Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Final Concert Info (Monday June 7)


Monday night June 7, 7pm, is the final concert this year where we bid 'farewell' to graduating Seniors. The concert is open to all family members and is free to the public. The concert features concerto movements performed by 6 seniors (trombone, french horn, flute, piano, 2 different violins), a piece of Bach performed by Asteria Singers (the all female choir at West), and a few special pieces played only by Senior string students. The concert concludes with our West tradition of performing Ashokan Farewell where our senior string players leave the stage one at a time. This is a unique concert, featuring our best performers playing a wide variety of professional-quality music.

ALL STUDENTS IN THE TITAN ORCHESTRA PROGRAM NOT PERFORMING ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND - there will be a sign in and sign out list available at the entrance of the auditorium. You will receive credit by attending the full concert (yes, you may review it for the reviews due June 9). Concert begins at 7pm (you will need to sign in before the concert starts) and will conclude by 9pm.

Information for those performing (Symphony, Chamber Orchestra, and graduating Seniors):

DRESS REHEARSAL Monday 4:30pm - Symphony pieces will be run at 4:30, followed by Chamber Orchestra pieces. At 6pm we will run the Choral Bach. You will have a break from 6:30 - 6:50 to get dressed and eat.

Concert Dress
Graduating seniors may wear formal wear - women may wear a fancy dress, but it needs to be appropriate for playing in. Men may wear tux, suit, or other formal outfit. All others in symphony or chamber will wear school concert dress.

REMINDER - your deposit for the spring 2011 Heritage Festival Chicago Orchestra tour is due June 7 - a deposit of $75 (can come out of your student account) will be due by Monday June 7 - this is so we can reserve premium spots for students and chaperones and get busy planning some summer fund raising. More information is coming home with students on a flyer at the end of this week. The Chicago tour will feature performances, a competition, clinics, and great educational and musical experiences, including sight-seeing activities is one of my favorite cities in America! All students currently enrolled in the 2010-2011 orchestra program are eligible to go on the trip. Thanks to Mark Lowen and the parents on the tour committee for their dedication and time. Any parent interested in serving on the committee is welcome - please contact Mark Lowen at lowen.4@gmail.com.

Keep your eye on the mail later this week - acceptance packets for 2010-2011's Titan Orchestra program with dates for next year, Boot Camp registration, and more will be coming to your home.

Please don't forget to put Boot Camp on your summer calendar!!!
See you at the concert Monday...
Thanks! ~Ms S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)

June 7 - $75 deposit due for priority reservations for Chicago tour
June 7 - Final Concerto Concert (Symphony and Chamber - senior 'goodbye')
July 6-15 - Ms S is available to work with students at West in the morning. Summer Strings in the afternoon.
Boot Camp - Monday through Thursday, 9am - 12pm (until 1pm for Chamber), August 23-26

There is a new google calendar on the blog - www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com - on the right side of the screen - that will have all Titan Orchestra performance dates and times, symphony rehearsals, and other important dates. I will do my best to keep that calendar very active. Please use it often. Hope it helps clear up any questions regarding performances, etc...