Saturday, August 13, 2011


Hi Titan Orchestra students and parents! A version of this email was emailed to all students the week of August 5.

Reminder - Boot Camp is Tuesday August 23 - Friday August 26! 9am - 12pm for Sinfonietta and Titan Orchestra - Chamber stays until 1pm.

Just as choir and band have mandatory boot camps, orchestra has a boot camp designed to allow students some time to get back into their music studies. Students in Titan Orchestras are required to be at camp from 9am - 12pm, snack will be provided, but please bring your own water. We will play some fun music all together, and in instrument groups. Boot Camp is an opportunity for students to jump back into music for their year, and for the orchestra program to begin to jell anew. This year's Boot Camp features a great line up of artists performing for us:

Wednesday at 10:15 - Whitney Moulton Jazz Combo, featuring South's orchestra director Mr. Correa on violin

Thursday at 10:15 - Tatiana Hargreaves and Scott Law - Tati is high school student in Corvallis who is a national fiddle champion and Scott Law is her accompanist. This is VERY exciting! I've been trying to get Tati here for the past 4 years!

Friday at 10:15 - Salem Baroque playing on baroque instruments

Friday at 11:30 - the final performance - featuring what we learned at Boot Camp

Parents are welcome at any time, but in particular, are welcome at 9am on Tuesday the 23rd, at any of the special performances, and on Friday at 11:30 for the 'final' performance.

Boot Camp fee is $40, payable in cash or check (to WSHS Orchestra Boosters) - and if that fee is too much financially, students may sign a waiver (available at Boot Camp check-in) which trades the fee for 4 hours of volunteer service to Boosters. SNACK WILL BE PROVIDED!

STUDENTS ON VACATION OR INVOLVED WITH SPORTS: Please email Ms Silberman ( or send in a form (available on our home page) with an explanation of why you cannot attend Boot Camp.

We will be ready to register you at Boot Camp by 8:30am on Tuesday the 23rd - Freshman students and parents are encouraged to come then to get acclimated. Boot Camp registration materials can be found on our home page of our website: