) Friends of Music meeting Monday night 6:30
2) Guest artists later this week
3) Symphony intensive
4) Sectionals next week
5) Solo & Ensemble - March 1 at WOU
1) Every two months the “Friends of Music” (FOM) meet at rotating schools—this time it is WSHS’ turn to host this very important meeting. EVERYONE in the community is invited and they need not be involved with WSHS directly and any citizen can attend, but especially any interested parents. So please tell one and all that have an ongoing interest in maintaining the “arts” in our high schools and the community that they too are welcome to attend.
FOM is an advocacy group comprised of concerned Salem-Keizer citizens, parents, music booster group representatives, and music teachers, and is chaired by Alan Bushong, president of CCTV and longtime music parent. This group co-sponsors All City music group performances, fundraises for musical causes, helps champion music as a core strength in our school system and keeps tabs on all things musical with school board officials and Salem-Keizer administrative personnel.
When: Monday, March 3, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: West Salem High School
Room A101 (WSHS Orchestra room)
Proposed Agenda for Monday, March 3rd, 2008:
Entertainment provided by “West High Corelli Bass Duo”
Introductions by:
WSHS Vice-Principal (Mr. John is scheduled to be out of town)
James Boyd, Director of the Salem Chamber Orchestra
“Small Learning Communities”—to review the data collected at and since the January 7th meeting (at McKay)
Includes plan to cut a sophomore elective class at South Salem HS
“Next Steps” that FOM will take
All-City Honors Band wrap-up
Volunteer thanks, misc topics
May meeting plans
If you have any questions about this event, contact our own Marianne Stipe (mstipe@willamette.edu ), who can field questions about the Friends of Music organization and the event at our school this upcoming Monday, March 3rd.
2) All orchestras are going to be visited by guest artists this week - Period 2 will be conducted by Mark Perlman, bassist of the Salem Chamber Orchestra (and associate professor of philosophy at Western Oregon University) and all other periods will be guest conducted by Danny Seidenberg this week. We're so lucky to have such amazing talent right here in Salem!
3) Reminder that we will be having an Advanced Symphony Orchestra intensive on a non-school day. All students enrolled in symphony orchestra are expected to attend unless excused legitimately. Students who cannot attend will be assigned to play their symphony repertoire for Ms. Silberman the following week. It will be a fantastic day - an opportunity for us to focus on successfully learning this music that we'll be playing in competition only a few weeks later. Each section will be coached by a professional from the Salem Chamber Orchestra.
4) The week of March 3rd:
Tuesday March 2 - symphony rehearsal 4:30 - 6:30
Thursday March 6 - All musicians in Periods 5 and 6 - 2:30 - 4pm
Friday March 7 - Symphony intensive 12pm - 4pm
5) Good luck to Bronte Loewen-Thomas, Taylor Baldwin, and Gwen Gates who are performing a solo for the district's Solo and Ensemble competition this Saturday. We wish you good luck!