Orchestra News - January 18, 2008
1) All City roster
2) Reviews are due
3) Concerto Competition Saturday! (good for reviewing)
4) Finals week reminder
5) www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com
1) Congratulations to the students who were accepted to this year's All City orchestra. They will have the honor of working with Louis Bergonzi - a wonderful conductor, educator and amazing person. Ms. Silberman has had occasion to both watch and work with Mr. Bergonzi - he's a very inspirational person. For more information about Mr. Bergonzi: www.music.uiuc.edu/facultyBio.php?id=192
1st Violins:
Gwen Gates
Kayla Fadenrecht
Courtney Klosterman
2nd Violins:
Jacqueline Tran
Aida Behmard
Lauren Culver
Bronte Loewen-Thomas
Skyler Young
Ian Love
Jessica Tyree
Taylor Baldwin
Tyler King
2) All students are expected to turn in 2 reviews each semester. At current count, about half of the students have turned in their reviews. If you need review ideas or have any questions, please contact Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
One student has turned in a review of a concert that might be of interest to other students: famous rock guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen performing the Concerto Suite for guitar and orchestra. The concert is available as a CD or DVD on iTunes and any other music acquiring source
3) There is a concerto competition for the Salem Youth Symphony this Saturday Jan. 19, 4:00 pm at the Salem First United Methodist Church downtown. About ten Salem-Keizer high school students will perform concerto excerpts. This is a good review opportunity.
4) All students are expected to attend their orchestra class, including Advanced Symphony (Thursday Jan. 24, 11:15 - 12:45), to perform their final. Students grade on their final is a combination of their preparedness, their use of time these past few weeks preparing with their group, and their group's performance on the day of their final.
5) www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com
Just a reminder that Ms. Silberman posts interesting information and links on the blog - please check often.
~Ms. Silberman