted by my old friend and mentor, Maestro Ben Simon from San Francisco - going to be another great SCO concert!

2) Thank you to Salem Chamber Orchestra
Thank you Salem Chamber Orchestra for sending their conductor, and my old friend, Ben Simon to conduct Chamber Orchestra this past Thursday. He worked our Mozart - and, even told a funny joke about why Mozart didn't like chickens (as any of the students for the answer... ).

3) Symphony schedule... details
Symphony is actually only about 12 rehearsals away from a competition, so, students, it's time to start really making sure you're learning the notes and listening to the music. On Tuesday 2/14 at symphony we'll have "stand" test on Festival Prelude. On March 8, each student will have a note test on all the pieces. If you would like more information about what pieces we're rehearsing on any given symphony rehearsal day, check the calendar on our website and click on the rehearsal to see the detailed description.

4) Pie fundraiser
Huge thank you to parent Melissa Canfield for organizing a Willamette Valley Fruit Company fundraiser. Details have gone out in an email and students have already been offered color copies of the order form. Due date is February 21 - pickup will either be March 9 or 10 (stay tuned for more details). This fundraiser is great in that the prices people pay for the fruit and desserts is the same as, and sometimes actually less than, at Roth's. Please consider stocking up, if you have a good storage freezer.

5) Added Chamber meeting for parents - March 1
Details and itinerary for the Agate Beach Chamber Orchestra retreat are being worked out. All parents of Chamber students are asked to attend a meeting, along with all Chamber students, on March 1 at 6pm to go over details of the trip, fill out medical forms, and get packing and trip details. If parents are not available, please contact trip Czar Geoff Winkler - - some time that day to get the forms and details.

6) Solo and Ensemble forms due Wednsday!
Solo and Ensemble Festival forms are due on Tuesday. The student fee of $15 is also due. Chamber students who did not audition for All City are required to perform a solo at this festival, March 3. Students have had access to forms for the past 3 weeks.

7) Check out this video...
The "Dude" - Los Angeles Philharmonic conductor Gustavo Dudamel - had a moment on Sesame Street... very fun! If you're interested incoming to see The "Dude" conduct 1000 performers in Venezuela "Live at the Movies" on Saturday the 18th, you'll like this little preview...


Thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom of the newsletter. This newsletter, along with all others, will be posted on our blog at - accessible off the website at too.

Musically yours,
~Ms S