Sunday, June 10, 2012

The last newsletter, 2011-2012 (emailed 6.10.12

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Newsletter #33 (6.10.12)
Contained within...

1) The last email - for this group of people
2) 2012-2013 Chamber rehearsal tomorrow
3) Summer motivation for playing
4) Boot Camp... Aug 20 or 21-24
5) 2013 BIG TRIP deposit due... any updates?
6) Where is Ms S playing this summer?
7) Check out this link... (YOUR VIDEOS!!)

1) The last email - for this group of people
Seniors and those leaving the program... this is it. After this email, your names will be relegated to "alumni" or "dropped" status. Over the summer there might be a few emails, but I'll mainly blog my information, so check our website/blog often. In August, I'll fire up the MailChimp and get back into newsletters... weekly.

2) 2012-2013 Chamber rehearsal tomorrow
Chamber has their final tomorrow (Monday) during period 3. Right afterwards, the 2012-2013 Chamber group needs to get together to meet briefly (to go over next year's shedule) and to try out some pieces. Please plan to be there until 1:30pm.

3) Summer motivation for playing
This next year, those in Sinfonietta who would like to play in Symphony will need to audition for Ms. S during Boot Camp or the first week of school - this is a change from years past. Summer is a great time to either work some technique (try playing scales - one, two or three octaves - in all 12 keys) or to play fun repertoire (have you ever read through an entire Suzuki book in one sitting?). If you need personalized practice plans, please let Ms S know.

4) Boot Camp... Aug 20 or 21-24
Students will be receiving the 2012 Boot Camp registration paperwork in class this next week. Camp starts on Aug 20 for Chamber, Aug 21 for Sinfonietta and String Orchestra. Once again we have great performers lined up! Snacks will be provided.

5) 2013 BIG TRIP deposit due... any updates?
Monday June 11 is the first deadline - those who want to be involved with summer fundraising need to have a $100 deposit in to the grey box.

I've been hearing from a lot of parents and students that the trip overall fee is concerning. Please know that a dedicated group of parents, including trip coordinator Geoff Winkler and I, will do everything in our power to bring the cost of the trip down, while still preserving the amazing educational and performance experiences. It's my hope that we can knock anywhere from $100 - $400 off the price of the trip. So, if you're inclined to fundraise and go on a great trip, please get your deposit in and know that we're working as hard as we can to get trip costs down.

6) Where is Ms S playing this summer?
I will be conducting all groups at Summer Strings, playing at Willamette's Education School commencement, Salem Chamber Orchestra's Summer Soiree in late August, and at the Alberta Rose Theatre in Portland July 22 with an old friend of mine, Darryl Purpose, playing folk music. I'll post info on our blog over the summer... check in often.

7) Check out this link... (YOUR VIDE)
Thanks to the Thorntons, we have live video from our concert up on our website - including Jig, Kashmir, CJ and Alex's concertos, and the Senior Farewell:

Thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom of the newsletter. This newsletter, along with all others, will be posted on our blog at - accessible off the website too.

Musically yours,
~Ms S

Friday, June 1, 2012

Newsletter #32 (CONCERT DETAILS) 6.1.12

view the original in your browser... click here

Newsletter #32 (6.1.12)
Contained within...

1) Concert Monday June 4 - details for all...
2) Final projects and reviews are due next week
3) Pick up your pie orders TODAY (Friday)
4) Aug 18 WSHS Beat Beethoven 5K Run!
5) Chamber 2012-13 meeting 6/11
6) WVS Concert this weekend (review!!!)
7) Check out this link... (Rockelbel Canon - Piano Guys)

1) Concert Monday June 4 - details for all...
Our Year End concert and senior farewell is this next Monday, June 4 at 7pm in the Auditorium at West.

Audience members, because of our preparations, the doors may not open until as late at 6:50pm. Please plan accordingly!!!

Students - here's some info:

Concert dress, except Seniors: All black, head to toe. No open toed shoes. Shoulders covered. Knees covered. Black socks. Hair pulled back. No jewelry (you know what I mean). Chamber may wear chamber dresses... not necessary though.

Seniors - prom/formal (but remember that the stage is elevated...). Men may wear colorful shirts?


5pm Call Time - on stage, fed. Next year's chamber and seniors... dressed!
We'll rehearse in this order - Kashmir, Orange Jam, Jig, senior concertos.
6:30pm Ashokan rehearsal with Alumni and Keith Weathers.
6:50pm Doors Open
7pm Concert
I don't know when it'll be over... 8:30ish?

EVERYONE, except Seniors, helps rack stands and chairs, and picks up music!!!

2) Final projects and reviews are due next week
Reviews are due Tuesday the 5th.

Final projects for Seniors are due the 6th.

Final projects for everyone else are due the 7th.

Nothing will be accepted after Friday (pre-final grades get entered Friday afternoon for me!)

3) Pick up your pie orders TODAY (Friday)
Please come at 5:30pm today to pick up your pies and fruit. If you can't make it, please respond to any of your informational emails about this fundraiser.

4) Aug 18 WSHS Beat Beethoven 5K Run!
Save the date - and start training! We're going to put on a 5K run in August. Here's how it goes - when you sign up, you'll receive a CD with a recording of Beethoven's 5th symphony. It's about 37 minutes. That's your training CD. Your goal is to run the 5K in time to beat the last note of the Symphony.

More details will be forthcoming.

5) Chamber 2012-13 meeting 6/11
Next year's Chamber - meeting on Monday at 12:40, after 3rd period final. If you need a ride because you'll be missing the bus, please let me know. We will meet and then rehearse. Plan on about 2 hours. Bring a lunch or plan for lunch (cafeteria is open that day. Pizzas can be ordered).

6) WVS Concert June 2 and 3
Surprise! There *is* one more concert you can go to to review... yay! Willamette Valley Symphony is performing the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto this weekend at Chemeketa college - FREE to those under 18! Concerts are Saturday 6/2 at 7pm  and Sunday 6/3 at 4pm. For more info:

7) Check out this link... (Rockelbel Canon - Piano Guys)
The Piano Guys are at it again... check out Rockelbel Canon (you know, like "Pachelbel Canon" that cellists 'love'...)


Thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom of the newsletter. This newsletter, along with all others, will be posted on our blog at - accessible off the website too.

Musically yours,
~Ms S