The Edgar Meyer concert with the OR Symphony is on Tuesday evening, Jan. 20 at Smith Hall at Willamette at 8pm. There is a 'meet and great' at 7pm - come get a CD signed or simply shake hands with one of the worlds premiere bass players. I'll give students the class room info for the meet and greet on Tuesday during class.
If you've reserved a ticket (there are 37 students who have reserved a ticket and 16 adults) please bring cash or a check (made out to Music Boosters) to school on Tuesday, at the concert (to give to Ms. Silberman) or at school on Wednesday if you forget on Tuesday (you may still attend the concert - we're writing one check to the OR symphony for the tickets - you may 'owe' us).
If you reserved a ticket and can't go, please try to find a replacement or else you're responsible for the ticket price.
If you didn't reserve a ticket and want to go, there should still be tickets available at the door - come to the meet and great and then go to the ticket office before 8pm, show your student ID, pay $5 ($10 for parents with their child) and you should be good to go.
If you are in Advanced Symphony, we'll be done by 6:15 - there should be enough time to go home, eat quick, get changed and come to Willamette for the meet and greet.
If you want more info about Edgar Meyer:
See you there!
~Ms. S