Enjoy these pictures from the May 22 concert, State '08, and the Withnell Education Scholarship luncheon
Friday, May 30, 2008
Pictures from the last month
Enjoy these pictures from the May 22 concert, State '08, and the Withnell Education Scholarship luncheon
Newsletter end of May
Orchestra News - May 29, 2008
1) Concert Monday, June 2 - detailed information
2) Turn in dresses/tuxes after the concert, June 3 or 4
3) Review options - reviews are due next week
4) Boot camp reminder - week of August 18
5) Reminder about end of the year options
6) Finals
7) DVD money due for CCTV by Monday or Tuesday
1) The Titan Orchestra's last performance is this Monday, June 2 at 7 p.m. Students are to arrive at 6:15pm. DOORS TO THE AUDITORIUM WILL NOT OPEN UNTIL APPROXIMATELY 6:50 TO ALLOW FOR SET UP. Elderly audience members or those who need special accommodations may enter earlier. All groups will perform - Advanced Symphony, String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings, and Advanced Students. After each group plays there will be a few awards given to students. All students are expected tostay through the entire concert for special awards to be presented at the end.
Students are to wear their concert dress
2) All students must turn in their dresses and tuxes. They may do so on Monday night after the concert (bring a change of clothes) or at their next class on Tuesday or Wednesday. This year is a 'dry cleaning year' - the school will dry clean the outfits and hand them back out at Boot Camp next August.
3) For students who still need ideas for concert reviews:
-Choose a full length classical CD to review - if you need to borrow one, come see Ms. Silberman
-Find an online recording or video of a concert that is at least 45 minutes long. Searching on google for something like: live classical concert video
-Come borrow a DVD from Ms. Silberman - you'll have a few days to borrow the video
-Review all the other groups at the Monday June 2 concert
For any other ideas, come see Ms. Silberman.
All students must turn in 2 reviews - one of which needs to be of a live performance - by Friday June 6.
4) Boot Camp is for all students!!!! The dates are August 18 - 21. Monday August 18 is only for incoming 9th graders - the other 3 days are for all current Titan Orchestra students. We will dust off the ol' instrument, work on tone and technique, sight read some music, play some rock/jazz/fiddle/folk, hear guest artists, and start the bonding process off for a great '08/09 year. Dresses and Tuxes will be handed out this week and auditions for placement in Advanced Symphony begin at Boot Camp (in the afternoon for the first hour after camp's over). Please make arrangements to attend this inexpensive musical event! Only $25 per student. More details in the next couple of newsletters.
5) All students in Advanced Orchestra, Symphony Strings and Advanced Symphony have played their instruments enough this year that it's time to change strings and get bows rehaired (or purchase an upgraded bow). For students moving up to a new orchestra, it's a great time to assess the level of instrument, bow and case the student is using. All the local music shops and online retailers have graduation specials. Here are a few places to consider (instrument shops that have the name "Violins" in them also serve the viola, cello, and bass players too):
Weathers Music: www.weathermusic.com
Strobel Violin Shop: www.henrystrobel.com
David Kerr: www.kerrviolins.com
Shar Music: www.sharmusic.com
Southwest Strings: www.swstrings.com
Thomas Metzler Violin: www.metzlerviolins.com
Baroque ViolinS hop: www.baroqueviolinshop.com
Potters: www.pottersviolins.com
Robertson Violins: www.robertsonviolins.com
For recommendations of price point, accessories, or any other information, please feel free to contact Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
6) Finals are upon us. Here are the final projects for the classes, for parents to know a bit about how the year will wrap up:
Per ½ - Students are completing a composer project - each student is researching a classical composer, putting information about him or her on a poster board, and creating a one sheet page of interactiveinformation like a word find or crossword puzzle. This project is due on Friday June 6. On Monday June 9 students will have a final based on all the posted posters and activity sheets. On Tuesday June 10 all violinswill learn to play a bass or cellos, and all lower strings will play violin or viola.Per 5 - Students will create a Jeopardy game on Thursday June 5 and will play the game in teams for their final on June 9. Their grade will be assessed by their level of participation, collaboration, and contribution.
Per 6 - Students will create a Jeopardy game on Friday June 6 and will play the game in teams for their final on June 10. Their grade will be assessed by their level of participation, collaboration, and contribution.
Per 7 - Students will sightread on Thursday June 5 and will teach each other how to play their instrument (upper strings on lower strings, lower strings on upper strings) and will sightread a piece all together on their new instrument on Wednesday June 11.
7) DVDs of all the West State groups - choir, wind ensemble, advanced orchestra and symphony - are available for $25. You can pay with a check made out to WSHS Music Boosters (student name in memo line) or cash in an envelope (student name on the outside.) Put either in the Orchestra Room lock box by Tuesday, June 3rd. We'll try to remind you at the concert, too.
Parents, thanks for all you do supporting this music program and the students who have worked so hard this year - we look forward to seeing you at the concert Monday!
~Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
1) Concert Monday, June 2 - detailed information
2) Turn in dresses/tuxes after the concert, June 3 or 4
3) Review options - reviews are due next week
4) Boot camp reminder - week of August 18
5) Reminder about end of the year options
6) Finals
7) DVD money due for CCTV by Monday or Tuesday
1) The Titan Orchestra's last performance is this Monday, June 2 at 7 p.m. Students are to arrive at 6:15pm. DOORS TO THE AUDITORIUM WILL NOT OPEN UNTIL APPROXIMATELY 6:50 TO ALLOW FOR SET UP. Elderly audience members or those who need special accommodations may enter earlier. All groups will perform - Advanced Symphony, String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings, and Advanced Students. After each group plays there will be a few awards given to students. All students are expected tostay through the entire concert for special awards to be presented at the end.
Students are to wear their concert dress
2) All students must turn in their dresses and tuxes. They may do so on Monday night after the concert (bring a change of clothes) or at their next class on Tuesday or Wednesday. This year is a 'dry cleaning year' - the school will dry clean the outfits and hand them back out at Boot Camp next August.
3) For students who still need ideas for concert reviews:
-Choose a full length classical CD to review - if you need to borrow one, come see Ms. Silberman
-Find an online recording or video of a concert that is at least 45 minutes long. Searching on google for something like: live classical concert video
-Come borrow a DVD from Ms. Silberman - you'll have a few days to borrow the video
-Review all the other groups at the Monday June 2 concert
For any other ideas, come see Ms. Silberman.
All students must turn in 2 reviews - one of which needs to be of a live performance - by Friday June 6.
4) Boot Camp is for all students!!!! The dates are August 18 - 21. Monday August 18 is only for incoming 9th graders - the other 3 days are for all current Titan Orchestra students. We will dust off the ol' instrument, work on tone and technique, sight read some music, play some rock/jazz/fiddle/folk, hear guest artists, and start the bonding process off for a great '08/09 year. Dresses and Tuxes will be handed out this week and auditions for placement in Advanced Symphony begin at Boot Camp (in the afternoon for the first hour after camp's over). Please make arrangements to attend this inexpensive musical event! Only $25 per student. More details in the next couple of newsletters.
5) All students in Advanced Orchestra, Symphony Strings and Advanced Symphony have played their instruments enough this year that it's time to change strings and get bows rehaired (or purchase an upgraded bow). For students moving up to a new orchestra, it's a great time to assess the level of instrument, bow and case the student is using. All the local music shops and online retailers have graduation specials. Here are a few places to consider (instrument shops that have the name "Violins" in them also serve the viola, cello, and bass players too):
Weathers Music: www.weathermusic.com
Strobel Violin Shop: www.henrystrobel.com
David Kerr: www.kerrviolins.com
Shar Music: www.sharmusic.com
Southwest Strings: www.swstrings.com
Thomas Metzler Violin: www.metzlerviolins.com
Baroque ViolinS hop: www.baroqueviolinshop.com
Potters: www.pottersviolins.com
Robertson Violins: www.robertsonviolins.com
For recommendations of price point, accessories, or any other information, please feel free to contact Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
6) Finals are upon us. Here are the final projects for the classes, for parents to know a bit about how the year will wrap up:
Per ½ - Students are completing a composer project - each student is researching a classical composer, putting information about him or her on a poster board, and creating a one sheet page of interactiveinformation like a word find or crossword puzzle. This project is due on Friday June 6. On Monday June 9 students will have a final based on all the posted posters and activity sheets. On Tuesday June 10 all violinswill learn to play a bass or cellos, and all lower strings will play violin or viola.Per 5 - Students will create a Jeopardy game on Thursday June 5 and will play the game in teams for their final on June 9. Their grade will be assessed by their level of participation, collaboration, and contribution.
Per 6 - Students will create a Jeopardy game on Friday June 6 and will play the game in teams for their final on June 10. Their grade will be assessed by their level of participation, collaboration, and contribution.
Per 7 - Students will sightread on Thursday June 5 and will teach each other how to play their instrument (upper strings on lower strings, lower strings on upper strings) and will sightread a piece all together on their new instrument on Wednesday June 11.
7) DVDs of all the West State groups - choir, wind ensemble, advanced orchestra and symphony - are available for $25. You can pay with a check made out to WSHS Music Boosters (student name in memo line) or cash in an envelope (student name on the outside.) Put either in the Orchestra Room lock box by Tuesday, June 3rd. We'll try to remind you at the concert, too.
Parents, thanks for all you do supporting this music program and the students who have worked so hard this year - we look forward to seeing you at the concert Monday!
~Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Newsletter May 21
Orchestra News - May 21, 2008
1) Concert tonight (Wednesday)
2) Concert tomorrow night (Thursday)
3) Sweatshirt orders due Friday morning
4) Concert June 2 - all orchestras and Advanced Symphony
5) No rehearsal for Advanced Symphony on Friday
6) Many students still owe money for shirts and sweatshirts
1) Periods 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphony Strings) have a concert tonight at the Loucks Auditorium at the Downtown Salem Public Library - on Liberty (actually, between Liberty and Commercial, just south of downtown - Leslie is the cross street) at 7pm.
Call time for the students is 6:15pm. Concert dress has been detailed in previous emails - please check the blog for more information:
2) Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra - is playing tomorrow (Thursday, May 22) at the West Area orchestra concert at 7pm. Call time is 6:40pm. We will be playing after the area's 4th and 5th grade orchestras play. Concert dress has been detailed in previous emails - please check the blog for more information:
3) Forms for sweatshirt orders will be available at the concerts this week and/or can be turned in by a student on Friday morning - it should take less than 2 weeks to receive the sweatshirts.
4) All Titan Orchestras will be playing on our final concert Monday June 2 at 7pm. Call time for that concert will be 6:15pm. We will acknowledge all graduating seniors as well as a few other orchestra awards. Please invite friends and family - it should be a very enjoyable concert!
5) There is no rehearsal this Friday for Advanced Symphony after school - have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
6) Many students owe money ($8, $25 or $40) for shirts and/or sweatshirts that they've already received. They know who they are. It would be nice if all the money was turned in by next Friday (May 30). Checks can be made out to WSHS Music Boosters.
Enjoy this crazy Oregon weather,
~Daryl S. (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
C: 818-317-8218
1) Concert tonight (Wednesday)
2) Concert tomorrow night (Thursday)
3) Sweatshirt orders due Friday morning
4) Concert June 2 - all orchestras and Advanced Symphony
5) No rehearsal for Advanced Symphony on Friday
6) Many students still owe money for shirts and sweatshirts
1) Periods 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphony Strings) have a concert tonight at the Loucks Auditorium at the Downtown Salem Public Library - on Liberty (actually, between Liberty and Commercial, just south of downtown - Leslie is the cross street) at 7pm.
Call time for the students is 6:15pm. Concert dress has been detailed in previous emails - please check the blog for more information:
2) Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra - is playing tomorrow (Thursday, May 22) at the West Area orchestra concert at 7pm. Call time is 6:40pm. We will be playing after the area's 4th and 5th grade orchestras play. Concert dress has been detailed in previous emails - please check the blog for more information:
3) Forms for sweatshirt orders will be available at the concerts this week and/or can be turned in by a student on Friday morning - it should take less than 2 weeks to receive the sweatshirts.
4) All Titan Orchestras will be playing on our final concert Monday June 2 at 7pm. Call time for that concert will be 6:15pm. We will acknowledge all graduating seniors as well as a few other orchestra awards. Please invite friends and family - it should be a very enjoyable concert!
5) There is no rehearsal this Friday for Advanced Symphony after school - have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
6) Many students owe money ($8, $25 or $40) for shirts and/or sweatshirts that they've already received. They know who they are. It would be nice if all the money was turned in by next Friday (May 30). Checks can be made out to WSHS Music Boosters.
Enjoy this crazy Oregon weather,
~Daryl S. (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
C: 818-317-8218
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Newsletter May 15
Orchestra News - May 15, 2008
1) Concerts next week! Do you know what to wear??
2) Parent help needed for Wed. 21 Library concert
3) Interested in purchasing a Titan Orchestras sweatshirt - orders due next week!
4) State competition recap
5) Reminder that reviews are due - final grades will be effected if reviews are not turned in
1) We have 2 concerts next week - please make sure you've reviewed the dress policy for each concert! Periods 5,6,7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) Wednesday May 21, 7pm concert at Downtown Salem Library (on Liberty) in the Loucks Auditorium. Call time is 6:15pm, dressed and ready to go.
Dress is as follows:
Pants - Tan, beige, khaki, olive, brown or white if you must
Shirts - Black - not too short of a sleeve, long sleeve ok - no white or faded black!
Shoes - brown or black (white ok if white pants)
Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra (with the elementary students)
Thursday May 22, 7pm concert at WestCall time is 6:40pm to tune.
Dress is formal - women may wear prom formals (if they can play inthem) or spring dresses (that aren't too revealing or too short - below the knee), men may wear all black, tuxes, or black suits. Bring pirate gear.
2) Parents of students in Periods 5,6,7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) - it you can help by transporting anywhere from 4 to 10 stands in your vehicle (van??) could you please contact Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)? You would be asked to come pick up stands on Tuesday or Wednesday after school and bring them to the library at 5:30pm on Wednesday the 21st and to drop them back off at school on Thursday or Friday.
3) Sweatshirts were ordered for students last month and they look great (thank you to Lauren Culver's mom Kelly Culver!). They have a great embroidery that says 'TITANS orchestra'. If you are interested in ordering a sweatshirt for family members, please have students bring an order form home and return money/form by Thursday May 22 (a form is attached to this email):
Cotton/Poly blend sweatshirts - black or grey $30 (this is an increase over student price... sorry). Ladies sizes (no band on the bottom) XS,S, M L, XL. Men's sizes (band on the bottom) XS, S, M, L, XL.
Nylon sporty sweatshirt - black or grey $40. Unisex sizes XS, S, M, L, XL.
4) State '08 was a success for the Titan orchestra program. For a recap of all the events and scores, and to see links to the great pictures the Statesman Journal took, please check the blog - http://www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com/
Huge thanks to all the parents who came to Corvallis to support the orchestra and symphony. Thanks to Ann McCloud (co-owner of the Red Door Salon 2665 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 - (503) 371-6882) for doing hair for the advanced orchestra (you'll be able to see her work on the DVD!), Vicki Tyree for riding the bus on the way down, and Jenny Gates for helping with the flowers.
5) Reminder that all students need to turn in 2 reviews to Ms. Silberman by the Friday before finals - seniors will need to turn their reviews in by June 4. 1 review needs to be a 'live' review (hey, there are 2 concerts this week - and all students only play on one of them) and 1 can be of a DVD performance or CD review (or any other creative music-listening situation). If students do not turn in their reviews, their grade will be negatively effected.
I look forward to seeing you this next week ~Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
1) Concerts next week! Do you know what to wear??
2) Parent help needed for Wed. 21 Library concert
3) Interested in purchasing a Titan Orchestras sweatshirt - orders due next week!
4) State competition recap
5) Reminder that reviews are due - final grades will be effected if reviews are not turned in
1) We have 2 concerts next week - please make sure you've reviewed the dress policy for each concert! Periods 5,6,7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) Wednesday May 21, 7pm concert at Downtown Salem Library (on Liberty) in the Loucks Auditorium. Call time is 6:15pm, dressed and ready to go.
Dress is as follows:
Pants - Tan, beige, khaki, olive, brown or white if you must
Shirts - Black - not too short of a sleeve, long sleeve ok - no white or faded black!
Shoes - brown or black (white ok if white pants)
Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra (with the elementary students)
Thursday May 22, 7pm concert at WestCall time is 6:40pm to tune.
Dress is formal - women may wear prom formals (if they can play inthem) or spring dresses (that aren't too revealing or too short - below the knee), men may wear all black, tuxes, or black suits. Bring pirate gear.
2) Parents of students in Periods 5,6,7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) - it you can help by transporting anywhere from 4 to 10 stands in your vehicle (van??) could you please contact Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)? You would be asked to come pick up stands on Tuesday or Wednesday after school and bring them to the library at 5:30pm on Wednesday the 21st and to drop them back off at school on Thursday or Friday.
3) Sweatshirts were ordered for students last month and they look great (thank you to Lauren Culver's mom Kelly Culver!). They have a great embroidery that says 'TITANS orchestra'. If you are interested in ordering a sweatshirt for family members, please have students bring an order form home and return money/form by Thursday May 22 (a form is attached to this email):
Cotton/Poly blend sweatshirts - black or grey $30 (this is an increase over student price... sorry). Ladies sizes (no band on the bottom) XS,S, M L, XL. Men's sizes (band on the bottom) XS, S, M, L, XL.
Nylon sporty sweatshirt - black or grey $40. Unisex sizes XS, S, M, L, XL.
4) State '08 was a success for the Titan orchestra program. For a recap of all the events and scores, and to see links to the great pictures the Statesman Journal took, please check the blog - http://www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com/
Huge thanks to all the parents who came to Corvallis to support the orchestra and symphony. Thanks to Ann McCloud (co-owner of the Red Door Salon 2665 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 - (503) 371-6882) for doing hair for the advanced orchestra (you'll be able to see her work on the DVD!), Vicki Tyree for riding the bus on the way down, and Jenny Gates for helping with the flowers.
5) Reminder that all students need to turn in 2 reviews to Ms. Silberman by the Friday before finals - seniors will need to turn their reviews in by June 4. 1 review needs to be a 'live' review (hey, there are 2 concerts this week - and all students only play on one of them) and 1 can be of a DVD performance or CD review (or any other creative music-listening situation). If students do not turn in their reviews, their grade will be negatively effected.
I look forward to seeing you this next week ~Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Statesman Journal Photo Gallery link
Try this link to see 26 great pics of the West Salem Orchestra at State:
And here a link to West Salem Symphony pics:
~Ms. S
Try this link to see 26 great pics of the West Salem Orchestra at State:
And here a link to West Salem Symphony pics:
~Ms. S
Saturday, May 10, 2008
State 08!!!
Wow - what an exciting and fun day. State 08 with the Advanced Orchestra and Symphony on Friday May 9, 2008 in Corvallis at the OSU LaSelle Stewart center was a great success. Both groups performed and sight read very well! Here are the standings:
Advanced Orchestra - placed 7th out of 20 groups (15 performed that day). That's up 4 places from '07. We were only 12 points away from 5th place and only 7 points away from 6th place. Our sightreading score was the same as one of the groups that placed in the top 5. Another interesting fact - of all the top groups, the very highest score from any single judge was 92 (out of 100) and our top score was an 87. I received many comments from other directors that they were very impressed with our performance!
The results:
1st Reynolds
2nd Crescent Valley
3rd South Salem
4th Sprague
5th South Eugene
6th ? (I'll let you know when I find out)
7th West Salem!!! (We're in very good company!)
Advanced Symphony - placed 5 out of 7 (5 groups performed that day). We were only 8 points away from 4th - and 6 of those points were due to a lower sightreading score. I've heard that at these competitions, going first in a category isn't always the best advantage, and I think in our case that was true. Actually, the scores for performance for the 4th place group were very close to ours (they played after us).
The results:
1st Reynolds
2nd South Salem
3rd Sprague
4th West Linn
5th West Salem!! (By the way, I don't know about West Linn's program, but I can tell you that Reynolds, South Salem, and Sprague have very strong, big programs with 100 - 200 string players of which the top 50 play in the symphony - we have 73 string students in our entire program!)
Thanks to CCTV, a DVD and CD will be available for these concerts - more info about that in another posting. I think that all students and parents should be proud of this day for West. We played musically, sensitively, maturely, and cohesively - the DVD will be a wonderful, permanent reminder of hard work and wonderful goal accomplishment.
I'll post pictures and any other comments I receive. If any parents or students have fun pictures from the day's events, please feel free to email them to me - and if you have hard copies, please bring them to me for our memento book.
And, big thanks and congratulations to all the seniors and students not returning to our advanced groups next year! You helped us have a very successful State performance in '08! Stay tuned for an announcement about the Wind Ensemble after their performance today (Saturday May 10)...
~Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
Advanced Orchestra - placed 7th out of 20 groups (15 performed that day). That's up 4 places from '07. We were only 12 points away from 5th place and only 7 points away from 6th place. Our sightreading score was the same as one of the groups that placed in the top 5. Another interesting fact - of all the top groups, the very highest score from any single judge was 92 (out of 100) and our top score was an 87. I received many comments from other directors that they were very impressed with our performance!
The results:
1st Reynolds
2nd Crescent Valley
3rd South Salem
4th Sprague
5th South Eugene
6th ? (I'll let you know when I find out)
7th West Salem!!! (We're in very good company!)
Advanced Symphony - placed 5 out of 7 (5 groups performed that day). We were only 8 points away from 4th - and 6 of those points were due to a lower sightreading score. I've heard that at these competitions, going first in a category isn't always the best advantage, and I think in our case that was true. Actually, the scores for performance for the 4th place group were very close to ours (they played after us).
The results:
1st Reynolds
2nd South Salem
3rd Sprague
4th West Linn
5th West Salem!! (By the way, I don't know about West Linn's program, but I can tell you that Reynolds, South Salem, and Sprague have very strong, big programs with 100 - 200 string players of which the top 50 play in the symphony - we have 73 string students in our entire program!)
Thanks to CCTV, a DVD and CD will be available for these concerts - more info about that in another posting. I think that all students and parents should be proud of this day for West. We played musically, sensitively, maturely, and cohesively - the DVD will be a wonderful, permanent reminder of hard work and wonderful goal accomplishment.
I'll post pictures and any other comments I receive. If any parents or students have fun pictures from the day's events, please feel free to email them to me - and if you have hard copies, please bring them to me for our memento book.
And, big thanks and congratulations to all the seniors and students not returning to our advanced groups next year! You helped us have a very successful State performance in '08! Stay tuned for an announcement about the Wind Ensemble after their performance today (Saturday May 10)...
~Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Newsletter May 8, 2008
Orchestra News - May 8, 2008
1) Last minute State information
2) Concert dress for May 21st concert - periods 5, 6, 7
3) Concert dress for May 22nd concert - periods 1, 2
4) Salem Pops Concert this Saturday - great review potential
5) Basses - Wednesday, May 14th, 2:30 Clinic for YOU!!!
6) Reminder to bring sweatshirt and t-shirt money
7)Water bottles - $5 each!!!!
1) Good luck to Advanced Orchestra and Symphony on Friday, May 9th. Please see the past few emails (archived at the blog: http://www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com/) for all the information and links. Students have all received an itinerary - if there are any questions, please
feel free to contact Ms. Silberman: silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
Thursday, 2:40 - 4:00 p.m. ADDED SYMPHONY REHEARSAL
Friday, 12:00 noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES WSHS (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who do not want to or cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:15 p.m. ONE BUS LEAVES CORVALLIS we expect many students to have parents who come to see the groups perform and then take them home.
Reminder to all students - By Thursday's rehearsal, you should have reported to Ms. Silberman how you intend to get to and from Corvallis. If you don't plan to ride the bus both ways, Ms. Silberman must have a parent's permission. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING MONEY or FOOD FOR LUNCH/SNACK/DINNER. Students are officially excused from class at the time their bus leaves. They are expected to touch base with their teachers to pick up missed assignments.
Parents - Hope to see you in Corvallis!
Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony performs at 3:45 p.m.
Directions to the LaSells Student Center attached.
Check the blog this weekend for updates on scores. GOOD LUCK TO THE WIND ENSEMBLE ON SATURDAY!!
2) Wednesday, May 21st, the orchestras of periods 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphony Strings) will be performing at the Loucks Auditorium at the Salem Public Library at 7:00 p.m.
The dress will be professional casual: Black shirts (not too short of a sleeve), black closed toe shoes, and any of the following colored pants: beige, tan, khaki, cream, white, or brown. Suggestions for inexpensive purchase: TJ Maxx, Ross, Old Navy, Fred Meyer, Kohl's, or Target (and there's always Goodwill, too). This has been discussed at length in class - students are well
aware that they need to wear something that looks nice.
3)Thursday, May 22nd, Advanced Orchestra, periods 1/2, will be performing for the parents
and students of the area's 4th and 5th grade classes at West's auditorium.
Students are welcome to wear their 'prom' formals to this concert - women may wear prom dresses, as long as they are appropriate, and they have to be able to actually play in them (for some cellists and upper string players, it may not work to have a tight or low plunged dress). If the prom dress is not going to work, any nice formal dress will do. Or women may wear their orchestra black. Men will wear their symphony tuxes.
4) The Salem Pops is playing at the Elsinore on Saturday May 10. For more information: http://www.salempopsorchestra.org/ - there are student tickets available at the door, as always.
5) Bass players - please arrange to stay after school on Wednesday, May 14th, 2:30 - 3:30, to work with Tyler Abbot - adjunct professor of classical and jazz bass at U of O.
6) All students who have received State tshirts or who have ordered sweatshirts, please remember to bring your money (if you're not using money from your student account) to Ms. Silberman this next week. Checks payable to WSHS Music Boosters.
7) We will be selling "Titan Music" water bottles. These are hard plastic (the non-outgassing type) with a screw top. THEY CANNOT GO IN THE DISHWASHER. They have a music quote on one side: You Are The Music While The Music Lasts ~T.S. Eliot. They will be available starting next week. $5 - payable to WSHS Music Boosters.
1) Last minute State information
2) Concert dress for May 21st concert - periods 5, 6, 7
3) Concert dress for May 22nd concert - periods 1, 2
4) Salem Pops Concert this Saturday - great review potential
5) Basses - Wednesday, May 14th, 2:30 Clinic for YOU!!!
6) Reminder to bring sweatshirt and t-shirt money
7)Water bottles - $5 each!!!!
1) Good luck to Advanced Orchestra and Symphony on Friday, May 9th. Please see the past few emails (archived at the blog: http://www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com/) for all the information and links. Students have all received an itinerary - if there are any questions, please
feel free to contact Ms. Silberman: silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
Thursday, 2:40 - 4:00 p.m. ADDED SYMPHONY REHEARSAL
Friday, 12:00 noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES WSHS (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who do not want to or cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:15 p.m. ONE BUS LEAVES CORVALLIS we expect many students to have parents who come to see the groups perform and then take them home.
Reminder to all students - By Thursday's rehearsal, you should have reported to Ms. Silberman how you intend to get to and from Corvallis. If you don't plan to ride the bus both ways, Ms. Silberman must have a parent's permission. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING MONEY or FOOD FOR LUNCH/SNACK/DINNER. Students are officially excused from class at the time their bus leaves. They are expected to touch base with their teachers to pick up missed assignments.
Parents - Hope to see you in Corvallis!
Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony performs at 3:45 p.m.
Directions to the LaSells Student Center attached.
Check the blog this weekend for updates on scores. GOOD LUCK TO THE WIND ENSEMBLE ON SATURDAY!!
2) Wednesday, May 21st, the orchestras of periods 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphony Strings) will be performing at the Loucks Auditorium at the Salem Public Library at 7:00 p.m.
The dress will be professional casual: Black shirts (not too short of a sleeve), black closed toe shoes, and any of the following colored pants: beige, tan, khaki, cream, white, or brown. Suggestions for inexpensive purchase: TJ Maxx, Ross, Old Navy, Fred Meyer, Kohl's, or Target (and there's always Goodwill, too). This has been discussed at length in class - students are well
aware that they need to wear something that looks nice.
3)Thursday, May 22nd, Advanced Orchestra, periods 1/2, will be performing for the parents
and students of the area's 4th and 5th grade classes at West's auditorium.
Students are welcome to wear their 'prom' formals to this concert - women may wear prom dresses, as long as they are appropriate, and they have to be able to actually play in them (for some cellists and upper string players, it may not work to have a tight or low plunged dress). If the prom dress is not going to work, any nice formal dress will do. Or women may wear their orchestra black. Men will wear their symphony tuxes.
4) The Salem Pops is playing at the Elsinore on Saturday May 10. For more information: http://www.salempopsorchestra.org/ - there are student tickets available at the door, as always.
5) Bass players - please arrange to stay after school on Wednesday, May 14th, 2:30 - 3:30, to work with Tyler Abbot - adjunct professor of classical and jazz bass at U of O.
6) All students who have received State tshirts or who have ordered sweatshirts, please remember to bring your money (if you're not using money from your student account) to Ms. Silberman this next week. Checks payable to WSHS Music Boosters.
7) We will be selling "Titan Music" water bottles. These are hard plastic (the non-outgassing type) with a screw top. THEY CANNOT GO IN THE DISHWASHER. They have a music quote on one side: You Are The Music While The Music Lasts ~T.S. Eliot. They will be available starting next week. $5 - payable to WSHS Music Boosters.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Symphony Schedule for week May 5 - added rehearsals and changes!
Advanced Symphony rehearsals next week have been changed and added, and there's an update to the bus information:
Tuesday, May 6th, 5:30 - 7:30 REHEARSAL (because of the Track Meet). Basses have a sectional at 5pm
Thursday, May 8th, 2:40 - 4:00 ADDED REHEARSAL (considered "mandatory" - for exceptions due to games or work schedule, see Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman - please arrange to get out of sports practices... if you need assistance, let a director know)
Friday, May 9th, 12:00 noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who do not want to or cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m.
Reminder to all students - If you will not be taking the bus at all (if you will be driving or driven), you need to turn in a signed note from a parent to Ms. Silberman or Dr. Nail.Parents - We look forward to seeing you in Corvallis! Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m., and Advanced Symphony at 3:45 p.m.
Tuesday, May 6th, 5:30 - 7:30 REHEARSAL (because of the Track Meet). Basses have a sectional at 5pm
Thursday, May 8th, 2:40 - 4:00 ADDED REHEARSAL (considered "mandatory" - for exceptions due to games or work schedule, see Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman - please arrange to get out of sports practices... if you need assistance, let a director know)
Friday, May 9th, 12:00 noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who do not want to or cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m.
Reminder to all students - If you will not be taking the bus at all (if you will be driving or driven), you need to turn in a signed note from a parent to Ms. Silberman or Dr. Nail.Parents - We look forward to seeing you in Corvallis! Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m., and Advanced Symphony at 3:45 p.m.
Newsletter 5.2.08
Orchestra News - May 2, 2008
1) State competition info. for next week
2) Upcoming May dates - all groups will be performing this month
3) Salem Youth Symphony - Sunday. May 4th - 3:00 p.m.
1) Friday, May 9th, Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony students will be competing in Corvallis at the State competition. The bus times are as follows:Advanced Orchestra members will leave at 9amAdvanced Symphony members will leave at 12pm (noon)
If possible, we would love your support at OSU!
Friday, May 9th
Advanced Orchestra - 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony - 3:45 p.m.
1 (One) bus will leave Corvallis at 9:15pm - we expect many students to have parents who come to see the groups perform and then take them home. Students will be expected to touch base with their teachers to pick up assignments to do over the weekend. They will be officially excused from classes after their bus has left.See last week's newsletter (on the blog - www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com) for the full information about times and schedules of performances. All performers will receive a detailed itinerary of the day.
Best of luck to all the wonderful Titan Musicians performing at State this next week - Choir, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra and Symphony.
2) Here are the important May dates for the Titan Orchestra program:
Wednesday, May 21 - Period 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) will perform at 7pm at the Loucks Auditorium at the downtown Salem Public Library. Call time will be 6pm
Thursday, May 22 - "West Area Orchestra Festival" involves only Advanced Orchestra members (and the area's 4th and 5th grade orchestra students). Concert is at 7pm, call time will probably be 6:40pm.Advanced Symphony will meet every Tuesday and Friday this month, including the Friday before Memorial Day - we will be learning new repertoire for the June 2nd performance and it's just not ok for anyone to miss rehearsals unless they've discussed it with the directors - it is a full credit, graded course (just a reminder). Thanks!
3) Salem Youth Symphony performs their final concert of the year Sunday, May 4th, 3:00 pm
at Smith Auditorium on the Willamette campus. For more information:
This is a great review possibility - and we have a number of Titan Musicians playing in the SYS. Come enjoy some of the Planets from Gustav Holst!
Happy Musical May!
1) State competition info. for next week
2) Upcoming May dates - all groups will be performing this month
3) Salem Youth Symphony - Sunday. May 4th - 3:00 p.m.
1) Friday, May 9th, Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony students will be competing in Corvallis at the State competition. The bus times are as follows:Advanced Orchestra members will leave at 9amAdvanced Symphony members will leave at 12pm (noon)
If possible, we would love your support at OSU!
Friday, May 9th
Advanced Orchestra - 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony - 3:45 p.m.
1 (One) bus will leave Corvallis at 9:15pm - we expect many students to have parents who come to see the groups perform and then take them home. Students will be expected to touch base with their teachers to pick up assignments to do over the weekend. They will be officially excused from classes after their bus has left.See last week's newsletter (on the blog - www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com) for the full information about times and schedules of performances. All performers will receive a detailed itinerary of the day.
Best of luck to all the wonderful Titan Musicians performing at State this next week - Choir, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra and Symphony.
2) Here are the important May dates for the Titan Orchestra program:
Wednesday, May 21 - Period 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) will perform at 7pm at the Loucks Auditorium at the downtown Salem Public Library. Call time will be 6pm
Thursday, May 22 - "West Area Orchestra Festival" involves only Advanced Orchestra members (and the area's 4th and 5th grade orchestra students). Concert is at 7pm, call time will probably be 6:40pm.Advanced Symphony will meet every Tuesday and Friday this month, including the Friday before Memorial Day - we will be learning new repertoire for the June 2nd performance and it's just not ok for anyone to miss rehearsals unless they've discussed it with the directors - it is a full credit, graded course (just a reminder). Thanks!
3) Salem Youth Symphony performs their final concert of the year Sunday, May 4th, 3:00 pm
at Smith Auditorium on the Willamette campus. For more information:
This is a great review possibility - and we have a number of Titan Musicians playing in the SYS. Come enjoy some of the Planets from Gustav Holst!
Happy Musical May!
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