Orchestra News - May 15, 2008
1) Concerts next week! Do you know what to wear??
2) Parent help needed for Wed. 21 Library concert
3) Interested in purchasing a Titan Orchestras sweatshirt - orders due next week!
4) State competition recap
5) Reminder that reviews are due - final grades will be effected if reviews are not turned in
1) We have 2 concerts next week - please make sure you've reviewed the dress policy for each concert! Periods 5,6,7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) Wednesday May 21, 7pm concert at Downtown Salem Library (on Liberty) in the Loucks Auditorium. Call time is 6:15pm, dressed and ready to go.
Dress is as follows:
Pants - Tan, beige, khaki, olive, brown or white if you must
Shirts - Black - not too short of a sleeve, long sleeve ok - no white or faded black!
Shoes - brown or black (white ok if white pants)
Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra (with the elementary students)
Thursday May 22, 7pm concert at WestCall time is 6:40pm to tune.
Dress is formal - women may wear prom formals (if they can play inthem) or spring dresses (that aren't too revealing or too short - below the knee), men may wear all black, tuxes, or black suits. Bring pirate gear.
2) Parents of students in Periods 5,6,7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) - it you can help by transporting anywhere from 4 to 10 stands in your vehicle (van??) could you please contact Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)? You would be asked to come pick up stands on Tuesday or Wednesday after school and bring them to the library at 5:30pm on Wednesday the 21st and to drop them back off at school on Thursday or Friday.
3) Sweatshirts were ordered for students last month and they look great (thank you to Lauren Culver's mom Kelly Culver!). They have a great embroidery that says 'TITANS orchestra'. If you are interested in ordering a sweatshirt for family members, please have students bring an order form home and return money/form by Thursday May 22 (a form is attached to this email):
Cotton/Poly blend sweatshirts - black or grey $30 (this is an increase over student price... sorry). Ladies sizes (no band on the bottom) XS,S, M L, XL. Men's sizes (band on the bottom) XS, S, M, L, XL.
Nylon sporty sweatshirt - black or grey $40. Unisex sizes XS, S, M, L, XL.
4) State '08 was a success for the Titan orchestra program. For a recap of all the events and scores, and to see links to the great pictures the Statesman Journal took, please check the blog - http://www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com/
Huge thanks to all the parents who came to Corvallis to support the orchestra and symphony. Thanks to Ann McCloud (co-owner of the Red Door Salon 2665 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 - (503) 371-6882) for doing hair for the advanced orchestra (you'll be able to see her work on the DVD!), Vicki Tyree for riding the bus on the way down, and Jenny Gates for helping with the flowers.
5) Reminder that all students need to turn in 2 reviews to Ms. Silberman by the Friday before finals - seniors will need to turn their reviews in by June 4. 1 review needs to be a 'live' review (hey, there are 2 concerts this week - and all students only play on one of them) and 1 can be of a DVD performance or CD review (or any other creative music-listening situation). If students do not turn in their reviews, their grade will be negatively effected.
I look forward to seeing you this next week ~Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)