Friday, June 6, 2008

Newsletter June 5 - dates for next year!!!

Orchestra News - June 5, 2008

1) End of the year Weathers music discounts
2) Important dates for next year (tentative)
3) Judgement Day (heavy metal string band) at the Ike Box June 27
4) Thank yous
5) Fundraising ideas for trip planning
6) Boot camp - RSVP
7) Strobel violin for sale on craigslist
8) "Good bye" to seniors and parents on this list

1) Weathers Music has announced some great discounts and deals on instrument and bow repair for the summer. ADVANCED ORCHESTRA AND SYMPHONY STRINGS MEMBERS - you have certainly played enough this year to warrant a bow rehair and probably a change for strings. Please email Ms. Silberman if you have any questions. She will be looking over the quality of everyone's instruments and bows next year - rehairs and strings changes might be more expensive at that time - make use of this great offer...

Prepare your instrument and bow for next year'sHigher Performance Level with Weathers Music'sSUMMER UPGRADE SPECIALS

*Bow Rehair (with premium quality horsehair) with 10% discount

*Discounted String Sets:
Helicore Violin.....$31 Viola.....$44 Cello.....$103
Dominant Violin...$41 Viola.....$71 Cello.....$133

*Discounts on Higher Level Student Bows from Eastman and Knilling

*Discounts on Replacement cases and bags

*Discounts on Instruments: (examples)
Knilling Romanian Violin Outfits (with perfection pegs....$537
Contemporary German Violin by Rudolph Doetsch..........$1849
Eastman 15.5 inch Viola Outfit (model 305)......................$1265
*Vintage Violins and bows (on consignment)...........................Negotiable

2825 COMMERCIAL SE 503-362-8708

2) Here are some of the important dates for next year - please mark your calendars:

Tues - Thur Aug 19 - 21 Boot Camp - all students highly encouraged to attend!
Fri Sept 5 Auditions for symphony
Sat. Sept. 6 Music Day - a.m.
Tues Sept 9 Advanced Symphony start date
third week of Sept All State applications due
Mon Oct 6 All Northwest applications due (lists available Sept. 1)
Connie Fritz Memorial Concerto Competition applications due (Salem ChamberOrchestra)
Thur Oct 23 Fall Concert - all orchestras plus symphony
Sat Nov 1 Prelude Concert series/Oregon Symphony (15 members of Advanced Orchestra)
Tues Dec 16 Winter Concert - all orchestras plus symphony
Fri - Sun Jan 16-18 All State
Fri/Sat Feb 6,7 Musical (pit members)
Fri/Sat Feb 14,15 Musical (pit members)
Thr-Sat Feb 13-15 All Northwest (Spokane, WA)
Sat Feb 28 All City (Wednesday rehearsals for 3
weeks before, Thursday and Friday rehearsals week before)
Tues Mar 17 Spring Concert (maybe only intermediate orchestras)
Thur-Wed Mar 19-25 TRIP (during spring break) open to advanced orchestra and symphony strings members
Sat Apr 18 Salem-Keizer Invitational festival (advanced orchestra
and symphony) AT WEST!!!
Thur Apr 30 Pre-State concert (advanced choir, band, orchestra and symphony who qualify for State)
Fri May 8 State competition (advanced orchestra and symphony, if/when we qualify)
Mon Jun 1 Final concert

3) Heavy metal string band Judgement Day ( will be swinging through town - they're playing at the Ike Box on June 27th - check the web for more info!!! Let's go support these way cool, awesome folks!

4) Thank you to all students and parents who attended our final concert. The flowers and gift certificate were so thoughtful. I thought the students did super! I'll try to keep the format down to under 2 hours next year - I thank you for your patience and support of the program! ~Ms. S

5) All students will have an opportunity to travel next year. The Spring Break trip is open to students in Advanced Orchestra and Symphony Strings - this will take place the few days before and first days of spring break: roughly March 19 - 25. The trip will be at least $1000 per person. All students not going on that trip will have at least one opportunity to go on a quasi-local
trip - something in Oregon. There will undoubtedly be some travel expenses, likely $50-200 per student, depending on where we go. Start fundraising early. Students who sign up for concession sales, fundraisers like Entertainment books and wreath/poinsettia sales can go a long way towards funding their trip. Babysitting, teaching violin lessons, doing lawns, putting together a group to go play at the Saturday market, etc... - all good ideas for students going on trips next year. We'll be providing you with more fundraising ideas later in the summer.

6) PLEASE RSVP TO MS. SILBERMAN regarding boot camp. All students are highly encouraged to come. The dates for current students are Tuesday through Thursday, August 19 - 21 from 9am - 1pm. Email Ms. S at to let her know if you're 'Yes', 'Maybe', or 'No'. The fee is $25, due on the first day of camp.

7) There is a Strobel violin for sale on craigslist. See:

8) Thank you to all the seniors and their parents for plowing through these weekly emails. This is officially the last email you 'need' to get - please stay in touch with us by watching the blog: if you wish to be removed from this list, please rsvp to let us know that - otherwise, we'll probably end up taking you off the list soon.

To all others - We may go to a new format next year where you will simply receive an email from us that points you to the blog, rather than have you read through all this text in a message. You would simply receive an email thasays "Newsletter for 6/5/08 has been posted to the blog:
t" - please let us know what you think of that idea.

Thanks all! Here's to a musical summer...
~Ms. S (