Orchestra Newsletter 11 - 1 - 07
1) Wreath Sales done Nov. 8
2) Parent Booster Meeting Nov. 6
3) Monday Concert opportunity
4) Extra Credit to students whose parents come to parent conferences
5) www.musicteachteacher.com
1) We're reaching the end of the fund-raising season for this Fall - we've complete Music Day, Entertainment Books, and Poinsettia Sales. Wreath sale packets with money need to be in the lock box by Nov. 8. Thank you to all who sold and purchased fund-raisers.
2) Parent meeting Tuesday November 6, 6:30pm - orchestra room. Please come to the next Orchestra Boosters meeting in the Orchestra room on Tuesday, November 6th, 6:30 p.m. We will be discussing finances, fundraising, retreat organization, future concert dates, and more. E-mail Jenny Gates with other suggested agenda items. (gatesjenny@aol.com)
3) This Monday students (and parents) have an opportunity to hear the world renowned St. Lawrence String Quartet in performance at Willamette University. See last week's newsletter for more information. Tickets for the concert are $20 for adults and $12 for students and seniors, and are available at the Pentacle Theatre Ticket Office in Salem at 145 Liberty Street NE, Suite 102. Tickets can be charged over the phone by calling (503) 485-4300, and are subject to a service charge. For information call the Willamette University Music Department at (503) 370-6255.
4) NO SCHOOL this Thursday and Friday. Students will receive extra credit if their parents come to visit Ms. Silberman at parent conferences.
5) Here's a fun website that promotes musical learning: www.musictechteacher.com - rhythm, composers, music symbols and more. Enjoy!
Remember, this newsletter, all other newsletters, and other information is posted at www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com - please bookmark and check often.
Happy November!!
~Ms. Silberman